
tài yánɡ fēnɡ bào
  • solar storm
  1. 然而,这样一场灾难性的太阳风暴可能不会在近期发生。

    However , a catastrophic solar storm may not occur in the near future .

  2. 原来是因为太阳风暴导致全球互联网下线。

    It turns out there was a solar storm that knocked the entire internet offline around the globe .

  3. 比如,太阳风暴的高能辐射会破坏DNA和人体组织,增加致癌几率。

    The powerful radiation of CMEs can damage DNA and tissue , increasing the risk of cancer , for instance .

  4. 而Sullivan也并非是为一个警告了太阳风暴或造成严重影响的学者专家。

    She is not the only expert to issue a warning about the threat posed by solar storms .

  5. 这次的太阳风暴造成了壮观的激光,以及对于无线通讯的干扰。

    The storm created spectacular aurorae and disrupted radio communications .

  6. 2003年10月底太阳风暴期间中山站电离层吸收效应的观测与分析

    Polar ionospheric absorptions during solar storms at the end of october , 2003

  7. 这项发现表明太阳风暴是如何影响我们的星球。

    The findings have implications for how solar storms affect the our planet .

  8. 科学家们称,(从卫星捕捉到的信息中,)他们已经对太阳风暴有了新的认识。

    Scientists say they are already learning new things .

  9. 问:2012年会因为巨大的太阳风暴而有危险吗?

    Q : Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for2012 ?

  10. 太阳风暴所释放出的例子将对脆弱的计算机电路造成暂时性的失灵或者永久性的破坏。

    Solar storms release particles that can temporarily disable or permanently destroy fragile computer circuits .

  11. 2012年,一场猛烈的太阳风暴给美国俄勒冈州的火山湖带来了极其美丽的北极光。

    In 2012 , one of these intense solar storms created a particularly beautiful aurora over Crater Lake in Oregon .

  12. 相关领域的权威科学家警告,在两年之后的2013年将爆发一场强度极高的太阳风暴,届时地球上人类的科技与通讯将遭受到严重的影响。

    Solar storms could have'devastating effects'on human technology when they hit a peak in two years'time , a leading scientist has warned .

  13. 火焰,太阳风暴以及其他太阳吵闹无比的混乱影响着漫游在我们头上的卫星。

    Flares , sun storms and other solar hissy fits can cause electronic mayhem for the satellites that roam above our heads .

  14. 如果真的要纪录像是太阳风暴或是类似的事件,我们要在一整天中,每半个小时就做一次纪录。

    To actually record events such as solar storms , one needs to note down the reading every half hour for a whole day .

  15. 太阳风暴既会增加极光发生的密度,也会增加极光发生的范围,将这种奇观带给世界各地更多的天象爱好者。

    Solar storms can increase both the intensity and reach of auroral displays , bringing them into view for more skywatchers around the world .

  16. 科学家在地磁层中发现了两个很大的漏洞,地磁层环绕着我们的星球并且保护我们不会被太阳风暴袭击。

    Scientists have found two large leaks in Earth 's magnetosphere , the region around our planet that shields us from severe solar storms .

  17. 这次太阳风暴同时还使无线电短波通讯中断,海岸警卫队的洛兰远程导航系统瘫痪,车库的自动门自行开启。

    The same storm disrupted shortwave radio transmissions , cripple Coast Guard loran navigation systems and had automatic garage doors opening on their own .

  18. 《太阳风暴》中,水电站的建立破坏了当地的自然环境,也违背了当地人们的福祉。

    In Solar Storms , due to the building of hydroelectric project , the local environment is damaged and the inhabitants ' well-being is violated .

  19. 而专家警告说太阳风暴如果过于强大,会严重影响地球卫星系统,导致地球电力和通信中断。

    However , experts warn that this storm will be strong enough to impact the earth satellites , which may issue in power and communication cut .

  20. 九月三日,星期一晚上,在一场最近的太阳风暴过后,绝美的北极光在天空中爆发,令全球的星空爱好者惊叹。

    The northern lights erupted in a stunning display Monday night ( Sept. 3 ) after a recent solar storm , amazing skywatchers around the world .

  21. 下一次太阳风暴高峰会在2012-2014年之间,并且它被预测为一次普通的太阳活动周期,和整个历史上的其它太阳周期没有任何不同。

    The next solar maximum will occur in the2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle , no different than previous cycles throughout history .

  22. 太阳风暴通常包括太阳耀斑、高强度的紫外线辐射以及能够摧毁卫星关键电子元件的高能粒子和大量的日冕物质抛射。

    A solar storm usually contains a solar flare , high levels of UV radiation , energetic particles that destroy the crucial electronic components of satellites , and many CMEs .

  23. 所以,这项发现改变了我们原来对于太阳风暴磁层耦合的理解。

    " So this really changes our understanding of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling ," said physicist Marit Oieroset of the University of California , Berkeley , also at the press conference .

  24. 这个天文景象照亮了从蒙大拿到缅因州的天空,这是由于上周末太阳风暴的喷发。

    The celestial show has lit up skies from Montana to Maine , and it 's all tied to this past weekend when the sun ed with a mighty belch .

  25. 在大规模的太阳风暴爆发时,太阳将向地球释放大量的射线与带电粒子,人造卫星将遭到破坏,通行将被中断,并引发飞机航班停飞,全球的电话通行网络也将受到影响。

    A massive eruption of the sun would save waves of radiation and charged particles to Earth , damaging the satellite systems used for synchronising computers , airline navigation and phone networks .

  26. 但有时候,太阳风暴异常猛烈,会出现万花筒般五颜六色的北极光,而且还会出现在一些之前从未有过此现象的地方,让当地人一睹为快。

    However , sometimes solar storms are so intense that they cause a kaleidoscope of colors to appear and can also be seen in regions where people have never witnessed them before .

  27. 若太阳风暴为例过于强大,这甚至会引发全球股市下挫,电力供应告急,时间将持续数周或者数个月。

    If the storm is powerful enough it could even crash stock markets and cause power cuts that last weeks or months , experts told the American Association for the Advancement of Science .

  28. 据《每日邮报》报道,周日早晨爆发的太阳风暴不久前“击中”地球,带来绚丽壮观的北极光,美国和丹麦等地都观测到了这个美丽景象。

    According to Daily Mail , early on Sunday morning , the Sun 's surface erupted and sent waves of supercharged gas towards the Earth , bringing stunning aurora over Denmark and US .

  29. 如果这一系列活动彻底搞清楚的话,它就可以提前几个小时甚至几天发出预警,以使通讯公司、电网和王卫星控制者做好预防太阳风暴应带来危险的的准备。

    If the pattern can be completely , it could give hours or even days of warning to telecommunications companies , electric power grids , and satellite operators to prepare for these dangerous storms .

  30. 在今年二月份时,有多名天文学家都警告称,人类现在要比历史的任何一个时候都更加脆弱,面对太阳风暴,我们必须做好万全准备,以应对这一场全球性的卡特里娜飓风灾难。

    In February , astronomers warned that mankind is now more vulnerable to such an event than at any time in history - and that the planet should prepare for a global Hurricane Katrina-style disaster .