
  • 网络Margin Trading;securities margin trading
  1. 融资融券交易作为信用交易的一种,分为融资和融券两种不同的交易方式。

    Margin trading is a credit trading which can be divided into short selling and short purchase .

  2. 融资融券交易的产生是证券交易的内在需求。

    The emergence of margin trading is the internal need of commercial transactions .

  3. 境外证券市场已经形成了较为成熟的融资融券交易制度。

    It has developed into a mature system overseas .

  4. 中国证券市场融资融券交易的授信模式选择

    Choice of Capital and Security Financing Method for Margin Transaction in Chinese Security Market

  5. 证券信用交易,即融资融券交易。

    Margin requirement has another name , that is , financing and securities load exchange .

  6. 首先,论述担保制度在融资融券交易中的重要作用。

    Firstly , the author discusses the important effect on margin trading of guarantee system .

  7. 迄今为止,申请融资融券交易的人数增长缓慢。

    So far , applications for margin trading and short selling accounts have trickled in slowly .

  8. 融资融券交易已经解禁,但其背后隐含的风险一直未被立法者所忽视。

    Margin trading has been lifted , but its hidden risks have not been ignored by legislators .

  9. 融资融券交易下的股指期货市场功能研究

    Research on the Functions of Stock Index Futures Market Based on Margin Financing and Securities Lending Transactions

  10. 论我国融资融券交易担保机制的法律构造&以最高额质押为视点的框架分析

    The Legal Construction of the Guarantee System for Margin Trading : A Framework Analysis from Maximum Amount Pledge

  11. 融资融券交易作为我国资本市场一项基础性制度创新,必然带来法律制度的变革。

    Margin trading as China capital market is a fundamental system innovation , will bring the legal system .

  12. 融资融券交易,又称信用交易,是证券市场的重要组成部分。

    Margin trading , also known as credit transactions , is an important part of the securities market .

  13. 在这样的背景下,投资者迫切希望能够通过融资融券交易方式增加盈利模式。

    In this context , investors hope urgently to find a new profit model by Securities Margin Trading .

  14. 但是,在现实中,我国的融资融券交易能否起到熨平市场波动的效果?

    However , in reality , the margin trading in China can play an effect of reducing market volatility ?

  15. 但是作为一项舶来品,我国融资融券交易中的相关制度安排存在诸多争议以及从我国法律角度观之的矛盾之处。

    But as an " import ", the system of margin transaction is in contradiction with our legal system .

  16. 确立融资融券交易的刑事责任、增设非法融资融券罪可以有效地预防和打击融资融券违法犯罪行为。

    Establish margin trading of criminal responsibility , illegal margin sin can effectively prevent and combat margin illegal crime .

  17. 账户质押和最高额质押是国内学者提出的解决目前融资融券交易担保法律制度困境的新学说。

    Account pledge and the pledge is the most high scholars of the solution of the new security doctrine .

  18. 中国政府还有着推出股指期货以及融资融券交易的较长期计划,这需要吸引更多投资者的兴趣。

    There 's also longer-running ambitions to launch stock-futures and margin trading that require a high degree of investor interest .

  19. 具体文件格式可参考附件一,融资融券交易账户报备表。

    Specific format of documents may refer to annex I , report form for accounts of financed funds and capitals transactions .

  20. 合理和有效的风险监管制度,对建立和完善融资融券交易有着至关重要的影响。

    It has played a crucial part that reasonable and effective risk control system , the establishment and improvement of margin trading .

  21. 日本融资融券交易中比较特别的是成立了专业化的证券金融公司为融资融券提供支持和融通。

    The particular in Japan margin trading is to set up a specialized securities margin finance companies to provide support and financing .

  22. 中国市场监管机构选择在上周末宣布计划,进行股市融资融券交易试点。

    Chinese market regulators chose this weekend to unveil plans for a trial introduction of margin trading and short selling of securities .

  23. 在我国,融资融券交易经历了一个从禁到解的过程,并于2010年的3月31日进行了首次正式交易。

    In China , margin trading experienced from banning to solution , and in March 31,2010 , it was the first official trading .

  24. 证券融资融券交易是海外证券市场普遍实施的一种成熟的交易制度,是证券市场基本职能发挥作用的重要基础。

    Margin transaction is a mature system widely adopted abroad , based on which the basic functions of security markets could work smoothly .

  25. 当前,我国融资融券交易规模不断壮大,其对股票市场的影响也不断显现。

    At present , the size of the margin trading in China is growing , its impact on the stock market continue to appear .

  26. 他发表此番评论时有迹象显示,尽管当前金融市场处于动荡之中,中国仍将着手推行股票融资融券交易。

    His comments come amid signs that China will proceed with the introduction of margin trading and short selling of shares despite the current turmoil .

  27. 证券融资融券交易是证券市场一种重要的交易方式,许多国家和地区证券市场已经广泛采用了这一成熟的证券交易制度。

    Margin trading is considered as an important stock transaction method and a mature stock system , which has been widely adopted by many countries and regions .

  28. 随着新版《证券法》出台及付诸实施,在中国长久被禁的融资融券交易得以松绑。

    With the declaration and implement of amended'Securities Law ' , the ban on margin trading which had lasted for long time in China was finally cancelled .

  29. 目前尚不清楚哪些公司将参与其中,但在2010年初,只有6家机构获准进行融资融券交易。

    It is not clear which firms will be involved , but in early 2010 just six had licences to engage in securities lending and margin financing .

  30. 阐述了证券市场失灵、金融风险论、契约正义论和经济法的适度干预理论,以上观点为控制融资融券交易风险提供了理论依据。

    Describes securities market failure , financial risk theory , contractual justice theory and economic theory , the appropriate intervention point above for margin trading risk control provides theory basis .