
  • 网络fossil record
  1. 使用诸如“倒推法”(hindcasting)这类的技术能够提高模型的精确性。倒推法利用化石记录重建物种分布来测试模型。

    Techniques such as'hindcasting ' in which models are tested with reconstructed species distributions from the fossil record could improve accuracy .

  2. 达尔文引证化石记录来支持他的理论。

    Darwin adduced the fossil record as support for his theory .

  3. 若尔盖高原全新世气候序列的类脂分子化石记录

    Fossil records of lipid molecules from Holocene Peat on zoig ê Plateau

  4. 碱交代岩是地幔流体转变为热液的化石记录;(3)拆离断层构造体系是地幔流体上升到地壳后的活动通道;

    The detachment structure is the channel of the upwelling mantle fluids ;

  5. 从化石记录看古人类起源和演化

    The Fossil Records on Origin and Evolution of Human

  6. 在加拿大的落基山脉,化石记录了动物多样性的爆炸。

    In Canada 's Rocky Mountains , fossils document an explosion in animal diversity .

  7. 麻黄属的化石记录及早期多样性

    Fossil Records of Ephedra and Its Early Diversity

  8. 胚胎与幼体被保存下来在化石记录中是少见的事情。

    The preservation of embryos and juveniles is a rate occurrence in the fossil record .

  9. 这一间接时间数据可与化石记录所反映的直接数据进行比较。

    This indirect data can be compared with the direct data obtained from fossil records .

  10. 末次盛冰期黄土高原蜗牛化石记录的气候快速变化及其影响机制

    Rapid climate variability recorded by mollusk species on the Loess Plateau during the last glacial maximum

  11. 化石记录的再评估

    New assessment of the fossil records

  12. 恐龙最早出现在三叠纪时期(距今约2.3亿年)的化石记录中。

    Dinosaurs first appear in the fossil record during the Triassic period , some230m years ago .

  13. 但骨骼化石记录表明,家猫的祖先迟至大约9500年前才进入人类社会。

    But domestic cats ' forebears join us in the skeletal record only about 9,500 years ago .

  14. 某一地区一旦有人类居住,这里的大象和猛犸象就开始从化石记录里消失。

    The creatures disappear from the fossil record of a region once it became colonized by humans .

  15. 罕见的化石记录

    A Rare Fossil Record

  16. 而生命起源及其早期演化则必须依赖前寒武纪地层中的生命化石记录进行研究。

    The study of organic origin and its early evolution must be based on fossils in Precambrian strata .

  17. 但麦克拉里琴博士警告说,化石记录表明,之前曾经有全球灾害对海洋造成过破坏。

    But Dr. McClenachan warned that the fossil record shows that global disasters have wrecked the seas before .

  18. 西永1井上新世的钙质超微化石记录了一次迅速的海侵事件。

    The Calcareous nannofossils in Xiyong 1 drilling cores recorded a fast transgression event happened in the early stage of Pliocene .

  19. 化石记录表明,随着人类到达大陆和岛屿,很多大型动物灭绝了。

    The fossil record indicates that a number of large animal species became extinct as humans arrived on continents and islands .

  20. 从化石记录和分子生物学证据方面探讨了大熊猫分类和演化的研究现状及进展。

    This paper mainly discusses recent advances on taxonomy and evolution of giant panda in view of fossil record and molecular biology .

  21. 倡导智慧设计论的人曾声称,化石记录的证据表明突变是更高效率创造新物种(的手段)。

    Intelligent design advocates have said sudden shifts in the fossil record are evidence of a higher power creating new animal forms .

  22. 朱博士和他的同僚们希望准确找出这些环境变化在化石记录中所对应的变化。

    Dr Zhu and his colleagues hope to find out exactly how these environmental changes correspond to changes in the fossil record .

  23. 但是,先进的工具以及残留的化石记录让一些专家们就这些古老生物的消失取得了一致意见。

    But improved tools and records of fossil remains have led some experts to agree about the disappearance of these ancient creatures .

  24. 基于我们拥有非常零碎的化石记录,巨猿身高十英尺,体重超过半吨。

    Based on the very fragmentary fossil evidence we have , Gigantopithecus stood ten feet tall and weighed over half a ton .

  25. 这只螨虫标本在化石记录中极为罕见,它有可能是现存薄口螨科动物家族中最为古老的一种。

    The specimen , which is extremely rare in the fossil record , is potentially the oldest record of the living family Histiostomatidae .

  26. 研究人类化石记录最大的问题是资源稀缺,总是这儿一块颚骨,那儿一块头骨。

    The problem with studying humanity 's fossil record is that it is so sparse : a jawbone here ; a braincase there .

  27. 尽管化石记录仍然存在断档,但第一步似乎是肋骨变厚。

    Though there are still gaps in the fossil record , the first step seems to have been a thickening of the ribs .

  28. 我们不必去钻研匮乏的化石记录,而是可以研究千千万万活人的基因差异。

    Instead of poring over the meager fossil record , we can survey patterns of variation across tens of thousands of living individuals .

  29. 最早的导管植物(即带有运载食物组织的陆地植物)的化石记录出现在志留纪时代。

    The first fossil records of vascular plants that is , land plants with tissue that carries food appeared in the Silurian period .

  30. 裸子植物具有悠久的演化历史,其化石记录可上溯至泥盆纪。

    Plants of Gymnosperm had been through a long historical evolution on earth , fossil records of which originated from the late Devonian period .