
  • 网络shijiahe culture
  1. 初步研究表明,该遗址具有以石家河文化为主体且受到龙山文化较强影响的边缘文化特征。

    The preliminary study reveals that this is a site with typical characteristics of the Shijiahe culture , but strongly influenced by the Longshan culture .

  2. 作为汉代主要葬玉之一的?蝉,在史前时期主要发现于长江中游的石家河文化中,并且主要出土于瓮棺葬的底部,应该与某种丧葬仪式或灵魂观有关。

    As major burial objects , pre-historical jade cicadas , mainly found from the bottom of urn coffin of the Shijiahe culture in the middle Yangtze River range , are related to funeral ceremony and the concept of soul in the Han dynast .

  3. 凤的起源地是在长江中游,石家河文化的凤。

    Fung is the origin of the Yangtze River middle reaches , stone house culture river phoenix .

  4. 通过对传世文献的考察,我们知道三苗的活动范围与屈家岭文化-石家河文化圈基本吻合。

    Through a study of the literature , we believe that the documented area of Sanmiao was consistent with that of the Qujialing Culture-Shijiahe Culture .

  5. 如果和凤进行比较的话,恐怕还要看殷墟妇好墓的凤,和妇好墓的凤一致的,只有石家河文化的凤了。

    If you compare the phoenix , I am afraid will depend on the tomb of Fu Hao Yin Ruins of the phoenix , the phoenix , and the tomb of Fu Hao same , only the stone house in Phoenix River culture .