
  • 网络Hydrophytia;Aquatic Communities
  1. 以江苏省苏州太仓港口开发为例,研究涉水工程所造成的水环境和生态问题,包括对水质、河势和水生群落的影响。

    Taking the exploitation of the harbor in Taicang City of Jiangsu Province as an example , water environment pollution and ecological problems caused by near-shore projects are studied , including the impacts on water quality , river regime and aquatic community .

  2. 长期以来,伊维菌素被认为是安全的抗寄生虫药物,但是近年的研究结果表明,它的残留能降低牧草产量,影响水生群落,对环境平衡有重大威胁。

    Though it has been long known as a safe antiparasitic drug , the significant considerations concerning the effects of IVM on ecological system were investigated . The results showed that the IVM residues decreased pasture productivity , affected aquatic mesocosms , and environmental evaluation studies represented a significant risk .

  3. 武汉东湖水生植物群落演替的研究

    Succession and species replacement of aquatic plant community in East Lake

  4. 人工重建的水生植物群落演替动态研究

    On dynamics in the succession of artificial aquatic macrophyte community reconstruction

  5. 不同类型水生植物群落对蓝绿藻类的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effects of different types aquatic macrophyte communities on blue-green algae

  6. 中国河流水生生物群落结构特征探讨

    Structure characteristics of aquatic community from the main rivers in China

  7. 稻鸭共生对稻田水生动物群落的影响

    The impact of rice-duck intergrowth on aquatic animals community of rice fields

  8. 中国北方中生代晚期水生昆虫群落演替与环境变迁

    Aquatic community succession and environmental changes of Late Mesozoic in northern China

  9. 九寨沟水生植物群落β多样性特征研究

    Studies on the β diversity analyses of aquatic plant community in Jiuzhaigou

  10. 梁子湖水-陆交错区水生植物群落生态学研究

    The community ecology of aquatic plant in the water-land ecotone of Liangzi Lake

  11. 青藏高原四县水生植物群落调查

    A study on communities of aquatic vascular plants in four counties in Qinghai-Xizang

  12. 鄱阳湖平原湖泊水生植物群落的多样性

    Community Diversity of Aquatic Plants in the Lakes of Poyang Plain District of China

  13. 青藏高原东缘理塘县水生植物群落

    On communities of aquatic vascular plants in Litang County in east margin of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  14. 水生植物群落优化配置设计;

    Optimized distribution design of aquatic vegetation ;

  15. 辽宁的水生植物群落

    Aquatic Plant Community in Liaoning

  16. 因此,沉水植物对于生态修复中水生植物群落的构建起着关键作用。

    Therefore , the submerged plants for ecological restoration of aquatic plant communities building plays a key role .

  17. 中国中生代晚期蜉蝣目化石研究及水生昆虫群落演替分析

    Taxonomy of Fossil Ephemeroptera from Late Mesozoic in China , with Comments on Succession of Aquatic Insect Community

  18. 太湖北岸湖滨带观测场水生植物群落特征及其影响因素分析

    The community features of aquatic plants and its influence factors of lakeside zone in the north of Lake Taihu

  19. 长江下游水生动物群落生物多样性变动趋势初探

    Preliminary studies on the trend of change in biodiversity of aquatic animal community in the lower reaches of the Changjiang River

  20. 报道典型瀑布水生苔藓群落14个,苔藓植物种类由11科16属20种(含变种亚种)组成;

    The bryoflora of karst waterfalls consists of 11 families , 16 genera , and 20 species including subspecies and variety .

  21. 湿地水生植物群落动态变化过程可以反映湿地生态系统健康程度及其生态服务功能。

    The dynamic variation of aquatic plant communities in wetlands may reflect the health degree of wetland ecosystems and ecological services .

  22. 世界淡水广布群落是本区的主要群落,阐述了水生植物群落的形态特征、分布现状、生长环境和群落结构等特征并探讨了其演替规律。

    The morphological character , nature distribution region , habitat , structure and succession of the plant communities are discussed in this paper .

  23. 河流生态修复主要技术包括:缓冲区修复、植被恢复、河道补水、生物-生态修复、生境修复、水生生物群落修复技术等。

    Primary technology for river ecological rehabilitation includes riparian buffer strips , vegetation , water replenishing , biology-ecology measures , habitat restoration and hydrobios community rehabilitation .

  24. 在整体生态群落稳定统一的前提下,每个区都有特有的水生植物群落,尽可能的丰富物种的多样性、丰富性。

    In the overall ecological communities stability under the premise of unification , each district has unique aquatic plant community , rich species diversity , richness of as much as possible .

  25. 稻田生态系统中施用氮肥不仅可以改进节肢动物的营养条件和生境,而且还可以通过水生无脊椎动物群落的变化改变整个食物链的结构和动态。

    The nitrogen fertilization not only improved the nutrients and habitats for arthropods but also altered the dynamics and structure of food web through the changing the aquatic invertebrate community in rice fields .

  26. 研究表明:鱼类养殖对养殖区鱼、浮游生物、水生植物群落结构和水质变化有重要影响。现在,几乎所有的鱼类养殖系统都在一定程度上受到了损害。

    Recent studies show that great changes in community structure of fish , plankton and aquatic macrophytes , as well as in water quality could take place in fish culture zones , and most fish culture systems have been threatened in some degree .

  27. 2007年11月到2008年8月,我们按季度对太湖的水化学指标及水生生物群落结构进行了调查分析。

    So the index of Taihu Lake water chemistry and aquatic community structure were investigated according to a quarterly from November 2007 to August 2008.We evaluate the actual condition of water quality and the main pollutions of Taihu Lake by ways of water pollution index and comprehensive analysis of eutrophication .

  28. 对法国阿尔卑斯山(Mt.Alps,France)6个溪流型喀斯特瀑布水生苔藓植物群落进行了研究。

    An ecological survey was conducted at six stream karst waterfalls in Alps , France in 2000 , about 14 aquatic bryophyte communities were recorded .

  29. 比较研究了不同地理纬度水库水生生物的群落结构和功能;

    The structures and functions of aquatic communities in reservoirs with different latitudes were comparatively studied .

  30. 竞争对水生浮叶植物群落关键种、冗余种和资源配置的影响

    Effects of Competition on the Keystone Species , Redundant Species and Resource Allocation of Floating-leaved Aquatic Plant Communities