
zhǎnɡ fú
  • rate/range of increase
  1. 全国各地的价格涨幅将不会划一。

    The price rises will not be uniform across the country .

  2. 服装价格的涨幅不及汽车那么高。

    Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles .

  3. 工资的涨幅高过了生产率增长的速度,从而消耗了利润所得。

    Wages were rising faster than productivity and this was eating into profits .

  4. 他认为物价涨幅不会再超过4个百分点。

    He believes prices will not rise by more than another 4 per cent .

  5. 他提高了工资以使人们更易接受,尽管涨幅略低于他的价格升幅。

    He sweetened the pill by increasing wages , although by slightly less than he raised prices .

  6. 它的股票在第一季度陷入低迷,但现在累计已有20%的涨幅。

    Its shares were down across the first quarter , but are now showing a 20 per cent uplift .

  7. 这一数据与市场预期一致,与1月相比,CPI涨幅回落0.2个百分点。

    The reading , in line with market expectations , eased slightly from the 5.4 percent gain in January .

  8. 据摩根士丹利资本国际的数据,涨幅居后的包括公用事业和电信类股,分别涨了约%和12%

    The laggards include utilities and telecommunications , up about % and 12 % respectively , to MSCI .

  9. 在上海上市首日,中国建筑股份有限公司(ChinaStateConstructionEngineering)涨幅一度高达90%,收盘上涨56%。

    Shares in China State Construction Engineering rose by as much as 90 per cent on their debut before closing 56 per cent stronger in Shanghai .

  10. 大多数烟草公司的股价超过了摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCIWorldIndex)130%的涨幅。

    Most tobacco companies have beaten the 130 per cent return of the MSCI World index .

  11. 而同期道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)涨幅约为30%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen about 30 % over the same period .

  12. 但这一表现远逊于今年摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(msciworldindex)18%的涨幅。

    But that performance is beaten by the 18 per cent improvement in the MSCI World Index during the year .

  13. 每日新知:据HedgeFundResearch报告,对冲基金4月份上涨,但涨幅不如标准普尔(S&P)。

    Another day , another study : hedge fund research reports that hedge funds gained in April , but not as much as the S & P.

  14. 在微软(Microsoft)股价涨幅50%的推动下,盖茨的财富增长了130亿美元。

    Mr. Gates ' fortune is up $ 13 billion because of the 50 % rise in Microsoft shares .

  15. 正如资本经济(CapitalEconomics)指出的那样,按美元计算,一个衡量中国出口价格的美国指数去年12月的涨幅不到1%。

    As Capital Economics points out , a US index of Chinese export prices was up by less than 1 per cent in dollar terms in December .

  16. 鞍钢股份(AngangSteel)上涨了2.2%,至11.96港元,令周涨幅达到了16%。

    Angang Steel gained 2.2 per cent to HK $ 11.96 , taking its weekly rise to 16 per cent .

  17. 你或许会以为后一个时期的消费者价格指数(CPI)涨幅可能较高。

    You might assume consumer price inflation has been higher in the latter period .

  18. iTunessales:24亿美元,涨幅28%

    ITunes sales : $ 2.4 billion , up 28 %

  19. 在公布了强劲的第四财政季度业绩后,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)周二实现了类似涨幅。

    Hewlett-Packard managed a similar leap yesterday following strong fourth quarter results .

  20. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)股票昨日在上海市场上市首日上涨32%,涨幅低于预期,这显示,最近新股的大量上市可能已开始抑制投资者的需求。

    Shares in China Construction Bank rose by a less-than-expected 32 per cent on their first day of trading on the Shanghai market yesterday , indicating that the burst of recent flotations may be starting to damp investor demand .

  21. 最新的标准普尔/Case-Shiller房价指数(S&P/Case-ShillerHomePriceIndices)显示,2013年9月份旧金山房价同比涨幅达到了25.7%。

    In September , prices soared 25.7 % from a year earlier , according to the latest S & P / Case-Shiller home price indices .

  22. LinkedIn上市当天上涨了109.4%,是所有IPO中首日涨幅最大的公司之一。

    LinkedIn ( lnkd ) had one of the biggest first-day bounces of all IPOs , a 109.4 % gain .

  23. 最让人惊叹的是Yelp,它的股价涨幅高达173%!

    And most impressive , yelp has gained 173 % .

  24. 恒生指数本周一直在反弹&但几乎没有哪只股票的涨幅能超过市场管理机构香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing),该股自上周末以来上涨了近四分之一。

    Hang Seng stocks have been bouncing all week – few more than the market operator , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , up almost a quarter since the weekend .

  25. 恒生指数(HangSengIndex)创下有记录以来最大点数下跌之一,跌幅达5.8%,抹去了之前12个月的全部涨幅。

    The Hang Seng index suffered one of its biggest point drops on record , shedding 5.8 per cent to erase all its gains over the previous 12 months .

  26. 不过,随着基数降低和经济增长复苏,8月后cpi和ppi同比涨幅都可能会回升。

    However , both year on year CPI and PPI inflation could rebound after August on lower bases and growth recovery .

  27. 占cpi篮子将近三分之一的食品价格,正以逾5%的涨幅上涨。

    Food prices , accounting for nearly a third of that CPI basket , are increasing at more than 5 per cent .

  28. CPI同比涨幅和PPI涨幅之间的差距不断扩大,说明部分制造业下游企业的利润率可能会有所改善。

    The widening gap between year-on-year CPI and PPI inflation implies that profit margins could be improved for some downstream manufacturing sectors .

  29. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)研究显示,深圳是中国最热的房地产市场,房价年度涨幅为70%。

    According to JPMorgan research , the city is China 's hottest property market , with prices increasing at an annual rate of 70 per cent .

  30. 今年5月,市场调查机构欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的报告显示,功能和运动饮料在2013年的销量涨幅为4%,比起前一年的9%有所减少。

    In May , Euromonitor International reported that sales of energy and sports drinks grew in 2013 by 4 % , considerably slower than the 9 % growth the year before .