
  • 网络value and Capital
  1. 劳动、价值与资本

    On Labor , Value and Capital

  2. 我国房地产上市公司企业价值与资本结构实证研究

    The Study of the Relationship between Listed Companies ' Real Estate Value and Capital Structure in China

  3. 经典的MM定理指出,在没有摩擦的理想世界中,企业价值与资本结构无关。

    Classic MM theorem indicates that if companies were in the ideal world of " no friction ", the value of enterprises is unrelated to their capital structure .

  4. 论组织价值与人才资本价值的关系

    Relationship Between Value of Organization and that of Talent Capital

  5. 回归结果表明样本企业的企业价值与人力资本的关系更紧密。

    Results show : The enterprise value of the sample companies are more closely with the human capital .

  6. 然后通过回归分析来研究企业价值与智力资本的关系。

    And then , by regression analysis to study the relationship between the enterprise value and intellectual capital .

  7. 营运风险、有形资产的抵押价值分别与资本结构正相关,信号传递假设与资产结构呈不显著的负相关关系。

    Operational risk and collateral value of tangible assets are positively related to leverage . There is no significant result of the hypotheses on signaling effect to leverage .

  8. 通过讨论组织价值与人才资本价值的关系,认为人才资本价值只有在组织中才能实现,组织价值的实现则依靠人才资本价值的实现。

    Accordingly the paper discusses the relation between the value of a organization and the one of Talents Capital , holding that the latter can be only realized in the organization , and vice versa , the former depends on the latter 's realization ;

  9. 这些措施或许有些价值,但与资本市场给经济造成浩劫的能力相比,仍显得有些小打小闹。

    Worthwhile as they probably are , such measures look like tinkering when set against the capacity of capital markets to wreak economic havoc .

  10. 软件价值效用论与软件资本流通

    Labor value creation and capital circulation of the software

  11. 市值管理的中心要义是实现价值信息在企业与资本市场之间流动的顺畅。

    The core of Market Value Management is to realize smooth flow of value information between companies and capital market .

  12. 一般财务理论认为,企业价值应该与企业未来资本收益的现值相等。

    General financial theories hold that the value of a business should be in conformity with the future capital gains of the business .

  13. 如果你的老板欺压你、盘剥你或者占用你的剩余价值,那也与资本所有权没有什么关系。

    If your boss pushes you around , exploits you or appropriates your surplus value , the reasons have nothing to do with the ownership of capital .

  14. 通过市场机制,创业板市场能够有效评价创业资产价值,促进知识与资本的结合,推动知识经济的发展。

    By market mechanism , the Growth Enterprise Market can effectively evaluate the value of properties for initiating business , can promote the combination of knowledge and capital , and can push the development of knowledge economy .

  15. 它内在具有国民价值与国际价值、资本生产全球化与国别占有、经济技术创新的主导性与不同国家创新能力国际差异之间的三类特殊矛盾;

    It is characterized by the contradiction between the national value and inter national value , the contradiction between capital globalization and national occupation , and the contradiction between dominance of technological innovation and the international innovation gap among nations .

  16. 人的时间价值与经济发展&马克思价值理论与人力资本理论的比较

    Human-Time Value and Economic Development : A Comparative Analysis about Marx 's Theory of Value and Human Capital Theory

  17. 民营企业价值矩WM的经济意义是指民营企业的各种有形与无形的企业资产对吸引职业经理人时所体现出来的价值与社会货币资本稀缺性的乘积在双方博弈中所体现的份量;

    W_M private-enterprise Value moment , refers to the Weight between the visible and invisible value of private enterprises and therm affection and attraction to Professional executive and limitation of social Currency Capital .