
  1. 结合电信用户行为真实数据,创造性提出使用价值率的测度指标。

    Combined with the real data of the subscriber behavior , the paper proposes to measure indexes of use value rate . 3 .

  2. 与现有调度算法相比,这两种算法均能有效地降低任务丢失率,提高系统实现价值率和时间利用率。

    Both of them can decrease the task drop rate compared with the traditional scheduling algorithm , thus provide higher hit value ratio and time utility .

  3. 调度准则充分考虑了任务的工作方式优先级和截止期,并以任务丢失率、实现价值率、系统时间利用率作为评估指标。

    The scheduling criterion took both priorities and deadlines into account fully , with the Task Drop Ratio , Hit Value Ratio , Time Utilization Ratio as evaluation indexes .

  4. 在马克思的经济增长模型中,社会生产总值的增长率由资本有机构成、剩余价值率和积累率决定。

    In Marxist model , growth rate is dependent upon organic component of capital ( OCOC ), surplus value rate ( SVR ) and accumulation rate ( AR ) .

  5. 剩余价值率不变时,随着资本有机构成的不断提高,要维持经济增长率不变,必须提高剩余价值积累率。

    When the surplus value rate is invariable , with the increasing capital organic composition , the surplus value accumulation rate must be raised to maintain the economic growth rate .

  6. 资本主义经济增长与剩余价值率、剩余价值积累率呈同向变动,与资本有机构成呈反方向变动。

    The capitalist economy growth changes in the same direction with the surplus value rate and the surplus value accumulation rate , while in the reversed direction with the capital organic composition .

  7. 从时序角度分析,我国宏观税负总体水平接近广义剩余产品价值率,超过中上等收入国家税负的平均水平,一定程度上超越了我国经济发展的承受能力。

    Observing from time angle , the macroeconomic tax rate is about the same level as rate of surplus product and exceeds the average level of that in middle and high income countries .

  8. 浓度-价值损失率法依据污染物对地下水质量的损害程度即损失率与未受污染的同一水体的总经济价值K乘积来计算,符合环境经济学的原理,理论依据充分;

    The calculation is based on the impacts of pollutants on groundwater quality and in comparison with the total economic value of the same water body unpolluted , which is coincident with environmental economics and has strong theoretic basis .

  9. 通过归纳国内对KMV模型参数估计修正的研究成果,选择了GARCH(1,1)模型估计KMV模型的核心参数股权价值波动率,从而提高模型的估计精度。

    In order to improve the estimation accuracy , we select GARCH ( 1,1 ) model to estimate the key parameter-fluctuation ratio of stock value , based on the modification of KMV model by domestic scholars .

  10. 本文的研究重点是对KMV模型进行修正,主要从股权价值波动率、资产市场价值及其波动率以及资产市场价值的预期增长率这三个方面对模型进行了改进。

    The key point of this paper is to modify the calculating means of the equity value volatility , the expected increasing rate , as well as the asset value and its volatility in the KMV model .

  11. 福建省森林生态系统公益价值增长率及其空间关联分析

    Growth Rate of Service Value and Its Spatial Association of Fujian Forest Ecosystem

  12. 长期来看住房价值增长率服从对数正态分布。

    In the long term growth rate of housing values obey log-normal distribution .

  13. 应用浓度-价值损失率法评估地下水源污染经济损失&以石家庄滹沱河地下水源为例

    Application of " Concentration-Value Loss Factor " to Assess Economic Loss of Groundwater Pollution in Hutuo-River of Shijiazhuang

  14. 根据地质灾害的危害对象、危害程度和期望价值损失率对分项工程建设场地的危险性及适宜性进行评估,并分类、分项提出地质灾害防治措施。

    Then , the corresponding prevention and control measures of the geological disasters are put forward for different subentry project construction sites .

  15. 对项目价值波动率与投资概率之间的关系进行了深入研究。

    The relationship between uncertainty and investment probability is studied through real option model , which involved investment critical trigger and project earning .

  16. 计算股东价值收益率的数学模型主要有:总价值收益率、个别股东价值收益率、年价值收益率。

    The major mathematical models used to calculate shareholder value return are total value yield , specific shareholder value yield and annual value yield .

  17. 通过操纵信息披露行为指数与公司价值波动率之间的关系来检验所构建的体系有效性和科学性,在检验过程中对评价体指标进行不断的调整。

    Through relation among the index of manipulating behavior of information disclosure and enterprise value volatility , to test effectiveness and scientificalness of constructing system .

  18. 基于浓度-价值损失率法的青岛海域水污染价值损失研究加速度功率谱密度在钢桥损伤检测中的应用

    Application of assessment of economic loss of qingdao sea area by concentration-value loss factor Damage Detection of Steel Bridge Based on Acceleration Power Spectral Density

  19. 我们将有控股股东存在的公司相对于无控股股东存在的公司的市场价值折扣率定义为控股股东的代理成本。

    We define the percentage of value discount of firms with controlling shareholder by comparison with firms without controlling shareholder as agency costs of controlling shareholder .

  20. 通过对案例仿真计算,画图说明了有关投资优化决策方案,并且讨论了无风险利率和资产价值波动率的参数变化对投资决策的影响。

    The effect of risk-free interest rate and parameter variation in asset ( value ) on the investment decision-making was illustrated through the case simulation and diagrams .

  21. 浓度-价值损失率法比较早也比较多地用于地表水污染造成的经济损失评估,但用于地下水污染损失评估的报道至今未见报道。

    The " concentration-value loss factor " is usually used for economic loss analysis caused by polluted surface water , but merely reported in economic loss caused by polluted groundwater .

  22. 这是由于股改后,股价瞬时大幅度波动,流通股股数增多,引起资产价值波动率σA增大,从而导致信用风险加大。

    This is because after split share structure reform , the stock price instantaneous fluctuated , increasing the number of shares in circulation , causing increased volatility in asset values , resulting in increased credit risk .

  23. 基于期权博弈理论,建立了房地产企业投资优化数学模型,讨论了无风险利率和资产价值波动率参数变化对该投资决策的影响,提出了企业在不确定环境下的应对策略。

    Then basing on option games theory , it establish the investment decision model of real estates under symmetrical duopoly and discuss the effect of risk-free and assets volume variation impact on investment decision , and put forward corresponding strategy under uncertainty .

  24. 由于资产价值波动率是影响模型估计的重要输入变量,对波动率的估计准确性将影响模型的违约度量结果。

    As the fluctuation rate of the assets value is the important input variable which affects the assessment of the model , the accuracy of the assessment of the fluctuation rate will have much to do with the violation measurement result of the model .

  25. 这个版本对运行DB2Enterprise的底层服务器或虚拟化会话的最大DB2和IBM的处理器价值单元定价率也没有任何限制。

    There is also no maximum PVU rating for the underlying server or virtualization session where the DB2 Enterprise software is running .

  26. 从Q理论我们看到了资产定价的另一条道路,即是将资产的收益率视为资产价值的增长率,从决定资产价值的因素出发,而并非从风险因素出发,来寻找解释因素。

    From the Q theory , we find another path of asset pricing , starting from the asset value factors rather than starting from the risk factors to look for explanatory factors .

  27. 本文对“时间耗损因子”Theta值,期权价值相对于波动率、无风险利率变动比率的Vega值和Rho值,在已有的基础上进行了更加全面、深刻的分析。

    The " time decay factor " Theta value , the change ratios Vega value and Rho value based on the researches of the listing references were analysed deeply .

  28. 本文通过对结缔组织病皮肤狼疮带试验(LBT)研究证实,在诊断系统性红斑狼疮上,它具有肯定价值,阳性率为68.7%,特异性近于100%。

    The study confirmed that lupus band test ( LBT ) for 179 inpatients with connective tissue disease has the positive value of diagnosis systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) . The positive rate of LBT was 68.7 % and its specificity was nearly 100 % .

  29. 它忽略了金钱的时间价值&折扣率。

    It ignores the time value of money & the discount rate .

  30. 球形浓缩铀装置的中子价值和裂变率分布测量

    Neutron Importance and Fission Rate in Enriched Uranium Metal Sphere