
  • ROTTEN EGG;bad egg
  1. 那些臭蛋把这个地方弄得恶臭。

    Those rotten eggs have stunk the place .

  2. 臭蛋散发出难闻的气味。

    Rotten eggs give off a bad smell .

  3. 空气中全是这只臭蛋的可怕味道。

    The air was filled with the terrible gases and smells from the rotten egg .

  4. 生活就像一个咸鸭蛋,在你没打破它之前你永远不知道它是冒油蛋还是个臭蛋。(原创)

    Life is like salted duck egg , you never know whether it is good or bad before you break it .

  5. 硫化氢的气味可能和臭蛋、阴沟相媲美,但最新研究显示这些臭气并非一无是处。

    The odour may be horribly familiar from stink bombs and sewage , but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad .