
  • 网络Rotten egg;Of rotten eggs
  1. 硫化氢(H2S)是一种无色有臭鸡蛋味的气体,大量吸入会导致中毒。

    Hydrogen sulfide ( H2S ) is well known as a toxic gas with the characteristic smell of rotten eggs .

  2. 现在,你们一定已经意识到伏特加酒闻起来绝不像臭鸡蛋。

    Now , you will have noticed that vodka never smells of rotten eggs .

  3. 事实是:除了S-H以外,没有其他东西闻起来像臭鸡蛋。

    which is this : nothing in the world smells like rotten eggs except S-H , OK ?

  4. 第二次用硫化氢来模拟臭鸡蛋里的硫化物恶臭;

    once with hydrogen sulfide , which mimics the sulfurous stench of rotten eggs ;

  5. 而且,除了臭鸡蛋和玫瑰以外还有许许多多形形色色的气味。

    Also , there are many different smells out there to test besides rotten eggs and roses .

  6. 硫化氢是闻上去像臭鸡蛋的有毒气体,会腐蚀整个房间内的金融。

    Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that smells like rotten eggs , and s metal throughout affected households .

  7. 首先说明一下,没有人说她们在做梦的时候闻到了玫瑰香或者臭鸡蛋味。

    To be clear , none of the women reported actually smelling roses or rotten eggs in their dreams .

  8. 梦境经常发生在快速眼动睡眠阶段,在这个时候让研究对象闻玫瑰香味,然后是臭鸡蛋味,最后让她们正常呼吸。

    During REM sleep , when most dreams occur , the subjects received rose-scented air , then rotten egg-scented air , and then plain air .

  9. 在下水道缺氧的情况下,细菌会将常见硫酸化合物分解,使其转化为硫化氢——这便是臭鸡蛋气味的来源。

    In a sewer 's anaerobic conditions , common sulfate compounds are reduced by bacteria to hydrogen sulfide - the source of that rotten egg smell .

  10. 无论是在什么样的浓度甚至是纯的情况下,如果你闻到纯的乙醇,它闻起来绝对不像臭鸡蛋。

    Like , at no concentration , even pure , you know , if you smelt pure ethanol , it doesn 't smell of rotten eggs .

  11. 泰伯还谈到了瓶盖内衬垫引起氢化反应(有臭鸡蛋气味)的螺纹瓶盖相关问题,以及用以消除这种气味的铜净化剂可能带来的负面影响。

    Taber covers the screwcap-related problems of reduction ( bad egg smells ) associated with screwcap liners and the possible downside of the copper fining used to avoid the smells .

  12. 每次罗恩试图使甲虫变形时,马上便有一股灰色的、带臭鸡蛋味的浓烟把他包围了。

    It kept crackling and sparking at odd moments , and every time Ron tried to transfigure his beetle it engulfed him in thick gray smoke that smelled of rotten eggs .

  13. 但事实恰恰相反,罗斯塔探测出了带有臭鸡蛋气味的硫化氢,以及带有猫粪味的氨气——任何给猫喂过食的人对这种气味是再熟悉不过了。

    But instead Rosetta has also detected hydrogen sulphide - with its rotten egg odor - as well as ammonia , with a smell familiar to anyone who has changed a cat pan .

  14. 当研究人员探索这些洞穴时,他们看到、闻到硫酸,和像…的气体,嗯…,想想臭鸡蛋的味道吧!

    And when cave researchers go to explore them , they see and smell , the sulfuric acid and gases of ... er ... phew ... now , something else , think of rotten eggs .