
rè dài xī shù cǎo yuán
  • savanna;tropical savanna
  1. 约二百万年前,这些直立猿人在非洲的热带稀树草原进化

    These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago ,

  2. 这里有东非最大最完整的热带稀树草原。

    The largest intact savanna in East Africa .

  3. 两者皆生活在茂密的丛林到热带稀树草原,以小家族群形式活动,由年老母象带领。

    Elephants live in habitats ranging from thick jungle to savanna , in small family groups led by old cows .

  4. 错误叠加能够解释为何复杂的生态系统(比如雨林)往往比简单的生态系统(比如热带稀树草原)更为脆弱。

    Error cascades can explain why complex ecosystems ( like rainforests ) tend to be more fragile than simple ones ( like savannahs ) .

  5. 中国东亚飞蝗新类型蝗区&海南热带稀树草原蝗区的生态地理特征及其与大沙河蝗区比较

    A new type of locust area in china ── the ecological geography characteristics of the tropical savannah locust area in Hainan as compared with the river delta type of locust area

  6. 毕竟,充满捕食者的热带稀树大草原并不是一个会让人分心的地方。

    A savanna full of predators , after all , was not a place to get distracted .

  7. 理想的热带稀树大草原风景是最显著的例证之一,在世界各地的人都能找到有相似的视觉体验的美。

    The ideal savanna landscape is one of the clearest examples where human beings everywhere find beauty in similar visual experience .

  8. 海南岛西部是我国唯一的热带稀树干草原沙漠化地区,是热带沙漠化土地类型、沙漠化过程十分典型的区域。

    The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .