
jià zhí liànɡ
  • magnitude of value
  1. 利用价值量指标进行能源利用分析的探讨

    Discussion on Using Magnitude of Value Indexes to Analyze Energy Utilization

  2. 论情报商品价值量

    On Magnitude of Value about the Information Commodity

  3. 从我懂事以来,智力及对它的理解就一直在魂牵梦萦着我。我们生活在一个尊崇学术能力的世界,但是,事实上,确切地说,学术能力有多少的价值量?

    We live in a world which reveres academic ability , but in reality , exactly how valuable is it ?

  4. 综合国内外生态资产评估模型,采用物质量和价值量相结合的方法,构建基于遥感和GIS的湿地生态资产评估模型及各指标的子模型。

    Using the physical and value assessment methods , models of the wetland ecological assets is builded upon RS and GIS .

  5. 由LUCC导致的各高程等级的生态服务价值量均增加。

    The ecosystem service value had increased in all elevation levels because of LUCC .

  6. 文章对山东省泰安市2006年的水资源环境生态成本进行核算,即将实物量转化为价值量表达,从GDP中扣除以修正国民经济总值。

    This paper accounted ecological cost of Tai'an water resources in2006 , on the expression of physical quantity into Value , and then deducted it from GDP to fix the value of the national economy .

  7. 以前面六章的理论和方法为基础,以宁夏地区2005年统计数据为依据,对宁夏地区环境污染进行实物量核算、价值量核算和经环境污染核算调整的绿色GDP核算。

    Based on all theories and approaches mentioned before and the statistics from Ningxia in 2005 , the physical volume , value and green GDP adjusted by environmental pollution of Ningxia area were all accounted .

  8. 在财政与服务业,总价值量年均增长3.5%,MFP也仅增长到1.3%。

    In finance and business services , where gross value added went up by 3.5 % a year , MFP subtracted 1.3 points .

  9. 因此,陆地植被NPP物质量与价值量的测评研究,对于更好地认识生态系统的生态过程与生态功能具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , It is vital sense that the research , mass survey and value evaluation of land vegetations NPP , can more deeply learn the ecological process and ecological function of the ecosystem .

  10. 从实物量与价值量两个层面对海南省环境污染进行核算,从而得到2004年海南省经环境污染调整的绿色GDP值为760.88亿元,绿色GDP指数为98.9%。

    This article accounted Hainan province 's environmental pollution from two aspects of the physical assessment and the value assessment . In this way , we got that the Hainan province 's GDP is 760.88 billion yuan and green GDP index is 98.9 percent in 2004 .

  11. 定量模型在DFC定价和Black-Scholes期权定价的基础上提出一种扩展实物期权评估模型,能够较为准确的计算出特定并购事件的协同效应价值量。

    DFC quantitative model in the pricing and Black-Scholes option pricing on the basis of an assessment of options to expand physical model to the calculation of more accurate to a specific incident merger synergies Value .

  12. 生态系统服务的物质量与价值量评价方法的比较分析

    Comparison analysis on physical and value assessment methods for ecosystems services

  13. 采用临床路径及价值量表对某医院产科护理人力资源配置的评估

    Obstetric nursing human resources evaluation by clinical pathway and value scale

  14. 论人力资本实物量和价值量核算账户体系的基本框架

    The Framework on Accounting System on Human Capital Volume and Value

  15. 基于价值量的物流需求分析与预测方法研究

    A Value - Based Research Method for Logistics Demand Analysis and Forecast

  16. 有交易费的套期保值未定权益的最小债券价值量

    The Minimal Bond Asset of Hedging of Contingent Claims under Transaction Costs

  17. 劳动生产率与商品价值量变化关系探讨

    On Changing Relationships Between Labor Productivity and Goods Value Quantity

  18. 商品价值量的决定与使用价值

    The Determination of Magnitude of Value and Use Value

  19. 未开发储量价值量评价思路及方法

    Evaluation Thoughts and Methods of the Undeveloped Reserves Value

  20. 技术商品价值量的数学评估方法&成本效益法

    A Mathematical Method to Evaluate the Value of Technical Goods ─ Cost-benefit Method

  21. 本表价值量指标均按当年价格计算。

    Data in value terms in this table are calculated at current prices .

  22. 论新技术革命条件下的商品价值量来源

    The Resource of the Value Quality of the Commodity under the New Technological Revolution

  23. 生态环境的经济核算方法主要包括实物量核算和价值量核算。

    There are two kinds of methods what is material accounting and value accounting .

  24. 关于使用价值量几个问题的辨析

    An Analysis of the Quantity of Use Value

  25. 水土保持效益的价值量计算方法

    Method of calculating value of soil conservation effect

  26. 科技劳动是生产性的劳动,是复杂劳动,在生产中能够创造较大的价值量。

    It was productive and complex labor , and it could create more value .

  27. 如何运用价值量指标来计算森林资产的价值,一直引起人们的争议。

    How to evaluate forest asset by means of value index has always been disputed .

  28. 治涝效益价值量计算方法探讨道路路表排水口的截流率计算

    Calculation Methods of Economic Benefits of Drainage Interception Capacity Calculation of Inlet in Surface Drainage

  29. 论社会必要劳动时间与商品价值量的关系及其启示

    Discussion on the relationship between socially necessary labor time and commodity value and its enlightenment

  30. 破解活劳动减少而价值量增加之谜

    Crack the Mystery : Why the Living Labor Decreases While the Magnitude of Value Increases