
tài yáng huó dòng
  • solar activity
太阳活动[tài yáng huó dòng]
  1. 参与研究的科学家们认为,这些新发现推翻了气候变化怀疑论者为解释气温上升而提出的许多理论,包括太阳活动的变化。

    The scientists involved argue that the new findings debunk4 many theories put forward by climate sceptics to explain the rise in temperatures , including variations in solar activity .

  2. 太阳活动对GPS卫星广播星历的影响

    Influence of solar activity on GPS broadcast ephemeris

  3. 第22太阳活动周软X射线耀斑的统计研究

    A Statistical Study of Soft X-ray Flares during Solar Cycle 22

  4. 类太阳活动星的X射线观测与研究进展

    Progress in the X-ray Observation and Study of Solar Like Stars

  5. 太阳活动周的3个参量:AS、BT和BW

    Three parameters of the solar cycle : a s , B T and B W

  6. 22太阳活动周的δ黑子群与X级X射线耀斑

    Delta-sunspots and X class flares in solar cycle 22

  7. 太阳活动低年南极中山站电离层F层的平均特性

    Overall properties of F region around solar minimum at Zhongshan station , Antarctica

  8. 太阳活动增强后,尤其是强的X耀斑事件后,向西的电射流增多增强。

    With the increasing solar activity , especially after large X flare , the westward jet increases and strengthens .

  9. 对于地球变化是太阳活动引起的,还是由于行星X的存在引起的,有着很多的困惑不解。

    Confusion over whether the Earth changes are caused by activity in the Sun or by the presence of Planet X abounds .

  10. 结果表明Db值与太阳活动性呈负相关。

    The results show that the relation between Db and the solar activity is negative .

  11. 上海气象参数与太阳活动和ENSO的关系

    Relationship between solar activity , ENSO and meteorological parameters in Shanghai

  12. 还利用一简单模型说明太阳活动性对地球变化磁场Db值的影响。

    Finally , we illustrate the effect of solar activity on Db using a simple model qualitatively .

  13. 太阳活动高年期间(19781981)耀斑-行星际激波传播的三维平均特性日本行星际闪烁(IPS)观测的初步分析

    Three Dimensional Propagation Characteristics of the Flare-Associated Interplanetary Shock Wave During 1978-1981 INTERPLANETARY INTERMEDIATE SHOCK

  14. 在地球上差不多同一时期,欧洲处于小冰河时期(“LittleIceAge”),不断出现的证据表明太阳活动的减弱可能导致气候变冷。

    On Earth the " Little Ice Age " froze Europe around the same time , and a growing body of evidence suggests the sun 's slowdown may have caused the climate to cool .

  15. 结果指出,广州地磁Z分量日变幅的年平均与太阳活动指数F(10.7)的年平均存在良好的线性相关;

    The results show that , the annual averages of daily variations of Z are favorably linearly correlative with the annual averages of the F_ ( 10.7 );

  16. b.太阳活动明显影响E-F1谷区的形态。

    The solar activity can affect the morphology of E-F1 valley .

  17. 太阳活动对EUV辐射在大气中吸收过程的影响

    Effects of solar activity on EUV absorption processes in the upper atmosphere

  18. 太阳活动对VLF传播的一种影响

    The effects of solar flares on VLF radiowave propagation

  19. 虽然太阳活动降低了,但是我们燃烧化石燃料和砍伐树木引起了CO2的快速升高。

    This small weakening of the sun , however , has been outpaced by the rapid increase in CO2 levels from all our fossil fuel burning and tree-cutting .

  20. 太阳活动引发地磁暴产生地磁感应电流(GIC)。

    Geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity produce geomagnetic induced currents ( GIC ) .

  21. 毕竟,被称之为蒙德极小期(MaunderMinimum)的太阳活动减少导致了欧洲几个世纪的低温气候。

    After all , a decrease in solar output known as the Maunder Minimum helped freeze Europe for a few centuries .

  22. 该文分析了高层大气与太阳活动有关的11周年变化、27天变化以及周日变化,讨论了考虑太阳活动的MET模式大气密度计算途径,并且介绍了卫星大气阻力加速度模型。

    After analyzing the 11-yr , 27 days and diurnal variation of upper atmosphere caused by solar activity , a calculation method for MET model atmosphere density is presented in which solar activity is taken into account .

  23. 结果表明,从较长时段看,臭氧层变化、太阳活动与ECM、HP年发病率间存在着较为密切的相关关系;

    The result shows that from a long-term view-point , there is a close correlation between ozone layer change / solar activity and the annual incidences of the ECM / HP ;

  24. 关于Maunder极小期太阳活动的统计分析

    The Statistical Analyses of the Solar Activity During the Maunder Minimum

  25. 在某种程度上ENSO活动对上海月降水量和月均气温的影响强于太阳活动的影响。

    In some extent , the effects on monthly precipitation and temperature in Shanghai due to ENSO are stronger than that due to the solar activity .

  26. 利用色球Ha、TRACE/WL、SOHO/EITEUV单色像观测资料及SOHO/MDI光球磁场观测资料,对2003年10月22日太阳活动区AR0484内发生的日浪事件进行了研究。

    By analyzing the YAO / Ha , TRACE / WL , SOHO / EIT EUV filtergrams and SOHO / MDI magnetograms , two surges occurring in NOAA AR 0484 on 2003 October 22 are investigated .

  27. 自从1976年,Hall明确地提出RsCVn型双星的定义以来,密近双星的类太阳活动(也叫色球活动或磁活动)性质就引起众多天文工作者的极大兴趣。

    Since RS CVn-type binary was defined by Hall in 1976 , the solar-type activity (" chromospheric activity " or " magnetic activity ") of contact binaries interests many astronomic researchers .

  28. 运用2进小波的分解与重构技术分析了太阳活动、厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)与上海地区月降水量、月均气压和月均温度序列之间的可能关系。

    Decomposition and reconstruction techniques of dyadic wavelet are used to analyze the possible relationship between solar activity , El Nino Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ), and meteorological parameters in Shanghai .

  29. 日冕物质抛射(CME)属于大尺度太阳活动现象,它能造成地球空间环境的剧烈扰动,是空间灾害天气的主要源头。

    Coronal mass ejections ( CMEs ) belong to large-scale solar active phenomena and cause strong disturbances on the geospace environment , being a main source of disastrous space weather .

  30. 渤海和北黄海冰情的年际变化与El-Nino现象以及太阳活动周期有关;

    The ice condition variation of the Bohai Sea is related to the El Nino event and the sunspot period .