
  • 网络Physiological need;physiological;Biological & Physiological Needs
  1. 正如马斯洛(Maslow)的需求理论,人的需求由低到高分别为:生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、自尊需求和自我实现需求。

    From the needs theory of Maslow , human needs can be distinguished from down to up as physiological needs , security needs , communication needs , self-respect needs , and self-realization needs .

  2. 其中安全需求位居仅次于生理需求的层次。

    Safety needs is in a level second only to physiological needs .

  3. 衣是人类最基本的生理需求之一。

    Clothing is one of the most basic human physiology .

  4. 它们都满足了一种严格上讲不属于生理需求的一种胃口。

    Both sate an appetite that is there beyond its strict biological need .

  5. 第一个目标应该是排列出可靠的生理需求量表。

    The first aim should be to establish well-founded tables of physiological requirements .

  6. 人们不可能超越生理需求直接达到自我实现需求。

    People cannot surpass the physiological needs and reach the self-realization needs directly .

  7. 老年教育的发展不仅是时代发展的必然结果,而且也是老年人自身需求变化的结果,例如家庭结构、生理需求、观念和经济条件等。

    Senior education is based on the demands of the era and the old .

  8. 发生商业性行为的原因包括内因和外因两方面,内因指个人人格特征,外因包括生理需求、职业、收入和年龄。

    Reasons for visiting FSWs included personality , physiological demand , occupation , income and age .

  9. 男人会将欺骗责怪于他们的基因和生理需求。

    Men will blame their reasons for cheating on their genes and their necessity to reproduce .

  10. 事实上我们的生活方式各不相同,每个人对于锻炼的生理需求也不一样。

    The reality is that our lifestyles are conflicting and everyone has different physical needs for exercise .

  11. 我们需要明白,一段感情是因为某些需求才会产生:生理需求,情感需求或者心理需求。

    We need to understand that relationships happen because of certain needs & physical , emotional and psychological needs .

  12. 甚至他们以前不这样,他补充道,他们“试着去满足”一些生理需求。

    Even if they weren 't , he added , they 're " trying to satisfy " some psychological need .

  13. 细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。

    Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients , ions , soluble proteins , and other materials needed for cell functioning .

  14. 在我们机体燃烧超过我们生理需求的卡路里时,所有这些分子也共同决定我们机体的脂肪组织能够继续增加的程度。

    Together these molecules also determine to what extent our fat tissue can continue to expand as we consume more calories than we burn .

  15. 人们在满足基本生理需求的同时,开始追求更为优美宜人的居住环境。

    Since the basic physical requirements of human being are met , we begin to seek for a more exquisite and more delightful residential environment .

  16. 除了推荐解决方法外,他还称食物中滥用雌性激素可能会减少中国男性的生理需求和性能力。

    While putting forward solutions , he also said that the abuse of estrogen in food might reduce sexual needs and capabilities of men in China .

  17. 这些地球表面温度和其他气候参数的迅速变化,可能导致地区条件和许多植物生理需求之间的不协调。

    These rapid changes in surface temperature and other weather parameters could lead to severe mismatches between regional conditions and the physiological requirements of many plant species .

  18. 第四章总结了大学生公寓空间中的人性化设计因素,从行为方式、生理需求、精神需求三个方面的因素进行探讨。

    Chapter IV summarizes the space in college dormitories human design factors , from behavior , physical needs , spiritual needs of the three areas were discussed .

  19. 只有那些具体的,最大限度地适应生活,满足人们的生理需求、心理需求、审美需求。

    Only have those concrete of , adapt the life with maximum limit , satisfy the people 's physiology need , mental need and appreciate beauty the need .

  20. 集合住宅阳台的功能构成包括满足生理需求、心理需求、户型设计组合的要求以及室内功能转移的要求这四个方面。

    The function of multifamily housing balcony constitute physiological need , the psychological demand , the household combination design and the room function shift request these four aspects .

  21. 雌雄个体大小差异、能量消耗、食物特征、动物生理需求等因素影响白眉长臂猿的日取食量。

    The size of individual between male and female , energy costs , food characteristics and requirements of physiology were factors impacting the daily feeding amount of Hoolock gibbon .

  22. 课题研究的主旨在于使数控机床的外观界面设计与人的操作需求相匹配,在实现数控机床技术和功能的同时,更能满足人操作时的心理与生理需求。

    The present study aims to make the interface design of NC machine tools commensurate with human operating requirements and accommodate both the physical and psychological needs of operators .

  23. 鸟类的各种行为是在进化过程中形成的,是维持其自身生理需求和繁衍后代的基本手段。

    All kinds of birds ' behaviors , which are fundamental means for themselves to maintain physiological demands and to multiply generations are formed in the process of the evolution .

  24. 人对建筑环境的生理需求,要求建筑室内外空间必须满足舒适健康的热环境、光环境、声环境和空气品质要求。

    Human physical demand for the building environment is that both inner and outer space should satisfy people 's requirements for thermal environment light environment acoustic environment and air quality .

  25. 三是人的欲望一旦与客体相联系变为需求信号后,乃是调节人的心理和生理需求的一个重要依据。

    Finally , once they are transformed into de - mand signals through the connection of subjects and objects , human desires will help to adjust psychological and physiological needs .

  26. 这本书提出的建议至少是很复杂的,它主要针对约会时如何不受上厕所等令人讨厌的生理需求的影响。

    The book 's advice on how to nip to the loo without alerting your date that you have any unsavoury biological requirements , is convoluted to say the least .

  27. 时尚文化引领着这个时代的流行趋势,满足着大众在基本生理需求之上的名望、地位等社会认同的心理需求。

    The " Fashion " culture not only leads the trend of society , but also can meet the basic physiological needs on the prestige and the status of social identity .

  28. 从需求层次来看,休闲既是一种生理需求同时也是完善自我、实现自我的途径,即是自我实现层次上的需求。

    From need level of view , leisure is both a physical needs but also the way to improve self-perfection and realize self-value , which means the needs in the level self-realization .

  29. 员工满意度与其五个维度均表现出显著的正相关性,且生理需求满意度、社交需求满意度、自我实现需求满意度对员工满意度有显著的预测能力。

    Employee Satisfaction and the five dimensions showed significantly positive correlation , and physiological needs satisfaction , social needs satisfaction , and self-actualization needs satisfaction has a significantly predictive power for employee satisfaction .

  30. 动态模拟行走作业试验显示,送风量为75~125L/min时,能满足健康人较重工作负荷时的生理需求。

    With going on a walking vehicle wearing the hood , the test result shows the air flow from 75 to 125L / min can meet the testees ' physiological demand under heavy workload .