
  • 网络Value identification;value recognition
  1. 工作支持和价值认同对周边绩效有显著正向影响。

    Work support and value recognition have positive effects on contextual performance .

  2. 因此使用投资者信心指数衡量投资者价值认同。

    Therefore , this article uses Investor Confidence Index measure investor value recognition .

  3. APEC制度化运作的可行性在于对制度的价值认同和足够的制度资源供给。

    The feasibility of the systematized operation of APEC lies in the identification of the values of systematization and in the sufficient supply of system resources .

  4. 认同的哲学意蕴与价值认同的本质

    The Philosophical Meaning of Identification and the Essence of Value Identification

  5. 试论构建社会主义价值认同体系的途径

    The Approach to Form a Socialist System of Value Identity

  6. 体育信息资源的网络传播特征及价值认同

    The Network Propagation Characteristics of Physical Information Resource and Its Value Identification

  7. 软实力的核心,是价值认同。

    Core of soft power lies in compatibleness of value .

  8. 校园体育文化的人本教育价值认同研究

    Research on Campus Sport Culture Humanism Education Value Cognition

  9. 全球化视角下的中西文化之价值认同从色彩学看中西文化意蕴

    The Evaluating Coincidence of Chinese Culture and Western Culture from the View-point of Globalization

  10. 性别角色与价值认同&甘南夏河藏传佛教尼僧价值认同调查

    Gender Role and Value Identity The third gender

  11. 论人本主导价值认同在社会发展进程中的失位与归位

    Position Losing and Homing of Man-oriented Value Identity in the Process of Social Development

  12. 社会公平和价值认同是社会和谐的基本机制。

    Social justice and value identity are the basic mechanism for a harmonious society .

  13. 论价值认同与社会工作核心价值体系的建构

    On Value Identification and the Construction of the Core Value System of Social Work

  14. 全球化的价值认同及思考

    Unification of Values in Globalization and Its Meditation

  15. 论新时期的价值认同

    An Analysis on Value Recognition in New Times

  16. 虚拟条件下价值认同在当今转型社会是一个重要的问题。

    Under the fictitious condition , value-approbation is an important issue in our transitional society nowadays .

  17. 还要尊重文化共享者的价值认同和文化认同等。

    We shall also respect the value identification and cultural identification of the cultural sharers , etc.

  18. 员工组织情感承诺包含了价值认同、努力意愿和组织向心力三个特征维度;

    Employee affective commitment includes three factors : value identity , efforts willingness and organizational involvement ;

  19. 从根本上说,当前围绕着价值认同所展开的争论都是源于人们对认同概念的不同理解。

    Fundamentally speaking , the polemic on the value identification spring from different interpretations of identification conception .

  20. 同门、省界与现代政治价值认同&清末政论报人组织离合的政治文化分析

    Separation and Integration of Political Commentator in Newspapermen 's Organizations in Late-Qing : a Political Culture Analysis

  21. 二是投资人对投资对象的价值认同以及由此产生的投资行为。

    Second , investor admit to investment value of target and investment behavior that produce from this .

  22. 人的现实存在的双向价值认同&耶稣、普罗米修斯与人文性

    The Two-way Identification of the Value of the Realistic Existence of Man : Christ , Prometheus and Humaneness

  23. 这种特殊的协同关系,反映的是一种建立在独特的区域制度知识和文化价值认同基础之上的人格化交易机制。

    This especial relation reflected personification bargaining mechanism based on particular territorial institutional information and identifying with culture merit .

  24. 全球化背景下大学生价值认同的障碍及其实现的理论路径

    The Value Identity of the College Students in the Context of Globalization : Obstacles and Theoretical Methods of Achievement

  25. 价值认同、中国足球与奥林匹克文化&对中西体育文化发展的思考

    Evaluating Coincidence , Chinese Football and Olympic Culture & Consideration on the Development of Chinese and Western Sports Cultures

  26. 信任有助于增强国家共同体的凝聚力和人们的价值认同感,是我们构建公民精神的应有之意。

    Trust , the essence of civil spirit , helps to strengthen national cohesiveness and the sense of value identity .

  27. 均线反映了价值认同的平均值,这样通道表明了多头和空头的正常极限。

    Moving averages reflect the average consensus of value , while channels show the normal limits of bullishness and bearishness .

  28. 正是从这个意义上看,电视媒介对于受众的价值认同的建构中发挥着重要的作用。

    It is in this sense , TV has played an important role in constructing the values of the audience .

  29. 实现充分就业与构建和谐社会,具有共同的价值认同,它们之间存在着相互需要、相互促进的密切关系。

    The aims of full employment and the building of a harmonious society are closely related and share common values .

  30. 从低收入群体价值认同看核心价值体系凝聚力&以福建城市贫困群体为例

    Cohesion of the Core Value System from Valve Identity of Low-income Groups : Case by Urban Poverty Groups in Fujian Province