
shēnɡ zhí ɡé lí
  • reproductive isolation
  1. 多数鳞翅目蛾类依靠高度种特异性的性信息素通讯寻找配偶以及实现种间生殖隔离。

    Most lepidopterous moths rely on the species specific sex pheromone communication for mate finding and reproductive isolation between species .

  2. 日本绒螯蟹和中华绒螯蟹能自然杂交、可育,两者间不存在生殖隔离。

    Eriocheir japonicus and Eriocheir sinensis could hybridize and breed naturally , so reproductive isolation principles didn 't exist between them .

  3. 自然群体中,Ga基因具有生殖隔离作用。

    The Ga allele serves as an isolating mechanism in a wild population .

  4. 生殖隔离是种与种间的基本界限,同时也是生物演化过程中形成独立基因库(genepools)的惟一因素。

    Reproductive separation is an essential boundary between species , and the only factor to form independent gene pools during organismal evolution .

  5. 田间生殖隔离状态下,将野生大豆和栽培大豆种植在抗草甘膦转基因大豆周围,按固定距离收获。

    In reproductive isolation the experiment planted wild soybean and cultivate soybean around Roundup Ready Soybean and harvested soybean according to fixture distance .

  6. 目的了解我国不同省、区的嗜人按蚊是否存在生殖隔离和种间差异。

    Objective To make a clear understand of whether there are some difference or generative isolation among those anopheles anthropophagus from different province of China .

  7. 由于性信息素具有种间特异性,使其成为研究物种进化、生殖隔离及生态稳定的良好材料。

    Because pheromones are species specific , they become good material , which are used to study evolution of species , reproduction isolation and ecological stability .

  8. 即通过配子不成熟、不受精的前合子生殖隔离和杂交后代的不育、不成活的后合子生殖隔离。

    In prezygotic reproductive isolation , maturing or fertilization is prevented , whereas postzygotic reproductive isolation occurs by the sterility or inviability of the hybrid offspring .

  9. 结论辽宁法库县、广东横琴岛可疑嗜人按蚊与四川嗜人按蚊不存在生殖隔离,也无种间差异,系不同地域分布的同一种嗜人按蚊。

    Conclusion There is no generative isolation and species difference among Anopheles anthropophagus from Sichuan , Liaoning ( Faku county ) and Guangdong ( Hengqin island ) provinces .

  10. 转基因技术可以打破物种间的生殖隔离,充分利用自然界中的基因,为选育新品种提供了全新的和有效的辅助途径。

    Transgene technology could break through species ' reproductive isolation and make the fully use of natural gene sauces . Plant genetic engineering provides a modern and effective method for plant breeding .

  11. 在长期的自然选择和生殖隔离下,马尾松存在着丰富的种内遗传变异,特别是对南方低磷土壤环境表现出很强的适应能力。

    Under the long-term natural selection and reproductive isolation , there is considerable genetic variation within the sample of masson pine , and reflects its great capability of adapting to low-phosphorus red soil .

  12. “不同品种的香蕉之间存在生殖隔离,”阿特金森说,“因此,即便其他品种的香蕉具有天然的抗病基因,它们也无法简单地通过杂交的方法改进原品种。”

    " Bananas are sexually isolated from other varieties , " says Atkinson . " So even if natural resistance genes are found in other banana types they cannot be improved readily by crossing . "

  13. 本文对中国两性生殖卤虫十一个品系间的生殖隔离进行了研究。

    The reproductive isolation among the 11 bisexual Artemia strains from China was determined .

  14. 实验和分析结果表明中国两性生殖卤虫各品系均属于A.sinica,而不属于A.urmiana。本文对中国两性生殖卤虫十一个品系间的生殖隔离进行了研究。

    The reproductive isolation among the bisexual Artemia strains were studied . The experimental results showed that : ( 1 ) 11 different bisexual Artemia strains from China belong to A.