
  • 网络Ozone hole;Ozone depletion;Ozonosphere hole
  1. 几十年来,南极洲上空的臭氧层空洞在不断扩大。

    The ozone hole had been growing for decades over Antarctica .

  2. 沙尘暴天气、臭氧层空洞、原始森林消失,等等这些无不影响着我们的生活。

    Sandstorm weather , ozone hole , primitive forests disappearance and so on affect our life .

  3. 温室效应、臭氧层空洞都是这种容量极限问题的反映。

    The greenhouse effect and the ozone holes are its external performance .

  4. 如果我们现在停止排放有害化学物质,也许到了2050年,臭氧层空洞就会消失了。

    If we stopped releasing harmful chemicals today , theozone layer would probably be back at full strength by2050 .

  5. 化学教学与环保教育&关于学生对臭氧层空洞和全球变暖等环境问题认识的调查

    The Teaching of Chemistry and Environmental Protection Education The Students ' Investigation About the Problem of Ozonosphere Inanition and the Warmth up of the Globe

  6. 科学家发现,越来越多的鲸鱼被晒伤,而臭氧层空洞则可能是幕后元凶。

    Scientists have discovered that a growing number of whales are suffering from sunburn-and that the hole in the ozone layer could be to blame .

  7. 他们认为这符合情理,因为这些鳟鱼生活在世界上臭氧层空洞最大的区域附近,这意味着它们接触到了更强的紫外线。

    Makes sense , they say , because these trout live near the world 's biggest hole in the ozone layer - meaning more exposure to UV rays .

  8. 晒伤增多的一个原因可能是臭氧层空洞,而臭氧层是保护地球不受太阳紫外线危害的保护层。

    One reason for the rise in sunburn could be the hole in the ozone layer-the protective layer that shields the Earth from the sun 's harmful ultraviolet rays .

  9. 随着生产力发展,大气污染、水体污染、森林锐减、臭氧层空洞等等无不威胁着人类的生存和发展。

    With the development of productive forces , air pollution , water pollution , forest reduced , ozone hole , etc. are a threat to human survival and development .

  10. 事实上,该蒙特利尔议定书(致力于解决臭氧层空洞问题的)与京都协议书(以解决全球变暖为中心的)一拍即合——议定书的实施能使温室气体排放量降低五倍。

    In fact , the agreement to address the ozone hole has actually cut five times the greenhouse gas emissions as has the Kyoto Protocol to address global warming .

  11. 尽管专家对臭氧层空洞正在慢慢恢复持乐观态度,但世界气象组织的克莱尔·纽利斯警告人们要继续致力于保护臭氧层。

    Although experts are optimistic that the hole has slowly been recovering , Clare Nullis from the World Meteorological Organization is warning people to remain committed to protecting the ozone layer .

  12. 众所周知,人类社会正面临着严重的生态危机,温室效应、臭氧层空洞、酸雨等现象已经纷纷进入人类生活。

    As we all know , human beings are facing a serious ecological crisis . Greenhouse effect , the holes of the ozone layer and acid rain have come into our daily life .

  13. 另一个近期发表在《科学杂志》上的研究表明,由于气候变化导致的猛烈风暴会造成新的臭氧层空洞,增加陆地和海洋的紫外线辐射剂量。

    Another recent study , this one in the journal Science , says the severe storms delivered by climate change could punch new holes in the ozone layer , upping our dose of radiation on land and at sea .

  14. 环境问题是当前全球面临的重大问题,如酸雨、臭氧层空洞以及温室效应愈演愈烈,严重威胁到人类正常的生产与生存质量。

    Environmental problem is the current major issue in the world . The problems such as acid rain , ozone hole and the greenhouse effect which become more and more serious threat human normal production and quality of life .

  15. 近年来,很多地区气候反常,酸雨范围不断扩大,臭氧层空洞范围越来越大,其原因就在于化石燃料的使用。

    In recent years , the climate in many areas became abnormal , the scope of the acid rain is expanding and the ozone hole is growing bigger , all of these are because of the use of fossil fuels .

  16. 如臭氧层空洞的出现,沙漠化扩大,水土流失加剧,森林锐减,水资源危机以及近年来全球气候的明显异常。

    For example , " empty hole " emerged in ozonosphere , desertification extended , soil and water loss was aggravated , rate of forest cover dropped rapidly and there was crisis of water and abnormal change of climate all over the world .

  17. 如热带雨林遭到严重破坏;土地荒漠化;水资源短缺;动植物物种濒临灭绝;世界范围内的酸雨、温室效应和臭氧层空洞日益加重等。

    The global environmental pollution , resource shortage are becoming more and more worsen : tropical rain forests being seriously damaged , land desertification , water shortages , extinction of plant and animal species , worldwide acid rain , greenhouse effect and ozone hole .

  18. 逆转会破坏能量网格,损害宇航员和卫星,加大臭氧层空洞,发送极光到赤道而搞乱鸟类,鱼和迁徙动物,它们依靠磁场的稳定性作为导航帮助。

    A reversal could knock out power grids , hurt astronauts and satellites , widen atmospheric ozone holes , send polar auroras flashing to the equator and confuse birds , fish and migratory animals that rely on the steadiness of the magnetic field as a navigation aid .

  19. 近年来,气候变化、能源浪费、生物的多样性减少、化学污染、城市化混乱、极地臭氧层空洞等现象的空前加剧已成为人类发展的巨大隐患。

    In recent years , the climatic change , energy dissipation , the biological multiplicity reduced , chemical contamination , the urbanization confusion and polar ozone layer cavity phenomenon and so on have been unprecedentedly intensified . They had become enormous hidden danger of the human development .

  20. 据世界气象组织及联合国环境规划署的最新评估显示:保护地球上所有生物免受太阳紫外线照射的那层薄薄气体正处于自我修复中——换句话说,臭氧层空洞正日渐变小。

    The fragile layer of gas that protects all living things on Earth from the sun 's harsh ultraviolet light is on the mend - in other words , the ozone hole is healing . That 's according to the latest assessment by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme .

  21. 臭氧层的空洞、温室效应和酸雨都是我们所为而致。我们的行为所造成的后果影响着全世界。

    The hole in the ozone layer , the greenhouse effect and acid rain are all caused by things we do , and the consequences of our actions are felt all over the world .

  22. 媒体报道称之为臭氧层年度稀释空洞。

    Media reports dubbed the annual thinning a hole in the ozone layer .

  23. 因此,在南极洲上空臭氧层形成的空洞已经趋于稳定。

    As a result , the hole in the ozone layer that forms above Antarctica has mostly stabilized .

  24. 我现在害怕晒太阳,因为臭氧层出现了空洞。

    I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone .

  25. 有确凿的证据显示臭氧层上的空洞正在以惊人的速度扩大。

    There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate .

  26. 大约30年以前,南极上空的臭氧层上发现有空洞。

    The hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica almost thirty years ago .

  27. 自从1985年首次发现南极大陆上空的臭氧损耗以来,人们采取了各种措施来减少臭氧层空洞。

    Various measures have been introduced to reduce the hole since ozone depletion over the Antarctic continent was first spotted in 1985 .

  28. 随着破坏臭氧层化合物的减少,臭氧层得以自行修复,臭氧层空洞的数量也不再增加。

    With the ozone-damaging compounds gone , the layer had a chance to recover and the hole is no longer growing .

  29. 尽管氯氟烃已经被禁用,但是由于多年前排出的气体,臭氧层仍然继续被损耗,目前在地球两极上方都有臭氧层空洞。

    Although CFCs have been banned , the ozone layer is still being depleted from gases released many years ago , and holes exist above both poles .