
  • 网络abies nephrolepis;A.nephrolepis;Abies nephrdepis;abies nephrolepis maxim
  1. 目的:建立臭冷杉挥发油中有效成分醋酸龙脑酯的气相色谱测定法。

    Objective : To develop a reliable method for determination of bornyl acetate in volatile oil of Abies nephrolepis ( Trautv . )

  2. 采用水溶性铜防腐剂(ACQ)和铜唑类防腐剂(CuAz)加压浸注处理臭冷杉木材,研究了药液处理浓度和后期干燥条件对木材抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度的影响。

    Two kinds of waterborne preservatives , Ammoniacal Copper Quaternary ( ACQ ) and Copper Triazole ( CuAz ), were used to treat Siberian White Fir ( Abies nephrolepis ) logs by pressure impregnation .

  3. 研究结果表明,长白鱼鳞云杉边材、心材和臭冷杉心材的生材经普通气干处理后,其气体渗透性较低,分别约为0114、0045和0111darcy;

    The results showed that the specimen of green yezo spruce sapwood , heartwood and fir heartwood after air drying had a low permeability of 0.114 , 0 045 and 0 111 darcy , respectively .