
  • 网络solar radiation;solar energy;solar radiant energy;Solar Radiating Energy
  1. 本文介绍了太阳辐射能的主要性质及有关技术数据;高密度太阳能源的获取方法;

    This paper introduces briefly the main properties of solar radiation , the technical data in its application , and the method to obtain a high density solar radiation .

  2. 宁绍平原太阳辐射能资源的气候学估算与分析

    The Estimation and Analysis of Solar Radiation in the Ning-Shao Plain

  3. 这种快速增温,与11.0~10.0KaBP太阳辐射能的增加相对应。

    This rapid temperature increase corresponded to the increasing radiation of solar energy during 11.0 ~ 10.0 ka BP .

  4. 城市森林生态系统太阳辐射能利用分析

    Analysis of Solar Radiating Energy in Ecological System of Urban Forests

  5. 油橄榄树体结构与太阳辐射能分配规律的研究

    Common olive : tree framework vs distribution of solar energy

  6. 云对太阳辐射能的减弱作用

    The effect of clouds on solar radiation energy attenuation

  7. 日食对地面太阳辐射能减弱的影响

    Influence of solar eclipse on attenuation of energy of solar radiation near ground

  8. 温室内太阳辐射能的估算

    The estimation of the solar radiation in the glasshouse

  9. 高产棉花太阳辐射能利用率及干物质分配规律研究

    Studies on solar radiation energy-use efficiency and dry matter partition in cotton with High-yield

  10. 测量太阳辐射能虚拟仪器的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of the Solar Radiation Energy Measurment System Based on Virtual Instrument

  11. 毛初级生产力对太阳辐射能的利用率为0.38%~0.85%;

    The photosynthetic energy effciency reached 0.38 % - 0.85 % of solar radiation .

  12. 利用太阳辐射能的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Utilizing Solar Radiant Energy

  13. 相对黑色的伞而言,白色的伞能反射更多的太阳辐射能。

    A white umbrella will reflect more radiant energy from the sun than a black umbrella .

  14. 太阳辐射能通量单位。

    Unit of solar radiation .

  15. 黄山松光合速率受太阳辐射能的影响较大,而受湿度、地表温度影响较小。

    The photosynthetic rate was more affected by solar energy , but less by humidity and surface temperature .

  16. 这是一种利用太阳辐射能直接分解水制氢的光-化学转换方式。

    This is a direct use of solar radiation to decompose water hydrogen which called light-chemistry conversion way .

  17. 其次,研究太阳辐射能与物质作用的能量转换机理和增强措施。

    Secondly , the energy conversion mechanism and enhancement methods of the interaction between light and matters are studied .

  18. 结果表明,实验期间所接受的总太阳辐射能为1854.4MJ.m-2。

    The results indicated that the total solar radiation energy input was 1854.4MJ · m ~ ( - 2 ) .

  19. 进而对全省太阳辐射能的时空分布进行了分析。

    Then we proceed to analyse the distribution of the solar radiation energy in term of time and space in Sichuan .

  20. 提出一种应用盲分离神经网络预测逐日太阳辐射能的方法。

    A method of forecasting the total solar irradiance based on blind source separation ( BSS ) neural network was pre-sented .

  21. 在风能,潮汐能,氢能和生物能源中,太阳辐射能是一种不同于其他可再生能源的一种原始能源。

    Solar irradiation is the fundamental initiator of the different renewable energy alternatives , including wind , wave , hydrogen and biomass energy sources .

  22. 极昼期的实际日照占全年的72.4%,是该地区获取太阳辐射能的主要时段。

    The actual sunshine time was 72.4 % of the total year , and was the main period of time to obtain solar radiation energy .

  23. 东亚地区的大气辐射能的收支(一)&地球和大气的太阳辐射能收支

    The budget of the atmospheric radiation energy over Eastern Asia ( 1 ) the budget of solar radiation energy of the earth and the atmosphere

  24. 太阳辐射能是目前世界储量最大的可再生能源。

    Solar energy is the most abundant one of various renewable energy sources . Its radiation provides the biggest flow of energy on the earth .

  25. 1987&1988年,在四川广元市市郊对不同修剪技术油橄榄树体结构进行了太阳辐射能分配规律的研究。

    In 1987 and 1988 we studied the distribution law of solar energy on different-structured olive ( Olea europaea ) trees resulting from different pruning techniques .

  26. 探讨了夏玉米茎液流的日变化规律以及它于太阳辐射能的相关关系;

    The day change law of estival maize stem-liquid has been discussed , and the relation between maize stem-liquid and sun radiation has been built up .

  27. 太阳能光热系统的基本原理是将太阳辐射能收集起来,通过与物质的相互作用转换成热能加以利用。

    The basic principle of Solar heating system is to collect the solar radiation which to be used through the interaction with the material convert to heat energy .

  28. 太阳能光伏发电是一种将太阳辐射能通过光伏效应,经太阳能电池直接转换为电能的新型发电技术。

    The solar energy are converted into electricity directly through PV effect . Solar photovoltaic technology as a new type of power generation technology is gained more and more usage .

  29. 气候是构成人类环境的大气、海洋和陆地在太阳辐射能驱动下相互作用所达到的一种缓变的平衡态。

    Climate is an equilibrium that constitute the human environment , the atmosphere , oceans , which terrestrial radiation in the sun , driven by the interaction of a slow change to achieve .

  30. 太阳辐射能主要分布在可见和近红外波段,大部分可以照射到地面从而加热地面。

    The energy of solar radiation is mainly concentrated within the bands of visible and near infrared , in which , most of the energy can reach ground and heat the earth surface .