
  • 网络Ozone depletion;ODP
  1. 以矮嵩草草甸上天然太阳辐射为背景,建立人工增强太阳UV-B辐射和遮光装置,分别模拟平流层臭氧损耗5%时近地面的太阳UV-B辐射和滤去40%-60%的太阳辐射强度。

    Basing on the background of natural solar radiation on Kobresia humilis meadow , established shading and enhanced UV-B radiation equipment , respectively simulating 5 % ozone depletion and 40-60 % solar radiation decrease .

  2. 采用分子轨道从头算方法,在B3LYP/6-311+G(3df)和G2水平上研究了极地平流层臭氧损耗的一个基本过程。

    One of processes of the ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere is investigated by using an ab initio calculation at the B3LYP / 6-311 + G ( 3df ) and the G2 levels .

  3. HF的稳定性导致了氟原子团的臭氧损耗的可能。氟原子团大约比氯原子团小三个数量级。

    The stability of HF results in an ozone-depleting potential of the fluorine radical that is approximately three orders of magnitude less than that of the chlorine radical .

  4. 大气层臭氧损耗与紫外辐射对海洋浮游植物的影响

    The impact of ozone depletion and ultraviolet radiation on Marine Phytoplankton

  5. 平流层极地臭氧损耗影响对流层气候的研究进展

    Possible Impact of Stratospheric Polar Ozone Depletion on Tropospheric Climate

  6. 大气臭氧损耗中双自由基反应机理的量子化学研究

    The Quantum Chemistry Studies or the biradical Mechanism of Destroying Ozone in the Atmosphere

  7. 因此,研究溴对于臭氧损耗的影响有重要的意义。

    Therefore , there is important meaning to study the process of ozone depletion by Br .

  8. 平流层臭氧损耗的化学机理

    Chemical Mechanism of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

  9. 北极的臭氧损耗

    Ozone depletion in the Arctic

  10. 这样,即使立即停止所有氯氟化碳的生产,臭氧损耗的威胁也会持续一个多世纪。

    So even if all CFC production stopped immediately , the threat of ozone depletion would continue for more than a century .

  11. 自从1985年首次发现南极大陆上空的臭氧损耗以来,人们采取了各种措施来减少臭氧层空洞。

    Various measures have been introduced to reduce the hole since ozone depletion over the Antarctic continent was first spotted in 1985 .

  12. 臭氧损耗、酸雨以及核武器的控制均为棘手的问题,但是跟气候变化相比要简单些。

    Ozone depletion , acid rain and nuclear arms control are difficult problems , but compared to climate change they are relatively simple .

  13. 4个月前,科学家发现因臭氧损耗气体(诸如氟氯烃)产生的臭氧“空洞”再次扩大,恢复到了2001年的创纪录水平。

    Four months ago scientists discovered that the'hole'created by the ozone-damaging gases such as chlorofluorocarbons has expanded again , back to its record size of2001 .

  14. 通过借用以往处理同温层臭氧损耗、硫氧化物排放引起的酸雨以及核武器等问题的公约体制,《京都议定书》体制很快构建起来了。

    Kyoto was constructed by quickly borrowing from past treaty regimes dealing with stratospheric ozone depletion , acid rain from sulphur emissions and nuclear weapons .

  15. 当然,这些增温并非是由臭氧损耗的辐射效应直接造成的,而是通过波-流相互作用以及平流层-对流层相互作用等动力学过程实现的。

    The warming is not due to direct radiative effect of ozone depletion , instead , it is throughout dynamic processes , such as wave-mean flow and stratosphere-troposphere interactions .

  16. 最近几年,平流层臭氧损耗能否对对流层大气环流和气候产生重要影响也引起了广泛的重视,并且已成为大气科学的一个热点问题。

    That stratospheric polar ozone depletion likely has important impacts on atmospheric circulations and climate has also been one of important topics in climate research in the past few years .

  17. 这种臭氧损耗现象是一种反常现象,这是否表明这一紫外线吸收层正处于全球性灾难呢?

    This kind of ozone exhaust the phenomenon is a kind of abnormal phenomenon , whether this expresses that this ultraviolet ray absorbs the layer or not is being placed in the global disaster ?

  18. 研究人员报道说:在为期三年的研究中,产生水泡的蓝鲸数量增加了65%,这表明仍在继续的臭氧损耗可能会对鲸造成更多的皮肤损伤。

    Over the3-year study period , the number of blue whales with blisters increased by56 % , suggesting that the ongoing ozone depletion may be causing more skin damage in whales , the team reports .

  19. 氧化亚氮(N2O)是大气中仅次于CO2和CH4的第三大痕量温室气体,大量排放会引起全球气候变暖和平流层臭氧的损耗。

    Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) is an important trace gas that causes global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion .

  20. 挥发性卤代烃(VHC)是大气中的痕量气体,对臭氧层损耗和温室效应有重要作用。

    Volatile halocarbons ( VHCs ) are important atmospheric trace gases , which play significant roles in stratospheric ozone depletion and in the greenhouse effect .

  21. 臭氧层损耗问题与国际社会的回应

    The Depletion of Ozone Layer Issue and the International Response

  22. 含溴自由基对臭氧光解损耗的影响

    Affection of bromide radical on the photosensitized decomposition of ozone

  23. 臭氧层损耗及其拯救办法

    The research of the ozonosphere loss and the saving methods

  24. 北京地区臭氧层损耗、气溶胶污染与紫外辐射的变化

    Ozone Layer Depletion , Aerosol Pollution and Solar UV-B Radiation at the Ground

  25. 臭氧层损耗影响低层大气质量的新认识

    New Idea about Impacts of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion on Lower Layer Air Quality

  26. 随着人类活动的加剧,臭氧层损耗现象越来越严重。

    With the intensification of human activities , Ozone Layer depletion is becoming worse .

  27. 各种含氯、含溴化合物被认为是导致臭氧层损耗的主要物种。

    Chlorine and bromine contained compounds are deemed to be the main species lead to ozone depletion .

  28. 由于臭氧层损耗,使地球表面的紫外线辐射量增加。

    The intensity of near-earth ultraviolet ( UV ) radiation is increasing with the spoilage of ozone layer .

  29. 越来越多的证据表明,臭氧层损耗与气候变化之间的相互作用是至关重要的涉及全球变化的问题,是今后活跃的科学研究领域。

    More and more evidences indicate the importance of the interactions between ozone depletion and the global climate change .

  30. 利用量子化学理论方法,研究了与大气臭氧层损耗密切相关的自由基反应NH2+ClO的微观机理。

    The mechanism for the radical reaction of NH2 + ClO crucial to stratospheric ozone depletion has been investigated theoretically .