
jià ɡé zhǐ shù
  • price index
  1. 预计9月份的零售价格指数将显示通货膨胀率已逼近10.8%。

    The retail price index for September is expected to show inflation edging up to about 10.8 per cent .

  2. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  3. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消费水平。

    The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index , an annual study that gauges1 levels of top-end individual spending in China , has contracted for the first time in nine years .

  4. 联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganization,FAO)最近发布了粮食价格指数(FoodPriceIndex)。

    The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization recently released its Food Price Index .

  5. GDP核算中的价格指数及存在问题研究

    The Research of Price Indexes of GDP Accounting and the Existing Problems

  6. 基于VAR模型的居民消费价格指数传导机制研究

    Research on CPI Transmission Mechanism Based on VAR Model

  7. 基于VAR模型的中国消费价格指数分析

    Analysis On VAR Model About CPI Of China

  8. 3.revaluationn.重估价格指数的下降是市场因素的调整行为引起的。

    The fall in the index is a technical revaluation of the market .

  9. 你或许会以为后一个时期的消费者价格指数(CPI)涨幅可能较高。

    You might assume consumer price inflation has been higher in the latter period .

  10. DelaTorre说,该地区的股票价格指数已经大幅度下跌,货币也经历了重大调整。

    De la Torre said the region has witnessed large declines in stock price indices and significant currency adjustments .

  11. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开的全美企业经济学家协会(nationalassociationofbusinesseconomists)会议上,瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数还在日臻完善的过程中,而且谷歌尚未决定是否会将其发布。

    At the National Association of business economists conference in Denver , Colorado , Mr Varian said that the GPI was a work in progress and Google had not yet decided whether to publish it .

  12. 消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨2.3%,主要原因是猪肉价格大幅上扬。

    Consumer prices rose 2.3 per cent , largely on the back of a sharp jump in pork prices .

  13. 同时,路透商品研究局(CRB)商品价格指数年初以来已经上涨了4%。

    Meanwhile , the CRB commodity index is up 4 % year-to-date .

  14. 居民消费价格指数CPI衡量了一段时间内住户为了消费而获得、使用或支付货物与服务的总体价格的变化情况,是反映一个国家或地区宏观经济运行状况必不可少的统计指标。

    Consumer price index measures the price changes of goods and services acquired , used or paid by households over time .

  15. 该委员会表示,6%的增长率与略高于目标的消费者价格指数(CPI)相符。

    It said the 6 per cent growth rate was consistent with consumer price inflation a little higher than its target .

  16. 过去几周持续走强的英镑昨日又添新的推动因素:生产者价格指数上涨,显示英国央行(bankofengland)将会继续加息。

    The currency , which has been strengthening over the past few weeks , got another push yesterday after a rise in producer price inflation suggested the Bank of England would continue to increase UK interest rates .

  17. 采用归一化数据处理方法,选择神经网络的训练样本,建立基于BP神经网络的居民消费价格指数预测的数学模型。

    Adopted the data processing method of the normalization , choose the training sample of the neural network , the mathematical model of the consumer price index based on BP nerve network predicts set up .

  18. 尽管美联储(fed)可能还不用感到恐慌,但瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数显示,自去年圣诞以来,美国网购商品价格出现“非常清晰的通缩趋势”。

    While the Federal Reserve is unlikely to panic just yet , Mr Varian said that the GPI shows a " very clear deflationary trend " for web-traded goods in the US since Christmas .

  19. 在消费价格指数(cpi)大约占三分之一权重的食品价格,5月份上涨了8.3%。

    Food prices , accounting for about a third of the consumer price index basket , rose by 8.3 per cent in May .

  20. 美国商品研究局(CRB)工业原材料大宗商品价格指数,近期达到了自去年4月以来的最高水平。

    Indeed , the CRB raw industrial commodity price index recently reached its highest level since April .

  21. 算例用14年的价格指数组成时间序列,采用新陈代谢GM(1,1)动态预测方法预测价格指数;

    The time series is composed of the price indexes in fourteen years in the example and the price indexes are predicted by use of the metabolism GM ( 1,1 ) dynamic predication method .

  22. 令政府更多忧心的是消费价格指数(CPI)。9月份CPI上升3.6%,显示通胀已达到两年来新高。

    More worrying for the government will be the consumer price index , which showed inflation hitting a two-year high of 3.6 per cent in September .

  23. 在博茨瓦纳和南非,粮食占消费者价格指数(CPI)的五分之一;而在斯里兰卡和孟加拉(Bangladesh),则占到三分之二。

    In Botswana and South Africa , food accounts for a fifth of the consumer price index ; in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh it accounts for two-thirds .

  24. 而根据传统的、覆盖范围更广的零售价格指数(RPI),物价下跌了1.2%。

    On the traditional and more comprehensive retail prices index , it was - 1.2 per cent .

  25. 股票价格指数与宏观经济变量之间的Granger因果关系不是很显著,且与工业增加值之间的联系较弱,所以股票价格指数并不能完全充当我国经济发展的晴雨表。

    But the Granger cause relationship between stock price index and macroeconomic variables is not significant , and the linkage between stock price index and added industry value is weakly .

  26. 得出它们的协整方程以及误差修正模型(ECM),反映了股票价格指数与宏观经济变量的长期静态和短期动态影响关系。

    Then , we obtain their co-integration and error correction model equation ( ECM ), which reflects the long-term static and short-term dynamic relationship between the stock price index and macroeconomic variables .

  27. 按照这个定义,通缩是不存在的:只有三个国家通胀为负,消费价格指数(CPI)中只有五分之一的商品价格下跌。

    By this definition , deflation is absent : only three countries have negative inflation and only a fifth of items in the consumer price index have fallen in price .

  28. 预计总体消费者价格指数(CPI)和核心CPI都将环比上升0.1%,年度总体CPI增幅达到2.4%。

    Both the headline and core measures of consumer prices are expected to be 0.1 per cent higher than the previous month , taking the annual headline rate to 2.4 per cent .

  29. PPI的上涨与上周公布的消费者价格指数(CPI)相呼应:在整体及核心层面,CPI增长速度均比经济学家预期的要快。

    The surge in producer prices mirrored the release of the consumer price index last week , which also increased much faster than expected by economists at the headline and core levels .

  30. 从实证结果来看,GDP增长率、一年期存贷款利率差、房屋销售价格指数、企业景气指数、货币供应量增长率是影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的显著因素。

    From the empirical results , GDP growth rate , one-year deposit and lending interest rate differentials , housing sales price index , the business climate index , money supply growth is the significant factor impact of non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks .