
  • 网络Tongshan county
  1. 民国七年稿本《通山县乡土志略》管窥这些手稿本中有一些远古时代的故事。

    A Partial View on the Manuscript of Brief Local Records of Tongshan County Written in the Seventh Year of the Republic of China These manuscripts contain some stories of high antiquity .

  2. 1645年,李自成在湖北通山县九宫山遭到地主武装的袭击,壮烈牺牲,1646年底,张献忠壮烈牺牲。

    In 1645 , Li Zicheng was attacked by the landlord force in Jiugongshan Mountain of Tongshan County , Hubei and died a hero , s death . At the end of 1646 , Zhang Xianzhong died and the peasants uprising at the later period of Ming failed eventually .