
tōng fēng
  • ventilate;air;be well ventilated;divulge information;let in fresh air;draught
通风 [tōng fēng]
  • (1) [ventilate;let in fresh air]∶使空气流通

  • 在夜间打开盖子让电池再充电与通风

  • (2) [divulge information]∶透露消息

  • 通风报信

通风[tōng fēng]
  1. 当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。

    Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping

  2. 把窗子打开通通风。

    Open the windows to ventilate the room .

  3. 这个浴室使用抽风扇通风。

    The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan .

  4. 为避免潮湿,房间要经常通风。

    To avoid dampness , air the room regularly .

  5. 在使用油漆前确保室内通风充足。

    Make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the room before using the paint .

  6. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。

    Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure

  7. 天花板上有个小小的通风孔。

    There was a small air vent in the ceiling .

  8. 他们已经封住了壁炉,以阻挡通风。

    They had blocked off the fireplaces to stop draughts .

  9. 弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。

    Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy , crowded cabins .

  10. 矿井中用钢制通风机来保持空气流通。

    The pit is ventilated by a steel fan .

  11. 上下各留一个口子通风。

    Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate .

  12. 她母亲按部就班地每周一次清扫所有的房间并开窗通风。

    One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room .

  13. 浴室给人以明亮通风之感。

    The bathroom has a light and airy feel .

  14. 这个房间又亮堂又通风,夏天在此用餐最合适不过。

    The room lends itself well to summer eating with its light , airy atmosphere .

  15. 半掩的百叶窗和宁静、通风的高大房间催我入睡,我很快便打起盹来。

    With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me , I soon fell into a doze

  16. 天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。

    A high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness .

  17. 炉子不通风。

    The stove doesn 't draw well .

  18. 把它挂在通风的地方。

    Hang it in an airy place .

  19. 曲轴箱通风系统要携带新鲜的空气通过曲轴箱。

    The crankcase ventilation system carries fresh air through the crankcase .

  20. 我们打开窗子让屋子通风。

    We air the room by opening the window .

  21. 大窗户使这房间看起来很通风。

    The large window makes the room seem airy .

  22. 打开窗户,让房间都通通风。

    Open the windows and air the rooms .

  23. 他认为如果把船放在通风较好的地方,就不会是这种情况了。

    He thought that this would not be so if the ships were better ventilated .

  24. 爸爸把锅拿出来,我们打开门窗给房子通风。

    Dad carried the pot out and we opened doors and windows to air out the house .

  25. 公共场所消毒、通风以及体温检测:

    disinfection , ventilation and body temperature monitoring in public areas

  26. 有些人以为通风和空调是一回事

    Some people think that ventilation is the same thing as air conditioning .

  27. 检查员已检查过,通风良好

    Inspectors checked that there was adequate ventilation .

  28. 保险杠的每个角都点缀着小的通风孔,体现了整车的宽度增加

    Bumper 's each angle is embellishing the small air vent , manifested complete bikes 's width to increase .

  29. 行为心理学家表示,缺少阳光会让我们昏昏欲睡、心情抑郁,而缺少锻炼,成天待在不通风的集中供暖的屋子里,则让我们焦躁易怒,精神紧张。

    The lack of sunlight can make us feel lethargic2 and depressed3 , and the lack of exercise and the fact that we are cooped up in a stuffy4 , centrally-heated house can make us feel edgy5 , irritable6 and stressed , said a behavioural psychologist .

  30. 玻璃和PC板温室灌溉,通风,降温湿系统。

    Glass and PC board greenhouse irrigation , ventilation , cooling wet system .