
  • 网络Ozone hole;ozone depletion
  1. 臭氧空洞是南极特有的自然现象,使得到达南极地球表面的UV辐射量大量增加。

    ' Ozone hole ' , which cause a great increment of the UV radiation to the earth surface , is a exclusive phenomena over the Antarctic .

  2. 臭氧空洞:为什么出现在南极洲上空?

    Unit 101 The Ozone Hole : Why over Antarctica ?

  3. 对一个臭氧空洞的形成来说,必须存在适当的气象条件。

    For an ozone hole to form , proper weather conditions must also exist .

  4. 这很可能也是人类第一次因臭氧空洞问题而进入紧急状态。

    This is perhaps the very first emergency that mankind have declared for an ozone hole .

  5. 从臭氧空洞中汲取的教训

    Lessons from the Ozone Hole

  6. 并且臭氧空洞的出现已经对动植物甚至使人都造成了巨大的危害。

    And the ozone hole has been the emergence of plants and animals and even people have caused great harm .

  7. 珍珠云,也称为极地平流云,会造南极臭氧空洞的形成。

    Nacreous clouds - also known as polar stratospheric clouds - contribute to the formation of the polar ozone holes .

  8. 但是,1974年科学家发现,卤代烷化合物是造成臭氧空洞形成的重要原因。

    But in 1974 scientists found that the halogen-alkyl compound is the main factor of those can lead to the Ozone cavity .

  9. 南极上空的臭氧空洞已达到年度最大范围,成为近年来最大的空洞之一。

    The ozone hole over the Antarctic has reached its peak this year and has become one of the largest holes of recent years .

  10. 科学家透露更多关于北极具保护性的臭氧空洞问题,面积相当于南极的空洞。

    Scientists have disclosed further details about a giant hole in the protective ozone layer above the Arctic that matched the size of those found regularly over Antarctica .

  11. 近年来由于臭氧空洞以及由此带来的一系列环境问题,使中高层大气的研究成为热门课题。

    Recently , with the increasing attention on ozone hole and a series of environmental problems related to it , study on upper atmosphere has become a hot topic .

  12. 但是,这一年的南极臭氧空洞更加稳定,而且有可能持续更长时间,因而南半球要承受更加强烈的紫外线有害辐射。

    However , this year 's ozone hole over Antarctica is more stable and likely to last longer than year 's and spread more harmful ultraviolet radiation over the southern hemisphere .

  13. 同时,南极上空臭氧空洞的出现,北极地区冻土带的北移等都表明全球变化也在明显地影响着两极。

    The global change appears to affect the Arctic and Antarctic regions such as the events of ozone hole in the Antarctic atmosphere and north moving of permafrost zone in the Arctic region .

  14. 尽管每年春季出现在南极洲上空的臭氧空洞预计要到2073年才能恢复,但是极地以外地区的臭氧层预计到2048年就可以恢复到1980年以前的水平。

    The ozone layer outside the polar regions is projected to recover to pre-1980 levels by 2048 , although the annual springtime ozone hole over the Antarctic is not expected to recover until 2073 .

  15. 虽然这次臭氧空洞扩大,还因为南极大陆的气温不断升高所致,但气温的升高,又与人类大量释放二氧化碳有直接的关系。

    Indeed , this expanded ozone hole also results from the increasing temperature of continental Antarctica . But such increase in temperature is also directly connected with the huge volumes of carbon dioxide emission from mankind .

  16. 除此之外,由海啸带来的核泄漏,输油管破裂带来的海洋污染、臭氧空洞引发的气候异常和对人类健康的侵蚀等诸多问题,早已跨越国界变为了全球性的议题。

    In addition , by the tsunami of the nuclear leakage , pipeline rupture caused by marine pollution , ozone hole caused by abnormal climate on human health and erosion problems , already across borders to global issues .

  17. 重点综述了近年来有关南极臭氧空洞、中纬度地区臭氧低值和北极地区臭氧的损耗机理及其发展趋势;

    The emphasis is placed on reviewing the ozone hole in the Antarctic , low values of ozone in the middle latitudes and the mechanism of depletion of ozone in the Arctic , and their development trends in recent years .

  18. 今年臭氧空洞最大的时候曾达到1500万平方公里,平时,崖体内水分不能蒸发,也势必危害洞中壁画。

    At its largest this year , the ozone hole covered more than 15 million square kilometers . In normal times , the moisture in the rock mass that cannot evaporate will certainly be detrimental to the frescoes in the grottoes .

  19. 几十年来,南极洲上空的臭氧层空洞在不断扩大。

    The ozone hole had been growing for decades over Antarctica .

  20. 温室效应、臭氧层空洞都是这种容量极限问题的反映。

    The greenhouse effect and the ozone holes are its external performance .

  21. 沙尘暴天气、臭氧层空洞、原始森林消失,等等这些无不影响着我们的生活。

    Sandstorm weather , ozone hole , primitive forests disappearance and so on affect our life .

  22. 如果我们现在停止排放有害化学物质,也许到了2050年,臭氧层空洞就会消失了。

    If we stopped releasing harmful chemicals today , theozone layer would probably be back at full strength by2050 .

  23. 化学教学与环保教育&关于学生对臭氧层空洞和全球变暖等环境问题认识的调查

    The Teaching of Chemistry and Environmental Protection Education The Students ' Investigation About the Problem of Ozonosphere Inanition and the Warmth up of the Globe

  24. 科学家发现,越来越多的鲸鱼被晒伤,而臭氧层空洞则可能是幕后元凶。

    Scientists have discovered that a growing number of whales are suffering from sunburn-and that the hole in the ozone layer could be to blame .

  25. 他们认为这符合情理,因为这些鳟鱼生活在世界上臭氧层空洞最大的区域附近,这意味着它们接触到了更强的紫外线。

    Makes sense , they say , because these trout live near the world 's biggest hole in the ozone layer - meaning more exposure to UV rays .

  26. 晒伤增多的一个原因可能是臭氧层空洞,而臭氧层是保护地球不受太阳紫外线危害的保护层。

    One reason for the rise in sunburn could be the hole in the ozone layer-the protective layer that shields the Earth from the sun 's harmful ultraviolet rays .

  27. 随着生产力发展,大气污染、水体污染、森林锐减、臭氧层空洞等等无不威胁着人类的生存和发展。

    With the development of productive forces , air pollution , water pollution , forest reduced , ozone hole , etc. are a threat to human survival and development .

  28. 事实上,该蒙特利尔议定书(致力于解决臭氧层空洞问题的)与京都协议书(以解决全球变暖为中心的)一拍即合——议定书的实施能使温室气体排放量降低五倍。

    In fact , the agreement to address the ozone hole has actually cut five times the greenhouse gas emissions as has the Kyoto Protocol to address global warming .

  29. 尽管专家对臭氧层空洞正在慢慢恢复持乐观态度,但世界气象组织的克莱尔·纽利斯警告人们要继续致力于保护臭氧层。

    Although experts are optimistic that the hole has slowly been recovering , Clare Nullis from the World Meteorological Organization is warning people to remain committed to protecting the ozone layer .

  30. 众所周知,人类社会正面临着严重的生态危机,温室效应、臭氧层空洞、酸雨等现象已经纷纷进入人类生活。

    As we all know , human beings are facing a serious ecological crisis . Greenhouse effect , the holes of the ozone layer and acid rain have come into our daily life .