- 名water regime

N_2o emission from paddy soil as affected by water regime
Effect of soil water regime and chemical N fertilizers application on N 2O emission from
The results indicated that soil available P content was obviously increased with the phosphate fertilizer application rate .
Development of soil moisture management models based on GIS for farmland and its application
Determination of the Moisture State in Forest Trees-A Process of Making the P-V Curve anb It 's Application
The effects of CO 2 increased on soil available N depended on soil water status .
Comparison of Water Relation among Three Woody Plants by Using Pressure-volume Technique
Effect of Osmotic Stress on the Water Status , SOD , POD Activities of Different Leaves in Maize Seedlings
The relationship between ABA accumulation under different water status and the drought resistance of cultivars is also discussed .
Inter-planting Grain amaranth can improve the microclimate and soil structure . It can also adjust the soil moisture , increase P and K contents , improve soil quality in some degree .
Silicon application enhanced the osmotic adjustment ability , maintained higher cell turgor pressure , and improved the water status of rice .
Moreover , the utilization of NDT ( Normalized Difference of Temperature ) for assessing quantitatively water status of cotton and corn mulched with plastic film also was studied .
The P and total N content of plant increased and clearly improved plant water status by inoculation .
The results implied that cropping system and water status of previous cropping impacted N2O emission from paddy soil .
The evaluation method of Z-index , which takes the spatial and temporal distribution characters of precipitation into consideration , can reveal the moisture-distribution in different time scales .
The results showed that air temperature , soil water content and the amount of organic materiel that was returned to soil were the three main factors affecting the soil CO2 efflux .
Water conditions and relationship among the components of the SPAC system of Mu Us sandy land , China
It was believed that CH4 consumption rate by forest soil was limited by diffusion and sensitive to changes in water status and temperature of soil .
The Pressure-Volume curves of 21 main tree species in Karst forest have made by using the method of PV-technique and the ecological effect of water state parameters from PV-curves were analysed .
In north China area , the major ecological factors affecting the efficiency of grape Photosynthesis are CO 2 and moisture contents , especially , the relative humidity has a direct bearing on the efficiency of photosynthesis .
Through improving the soil moisture condition , net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) and transpiration rate ( Tr ) of flag leaves are enhanced through coordination of different water and fertilizer .
According to the soil water status and water balance theory , the appropriate planting density of C. microphylla shrubs in Horqin sand land should be 2 m × 2 m.
This paper presented a new model , which adopted the main structure of Jarvis-type and fully considered the importance of soil moisture condition .
Biological crust improved nutrient and water condition of0-5cm soil surface , thus there was positive effect .
Compared with Stress control , vase life was extended , flower opening process and water relation was alleviated , MDA content was decreased and SOD activity was increased in flowers in which APX activity was increased .
Moisture status of the species ' habitats was quantified as Ellenberg moisture number .
The results showed that the shrinking and swelling in stem diameter was closely related to the moisture content status within the plant , and variable differential in stem diameter ( Δ Sd ) could reflect plant moisture content condition sensitively , duly and accurately .
The crop water stress index ( CWSI ) model for monitoring summer maize water stress in North China Plain ( NCP ) was set up in this paper .
It was proved that the water flow resistances in SPAC existed largely as node resistances , and the resistance between soil and root was the major factor that determines the water status in crop .
The white clover soil water profile in 0 ~ 100cm can be divided into 2 layers , i.e. , active layer ( 0 ~ 60cm ), correspondingly sTab . layer ( 60-100 ) .