
xún huán lùn zhènɡ
  • Circular argument;argue in a circle
  1. 这个论点存在着危险的循环论证。

    There is a dangerous circularity about this argument .

  2. 这种循环论证的一个例子,是欧洲央行(ECB)本月发布的预测报告:在量化宽松奏效的基础之上,2016年和2017年经济将稳定复苏。

    An example of such circularity was the forecast by the European Central Bank this month , which predicts a solid economic recovery in 2016 and 2017 on the grounds that QE would work .

  3. 对一个重要极限证明中使用循环论证问题的质疑

    Oppugning the Issue of the Important Limit Arguing in a Circle

  4. 我认为这很明显,它最终只是循环论证。

    I think ultimately it pretty clearly is circular .

  5. 二是实证分析部分可能存在循环论证的情况。

    Secondly , there may be exist demonstrated cycle in the empirical analysis .

  6. 在我们看来,这是一种前进性的循环论证。

    In our view , this is a kind of advance sexual circular arguments .

  7. 这不是一个循环论证吗?

    Isn 't this argument circular ?

  8. 希腊化时期的怀疑主义者充分展现了自主性真理观的双重困境:循环论证和无穷后退。

    Greco-Roman skeptics sufficiently revealed dual dilemma of " truth by subjectivity ": a vicious circle and endless regradation .

  9. 在本文中我的意图是界定一种可以避免此类循环论证的理性概念。

    My intention in this paper is to attempt to define a conception of reasonableness which avoids this kind of circularity .

  10. 但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    However , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .

  11. 在此过程中,马克思首要关注的是人的异化问题,却出现了私有制和异化的循环论证。

    During this process , his primary concern of Marxism is the alienation of problems , but a cycle of private ownership and alienation of the demonstration .

  12. 人们禁不住会嘲笑这种毫无意义的循环论证:炮弹更多就意味着大炮更多,进而意味着对炮弹的需求也就更高。

    It is tempting to mock this as a pointlessly circular argument : more cannon fodder means more cannons , which means more need for cannon fodder .

  13. 接下来他诉之于上帝完美的存在且不存在欺骗,以此来证明其精神感官的依赖,那看起来像是邪恶的循环论证。

    He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular .

  14. 如果仅仅从书本知识出发来研究现实问题,我们难免陷入循环论证的模式中,这种模式无法产生新的知识。

    If you just starting to study the knowledge from books practical problems , we will inevitably fall into a tautological model , this model can not generate new knowledge .

  15. 指出目前许多大学物理教材中直接利用麦克斯韦速率分布函数推导方均根速率的方法是不严格的,属于循环论证。

    It is pointed out that the derivation of root mean square speed of gas molecules , based on Maxwell distribution function in the textbooks used by many universities , is not rigorous .

  16. 文章通过对卡诺定理证明方法的比较,得出第一、第二种证明方法有循环论证之嫌,而第三种方法简洁、逻辑性强。

    This paper compares the methods of proving Carnot 's theorem , finding that the first and the second ones are argued in a circle and the third one is briefer and more logical .

  17. 有个非常著名的论题是关于认知过程的,称作笛卡尔循环论证,请大家注意,事实上对笛卡尔来说这并不是唯一的问题。

    Now there is a very famous problem with this procedure known as the Cartesian circle and I want to draw your attention to the fact that it 's not only a problem for Descartes .

  18. 笛卡尔循环论证值得关注的地方在于,为什么那么多的学者对其进行讨论,不仅反对笛卡尔论据里的契合点,而更多地是反对普遍观点。

    The interest in the Cartesian circle , the reason why it 's discussed so much by the scholars is not just anti cohering interest in Descartes arguments it 's a much more general point .

  19. 把法律权威丧失的原因归结为法律信仰的失落不失深刻,但也存在着用法律权威之丧失解释法律信仰之失落这种循环论证的可能。

    It is deep that to sum up the reason why the legal authority loses as legal faith lose , but there have the possibility to explain legal faith with law authoritative losing in a circle .

  20. 摘要《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    Xinhua dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese dictionary , is a great success . however , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .

  21. 然而,他们的努力在方法上是循环论证(因为他们都在论证的过程中都运用着科学的成果),在理论上,休谟和哥德尔彻底摧毁了他们的幻想。

    But not only are their efforts in method circular reasoning , because they all use the results of science in the process of argument , but also Hume and Godel destroyed their illusions in terms of theory .

  22. 哲学教科书对于新事物和旧事物的释义存在循环论证的现象,而且离开主体的尺度纯粹从客观必然性去说明新旧事物的区别陷入了客观主义的误区。

    In the philosophy textbook , there exists arguing in a circle about the definitions of " new things " and " old things ", and the practice of explaining their difference from just the objective necessity without thinking of subject .

  23. 该方法对各种发动机系统方案的分析具有通用性,适用于液体火箭发动机系统循环方案论证。

    This method is universal for the analysis of liquid rocket engine cycles .

  24. 根据MB特征峰处的吸收光谱值,计算了MB的二聚平衡常数和相应单体、二聚体的摩尔消光系数。并用稳态荧光法和无外加探针的循环伏安法进一步论证了计算结果。

    On the basis of the peak absorption values of the visible spectra of MB , the dimerization constants and the molar absorption coefficients of the monomer and the dimer of MB were calculated .

  25. 教学实验是一个长期的、循环性的不断论证、改善的过程,这也是该研究者以后的努力方向。

    Teaching experiment is a long-term , circulative process that needs continual demonstration and improvement , and this is what the author will striving to in future .