
shēnɡ wù liàn
  • biological chain
  1. 人类在生物链中扮演了什么角色?

    What part do human beings play in the biological chain ?

  2. 一些科学家认为,人类处于生物链的顶端。

    Some scientists think that human beings is lying the top of biological chain .

  3. 在量的方面,SRB种群通过数量波动维持着基质链与生物链的动态平衡,并以种群动态为表征。

    On quantity , SRB maintains dynamic balance between substrate chain and bio-chain , describing the dynamic of its population .

  4. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)是一类具有毒性、难降解、且能在生物体内蓄积并通过生物链进行长距离迁移的所有有机化合物的总称。

    Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) is a kind of toxic organic compounds which can exist in the environment for a long time and transport a long distance in the environment .

  5. 稀土高背景区生物链中稀土元素的分布特征

    Characteristic of Rare Earth Distribution in Biologic Chains of Rare Earth Rich Background Regions

  6. 这两个处在生物链末端的物种被锁定在没完没了的你输我赢的进化博斗中。

    the two latter species have been locked in a never-ending evolutionary game of roshambo .

  7. 这些农药具有毒性以及生物累积性,通过生物链传递最终严重危害人类健康。

    They possess high toxic and bioaccumulation ; which are eventually hazardous to human health through the food chains .

  8. 其它保健品:多种原料经萃取合成,生物链被打断。

    Other health care products : a variety of raw materials extraction by synthesis , biological chain to be interrupted .

  9. 人类作为生物链上相对独立的一环,自身内部也存在生态平衡问题。

    As a relatively independent part of biological chain , human beings themselves also encounter with the problems of ecological balance .

  10. 在生物链中,最终能够生存下来的,并非最强大的物种,也不是最智慧的物种,而是最能适应变化的物种。

    It is not the strongest species that survive , nor the most intelligent , but the most responsive to change .

  11. 在这儿海上软体动物的躯壳是岛上生物链的一个象征,也以海螺共和国闻名。

    The shell of the sea mollusk is a symbol of the island chain , also known as the Conch Republic .

  12. 看动物互相残杀真是悲哀,但我想这就是生物链吧。

    It 's sad to watch an animal kill another animal , but I guess it 's just the chain of life .

  13. 七大主体一个市场&中国资本市场的生物链效应我国股票市场和外汇市场波动溢出效应分析

    SEVEN MAIN BODIES IN THE CAPITAL MARKET ; The Volatility Spillover Effect between the Chinese Stock Market and the Foreign Exchange Market

  14. 然而,正是这个理论恰恰证明,人类在地球的生物链中的位置并不重要。

    However , the theory does just prove that the site of human beings in biological chain on the earth is not important .

  15. 顶级生物链上的肉食动物数目下降将改变疾病和野火发生的动态变化规律,研究人员们表示,还会对生态系统造成的非预期影响。

    The loss of top carnivores could alter the dynamics of disease and wildfires , they say , and have unintended consequences for ecosystems .

  16. 因此,这样一个简单的事实&野牛数目的变化对整个野生生物链都产生了影响。

    Thus one simple fact , a change in the number of bison , had an effect on the whole wildlife chain of the plain .

  17. 阐述了生态系统的无机环境、以及生物的生产者、消费者、分解者等4个基本组成部分及其相互之间的生物链关系的理论。

    The bio-chain theory of four fundamental compositions and interrelationship between inorganic environment of ecological system and manufacturer , consumer and resolution of biology is expounded .

  18. 南极生物链中的关键初级生产力是微藻,南极冰藻是极好的生态指示种。

    The microalgae are the key primary producer of Antarctic biological chain , and the Antarctic ice algae are good indicator species for the ecological environment .

  19. 绿色植物处于地球上的生物链最底端,是地球上生物的生存基础和能量来源。

    Existed in the bottom of the food chain on Earth , green plants are the biological basis of earth and the source of energy for survival .

  20. 本文介绍了沙棘的生长特性以及沙棘能够快速恢复植被、减少泥沙、改善环境、恢复生物链的优点。

    This paper introduces the vegetative character of seabuckthorn and its functions in recovering vegetation , reducing sediment load , improving the environment , restoring biological chains , etc.

  21. 基于存在于自然界的生物链及生物技术原理,提出了产品再生生态链和重构基因;

    In accordance with the biological chain in nature and the biological technology , the product reproducing ecological chain and the reconfigurated gene are put forward in this paper .

  22. 元素环境活性形态主要是人类活动和风化作用的产物,在沉积物中以弱结合态形式存在,易于迁移转化,进入水体和生物链。

    As the product of human activity and rock weathering , the environmental labile element is less-bound in sediment , which is easily transferred into water and organic bodies .

  23. 裸露边坡会造成一系列环境问题,如水土流失、滑坡、泥石流、局部小气候的恶化及生物链的破坏等。

    The exposed slopes can bring about many ecological problems , such as water and soil run off , landslides , mud-rock flows , worsen of microclimate and destruction of biosphere .

  24. 人类与环境,就像大自然中的生物链,是环环相扣,不可分割的对立统一。

    The human being and the environment , just as the " food chain " in the nature , are a pair of unity of opposites which is interconnected with each other .

  25. 接下来,我们不得不考虑为什么地球上必须有智能生物,而这种智能生物在生物链或生物圈中处于什么位置。

    Next , we 'll have to ponder why there must be wise mammals on the earth existing , and what site of wise mammals lie in the biological chain or biological circle .

  26. 随着气候变暖加剧,苹果生长的气象环境发生了变化,气象灾害发生频率增加,由气象条件引发的病虫害等生物链也将随之发生变化。

    Meteorological environments in the growth periods of apple vary with global climate warming , for example , the frequency of meteorological disaster increases and insect pest caused by meteorological conditions have also changed .

  27. 同时,核事故传播属于一种特殊的科技传播活动,在这个环境中,生物链的各个环节都具有独特性。

    At the same time , nuclear accident transitions belong to a special kind of technology dissemination activities . In this ecological environment , every segment of the " food chain " is unique .

  28. 池塘养殖系统作为典型的人工营养型系统,其过度简单化的生态结构和生物链导致了内部极其低下的生态效率,从而引起系统能量流动和物质循环的阻塞。

    Pond culture system as a typical artificial feeding system , has a simple ecological structure and food chain led to its extremely low eco-efficiency , because of its energy flow and material cycles obstruction .

  29. 为了促进经济的高速增长,中国牺牲了许多环境资源,破坏了许多完整的生物链,植被的破坏、水土的流失都加剧了自然灾害的发生。

    In order to achieve rapid economic growth , we sacrificed a lot of environment resources , destroyed lots of biologic chains . Natural disasters are exacerbated with water and soil loss and destruction of vegetation .

  30. 鸟类是人类最好的朋友之一,它们不但是许多害虫的天敌,自然生物链重要一环。

    Birds are one of mankind 's best friends , not only are they the natural predator of many types of harmful insects , they are one of the most important links in nature 's food chain .