
yí chuán chónɡ zǔ
  • genetic recombination
  1. 质粒pBR322在recA基因缺陷的大肠杆菌细胞内的遗传重组

    Genetic Recombination of Plasmid pBR322 DNA in Two recA-Escherichia coli Strains

  2. 这类物种的杂交F2群体中杂合子基因型的与一般物种中雌雄个体的减数分裂细胞都发生遗传重组的F2群体杂合子表型不同。

    The heterozygote genotypes in F2 population in this type of species are different from those in general species in which the genetic recombination occurs in meiosis of both male and female .

  3. 基于EM算法的遗传重组率估计方法

    EM Algorithm - Based Method for the Estimation of Recombination Fraction

  4. 这些结果还表明,GI主要是通过遗传重组被整合进入宿主基因组中。

    GIs are integrated into the host genome through recombination .

  5. 基因组原位杂交(GISH)结果显示,011077为二体附加系,所附加的1对染色体是源于中间偃麦草的St染色体,这对St染色体已与普通小麦染色体发生了遗传重组。

    GISH ( genome in situ hybridization ) revealed that the pair of chromosome added to it originated from the St chromosome of Th . intermedium .

  6. 为证实组胺受体和药物、MPK活性、食欲相关,研究组给经遗传重组后缺失去组胺受体的小鼠氯氮平药物。

    To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug , AMPK activity and appetite , the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor .

  7. 水疱性口炎病毒反向遗传重组载体的构建

    Construction of the Reverse Genetic Recombinant Vector of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus

  8. 遗传重组在没有形成交叉的情况下,也可以发生。

    Genetic recombination can occur without the formation of a chiasmata .

  9. 遗传重组是普通遗传学的重点内容之一。

    In this paper , some experience in teaching genetic recombination , esp.

  10. 男性精母细胞减数分裂遗传重组研究

    Analysis of the Spermatocyte Meiotic Recombination in Male

  11. 利用枯草芽孢杆菌株间原生质体融合进行差异表型遗传重组分析的研究

    Study on genetical recombination assay for distinctive phenotypes by protoplast fusion between two Bacillus subtilis

  12. 水稻广亲和基因与颖尖色和恢复基因的遗传重组

    Genetic recombination among wide compatibility , glume - tip color and restoring genes in Rice

  13. 遗传重组微生物的环境监测

    Environmental Monitoring of Genetically Modified Microorganism

  14. 遗传重组教学探讨

    Approaches to Teaching Genetic Recombination

  15. 蒽降解遗传重组菌的构建及其对蒽污染水体修复的研究

    Study on the construction of genetic recombination microorganisms for Degrading Anthracene and the bioremediation of anthracene-contaminated water

  16. 这表明为了取得大麦育种的进展,需要进行遗传重组。

    It indicates that genetic recombination will be required in order to bring progress to harley breeding .

  17. 说明为了取得玉米光合生理育种的进展,还需进行遗传重组,扩大丰富基因类型。

    It indicates that genetic recombination will be required in order to bring progress to photosynthesis physiological breeding .

  18. 序列排比结果说明在淀粉酶基因的趋异进化过程中,基因突变和遗传重组都曾起过作用。

    Comparison of two DNA sequences suggested that both gene mutation and genetic recombination were involved in the divergent evolution process .

  19. 曲霉属种间原生质体融合后病毒传递及遗传重组&Ⅱ.黑曲霉与米曲霉种间杂交

    Virus Transmission and Genetic Recombination Following Interspecific Protoplast Fusion in As per gill us ⅱ . Hybridization between A. niger and A. oryzas

  20. 原生质体培养及融合技术能扩大遗传重组范围,促进远缘性状的转移,在应用于育种的实践中显示出巨大的应用潜力。

    The technique of protoplast isolation , culture and fusion , which can enrich the germplasm resources and transferable distant characteristics , have shown great potential in breeding .

  21. 原生质体操作能够扩大遗传重组范围,促进远缘性状的转移,对于有效获得新种质并应用于育种实践有着重要意义。

    Protoplast manipulations , which can expand the range of genetic recombination , transfer distant characters , and create new germplasm , have showed great potential in strawberry breeding .

  22. 其有害突变积累和较长的生物演化历程之间的矛盾和在缺乏遗传重组情况下的进化机制是特别引人关注的重大生物学问题。

    The intriguing contradiction between the deleterious mutation accumulation and the evolutionary longevity , and the underlying mechanism in the absence of genetic recombination remain to be revealed and interpreted .

  23. 表明双亲融合过程中伴随着遗传重组的发生,导致某些特异位点的丢失或新带型的出现。

    The results show that the fusion processes is accompanied with genetic recombination leading to the loss of some special band or occurrence of some new bands in the hybrids .

  24. 研究发现,连锁群中间区段重组率与两个末端区段重组率无显著性差异,说明连锁群上各区段的遗传重组是随机分布的。

    No significant difference was observed between the end portion and the mid-portion within a linkage group , which indicates that the distribution of recombination occurred randomly in each linkage group .

  25. 随着分子生物学的发展,链霉菌育种技术也日益多样。本文从基因突变与育种,遗传重组与育种、基因表达调控与代谢调节育种、基因工程与定向育种等四个方面综述链霉菌育种的进展。

    This paper summarizes the recent progress in Streptomyces breeding from four aspects : induced mutation and breeding , genetic recombination and breeding , control of metabolism and breeding , genetic engineering and breeding .

  26. 与Xa-g不等位,呈连锁遗传,重组值为28.7%。

    This recessive gene is linked to the resistant gene Xa-g in Zenith with recombination value of 28.7 % .

  27. 通过60Co-γ射线辐照能提高突变频率,促进遗传基因重组,并有利于远缘杂交成功。

    60Co radiation can enhance the rate of mutation , promote gene recombination and the successful hybridization of distant strain .

  28. 借鉴生物界单亲父本可以经过无性繁殖得到子代的现象,对进化和遗传等重组算子进行设计。

    According to the phenomenon that single parent can breed offspring through asexual reproduction , evolutionary and genetic operator can be designed .

  29. 植物体细胞杂交使远缘杂交不亲和的植物有可能实现遗传物质重组,创造和培养植物新品种乃至新物种,尤其在多基因控制农艺性状的改良上具有较大优势。

    Plant somatic hybridization provides the possibility of genetic material recombination of sexual cross-incompatibility plants , results in novel plant cultivars and even new species . It is a preponderant technique , especially for improving agronomic traits controlled by multiple genes .

  30. 用遗传算法进行重组大肠杆菌发酵动力学的分析

    Application of Genetic Algorithm to Kinetic Analysis of Recombinant Escherichia Coli Cultivation