
dà mù chǎng
  • ranch;spread
大牧场[dà mù chǎng]
  1. 在加利福尼亚,大牧场主每天飞行距离可达120英里。

    California ranch owners fly as much as120 miles every day .

  2. 罗斯福搬到了美国西部达科他州领地的一个大牧场去。

    Roosevelt moved to a ranch in the Dakota territory of the American West .

  3. 我们正在前往参观他在堪萨斯的大牧场的途中。

    We were on our way to visit his spread in kansas .

  4. 没事的时候,大牧场主人就会去猎杀土狼。

    When otherwise unoccupied , the rancher engaged in hunting down coyotes .

  5. 天黑前要到大牧场

    I want to make the Great Meadow by dark .

  6. 大牧场保存了下来,甚至还扩大了;

    The great grazing farms had kept going and had probably even extended ;

  7. 1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。

    Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s .

  8. 他父亲去世后,他继承了一个大牧场。

    When his father died , he came into possession of a large ranch .

  9. 大牧场主:拥有或经营牧场的人。

    That owns or manages a ranch .

  10. 我非常愿意将美国加利福尼亚州成功的大牧场使用的顶级苜蓿草介绍到中国来。

    I would like to introduce premium alfalfa hay from most successful dairy farms in USA , California Hay .

  11. 在二十年代,第一次世界大战剩下的飞机使成千的美国人可以从全美各处的大牧场起飞。

    In the1920 's , surplus World War I airplanes provided thousands of Americans with flights from pastures all across America .

  12. 他拥有一架私人飞机,5辆轿车并在得克萨斯有个大牧场&他一定是个大富翁。

    He 's got a private jet , five cars and a hugs ranch in Texas - he must be worth a mint .

  13. 直到那时,北美的乡村被归结到农场,大牧场和其他攫取资源的行为之内。

    Much of rural North America , up until that time , had been relegated to farming , ranching and other resource extraction activities .

  14. 峡谷,大牧场和蜂拥这些西班牙单词通过美国西部的殖民地进入了英语。

    Canyon , ranch and stampede are all examples of Spanish words that made their way into English through the settlement of the American West .

  15. 大牧场起源于殖民初期的美国南部和墨西哥,那时西班牙殖民者引入了牛和马,在彭巴斯草原照管它们。

    Ranching originated in South America and Mexico in early colonial times , when Spanish settlers introduced cattle and horses and tended them on the pampas .

  16. 事实上,我们是在一边试探一边行走的。最终,我们总算来到了大牧场外围的那片松树林。

    Half walking in the paths , half working our way through the lesser drifts , we succeeded in reaching a pine grove just outside a broad pasture .

  17. 野外大火在加州大牧场形成半里火线。我大半时间都在电话线上,联系客人。

    A wild fire jump contained line in California came out with a half mile upon ranches . I spend about half my day on the phone , checking in with clients .

  18. 但是参加了六期在科罗拉多伊斯特公园的雪山大牧场举行的“东印度科罗拉多传统文化营”之后,他表示希望明年高中毕业后能去印度看看。

    But after six sessions at the East India Colorado Heritage Camp , held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park , Colo. , he hopes to travel to India after he graduates from high school next year .

  19. 【中文翻译】这位牧场主在马鞍上轻松自如,他在离最近的小镇60英里(100千米)的大牧场上放牧牲口。“我的孩子们总是寻找坐车的理由,但是在这些地区,马才是到处奔跑的交通工具。”

    Montana , Montana Rancher , 1999 " At home in the saddle , a rancher works stock on a spread 60 miles [ 100 kilometers ] from the nearest town . ' My boys always look for an excuse to get on a vehicle , but in these parts a horse is what goes everywhere . ' "

  20. 野生的金鸡菊花朵,正开放在德克萨斯海岸的大草原牧场。

    Photo Gallery : Prairies Coreopsis wildflowers bloom on the Texas coastal prairie .

  21. 一周之后,有人骑了一匹大黑马来到牧场主汤姆·拉格伦的领地上。

    A week later , a big black horse rode on the land owned by Tom Raglan .

  22. 报告敦促人们更加关注受损生态系统的恢复,特别是对于应对气候变化至关重要的物种,比如红树林、内陆水域、森林、非洲大草原和牧场草地。

    The report urges more focus on restoration of damaged ecosystems , especially those key to tackling climate change such as mangroves , inland waters , forests , savannahs and grasslands .

  23. Hewenttoworkonaranch.他去一个大农场干活。他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚的妹妹。

    He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister .

  24. 榆树乡境内森林覆盖率高,草场面积大,自然饲草资源十分丰富,是一个天然的大牧场。

    Elm Township , the territory of high forest cover , grassland area , the natural grass is very rich in resources , is a natural ranch .