
  • 网络acid deposition;acid precipitation
  1. 土壤中各种形态的Al与对应形态的Fe呈线性正相关,酸沉降增加了毒性元素Al的溶出,同时也可能增加营养元素Fe的有效性。

    Moreover , acid deposition also increased leaching of toxic Al and possibly availability of nutrient Fe .

  2. 将新技术与酸沉降研究有机结合起来,研究基于GIS的酸化模型,规划酸沉降临界负荷。

    Combine new technique such as GIS with acid deposition approach , acid deposition model and programming critical charge of acid deposition .

  3. 基于GIS的酸沉降对农作物损害的经济损益分析研究

    Study on Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of the Crops ' Losses by Acid Precipitation Based on GIS

  4. 酸沉降对闽江河口湿地CH4产生排放和碳输出的影响

    Effects of Sulfur Deposition on Methane Emission and Carbon Cycling in Minjiang River Estuary

  5. 研究了酸沉降对中国南方地表水体的影响。应用动态酸化模型MAGIC,计算了中国南方80个地表水体的酸沉降临界负荷。

    The acid deposition critical loads for 80 surface waters in southern China were calculated using a dynamic acidification model-MAGIC .

  6. 酸沉降下韶山森林DOC时空分布及环境影响因子研究

    Study on the Space-time Distribution of DOC and Environmental Effect Factors under Acid Deposition in Shaoshan Forests

  7. 土壤中Al的活化与迁移是酸沉降对地表生态系统最突出的影响之一,也是土壤缓冲酸沉降的重要过程。

    The mobilization and translocation of aluminum is one of the severest effects of acid precipitation on ecosystem and an important process by which soils significantly buffer the acid deposition .

  8. 设计了一个二维长距离硫传输Lagrangian模型,模拟了闽南地区酸沉降的来源特征。

    A 2 D long distance lagrangian model of sulfur transportation was designed to simulate the source characteristics of acid deposition in Minnan area .

  9. 通过计算酸沉降的主要化学成分进入土壤前后的质子负荷平衡,与酸中和容量(ANC)相结合,反映酸沉降加速土壤酸化的进程。

    Proton budgets produced by the major components of acidic deposition in soil , together with ANC , shows the process of soil acidification .

  10. 介绍MAGIC模型及其在预测土壤和地表水酸化趋势及确定酸沉降临界负荷中的应用,提出了该模型的应用展望。

    MAGIC model as well as its application to predicting acidification trend of soil and surface waters and calculating critical load for acid deposition were summarized , and the prospective application of the model was also proposed .

  11. 闽南地区降水的SO2-4/NO-3比值是我国主要酸雨区中最低的,NOx是闽南地区酸沉降形成的重要致酸前体物之一;

    The ratio of SO 2 - 4 to NO - 3 of rainwater in Minnan area is the lowest among those in main acid areas of China ; NO x is one of the most important precursors of acid rain ;

  12. 结果表明,我国南方绝大部分地表水的硫沉降临界负荷大于20keq·(hm2·a)-1,对酸沉降不敏感。

    The results showed that the critical loads of sulphur deposition for most surface waters in southern China were more than 2.0 keq ·( hm 2 · a ) - 1 , indicating that they were not sensitive to acidification .

  13. 首先将区域酸沉降模式(RADM)进行改造,加入平流层化学模块以替代对流层模块。

    First , the Regional Acid Deposition Model RADM was rebuild using a stratospheric chemical scheme instead of the tropospheric chemical scheme .

  14. 为探讨华南珠江三角洲和湘桂走廊及其周边地区的酸沉降硫源,分别对大气降水、大气SO2、气溶胶和工业用煤、重油及其燃烧产物进行了硫同位素组成测定。

    In order to study the source of acid deposition in Pearl River Delta , Xiang-Gui Corridor and surrounding areas in South China , the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation , atmospheric SO2 , aerosol and industrial coal , heavy oil and their burning products were measured .

  15. 众所周知,人为和天然排放的SO2和NOX是形成酸雨或称酸沉降的元凶。因此,控制人为SO2和NOX等酸性气体排放的重要性是显而易见的。

    As we all know , man-made and natural emissions of SO2 and NOX is the formation of acid rain or acid deposition , said the " culprit . " Therefore , SO2 and NOX control of man-made emissions of acid gases such as the importance is obvious .

  16. 美国环境保护局(USEPA)的TCLP和SPLP方法分别针对工业废物在城市生活垃圾填埋场的共处置和酸沉降对土壤或单独处置的废物的影响而设计;

    The TCLP and SPLP of USEPA were designed for assessment of the impact of co-disposition of industrial waste in MSW and the impact of acid precipitation to soil and sole-disposed waste separately .

  17. 酸沉降农业经济损失估算

    Estimation of the agricultural loss in economy due to acidic deposition

  18. 中国土壤对酸沉降的相对敏感性区划

    Mapping the Relative Sensitivity of Soils to Acid Deposition in China

  19. 四川盆地水体对酸沉降的敏感性

    The Sensitivity of Water Bodies to Acidic Precipitation in Sichuan Basin

  20. 酸沉降临界负荷计算模式的修正

    A improved model on calculated the critical loads of acid deposition

  21. 昆明红壤环境下酸沉降对二种树木生长的影响

    Impact of Acid Settlement on Growth of Trees in Red Earth

  22. 重庆大气酸沉降对材料腐蚀危害的研究

    Study of the material erosion causeed by acidic deposition in Chongqing

  23. 安徽省酸沉降及其控制规划研究

    Study on Acid Deposition in Anhui Province and Its Control Planning

  24. 区域SO2排放总量控制在酸沉降控制中的应用

    Application of regional total so_2 emission control to acid deposition control

  25. 酸沉降下加速土壤酸化的影响因素

    The factors of influence accelerating soil acidification under acidic deposition

  26. 广州大气颗粒物与酸沉降的关系研究

    Study of the Relations between Atmospheric Aerosols and Acid Deposition

  27. 酸沉降的控制及投资效益分析

    Control of acid deposition and analysis of effective cost investing

  28. 酸沉降破坏材料的经济损失估算研究

    Study on Economic Estimates of Acid Deposition Damage to Materials

  29. 土壤对酸沉降的缓冲能力与土壤矿物的风化特征

    Soil buffering capacity to acid precipitation and weathering characteristics of soil minerals

  30. 陆地生态系统酸沉降临界负荷及模型研究

    Study on Critical Loading and Model of Acid Precipitation in Terrestrial Ecosystem