
  • 网络Solar flare;sun flare
  1. 太阳耀斑及核试验对大气中~(14)C浓度的影响

    The Influence of Solar Flare and Nuclear Tests on ~ ( 14 ) C Concentration in Atmosphere

  2. 太阳耀斑的GPS监测方法及实例分析

    GPS Method for Monitoring the Solar Flare and Example Analysis

  3. 暗条类似于太阳耀斑,亦或是某种磁结构。

    The filaments may be analogous to solar flares or could be magnetic structures of some sort .

  4. 太阳耀斑硬X射线爆和射电微波爆之间的关系

    The Relationship between Hard X-ray and Microwave Emissions of Solar Flares

  5. 太阳耀斑硬X射线高能时延和辐射展宽

    High energy delay and emission broadening of hard X-rays in solar flares

  6. 太阳耀斑硬X射线能谱演变特征

    The evolution of hard X - ray energy spectrum in solar flares

  7. 太阳耀斑硬X射线观测

    The Observational Results of Hard X-ray from Solar Flares

  8. 基于GPS的2003年10月28日太阳耀斑的电离层响应研究

    Research on the ionospheric response to the solar flare on 28 October 2003 using GPS

  9. 太阳耀斑X射线辐射

    X-ray emission of solar flare

  10. 太阳耀斑硬X射线爆分钟级准周期结构的统计特性及解释

    Statistical property and explanation for the quasi-periodic structures in minute range in solar flare hard X-ray bursts

  11. 2003年10月29~31日太阳耀斑对中国大陆电离层扰动的GPS监测与分析

    Monitor solar flare during October 29-31,2003 and analysis of its disturbances to ionosphere over China by GPS measurements

  12. 利用GPS计算的TEC变化率监测太阳耀斑

    Monitoring solar flare by calculating change rate of TEC with GPS data

  13. 利用GPS资料研究太阳耀斑引起的TEC变化率

    Studying Change Rate of Ionosphere TEC Arousing by Solar Flare with GPS Data

  14. 太阳耀斑虽然是在Ha辐射上发现的,但经多年的研究已得知每个耀斑都有重要的高能辐射。高能耀斑情况如何呢?

    Although solar flares were discovered by their H α radiation , it has become clear after years of investigation that a flare has important high-energy emission .

  15. 太阳耀斑会威胁到环绕地球的所有人造物体,包括全球定位系统(GPS)、通信卫星、载人航天器和国际空间站等。

    Solar flares threaten all of the artificial objects orbiting our planet , including GPS and telecommunications satellites , occupied spacecraft and the International Space Station .

  16. 通过氧鎓离子化学计算了一次强太阳耀斑扰动期间低纬度(28°38′N)D层顶NO浓度。

    Based on the oxonium ion chemistry , the NO density profiles in the low-latitude ( 28 ° 38'N ) upper D-region during a large solar flare are estimated .

  17. 太阳耀斑MHD理论简评

    A Brief Review of Solar Flare Theory

  18. 一个和X级太阳耀斑相关的甚高能GLE事件

    A Very High Energy GLE Event Possibly Associated With the X Solar Flare of 15th June 1991

  19. CME和太阳耀斑现象

    CME and solar flare phenomena

  20. 分析的结果表明,大太阳耀斑期间不仅D层的电子浓度大大增加,而且F层的电子浓度也显著增加,后者是这次总含量剧增的主要部分。

    The analysis shows that there are appreciable increases of electron density both in the ionospheric D-region and the F-region and the latter is the main part of the sharp TEC increases .

  21. 在太阳耀斑、日冕物质抛射(CME)和其他太阳活动现象中,磁重联一直都扮演着至关重要的作用。

    Magnetic reconnection plays a very important role in solar flares , corona mass ejections ( CME ), and other solar activities .

  22. 利用中国地壳运动观测网络的GPS资料对2000年7月14日的太阳耀斑进行监测和分析,介绍一种值得探讨的耀斑爆发前可能存在的前兆现象。

    Solar flare on July 14 , 2000 has been monitored and analyzed using GPS data of the Chinese crust deformation monitoring network ( CCDMN ) . A possible auspice phenomenon of solar flare eruption is introduced in this paper .

  23. 本文分析了第1733&1742Carrington周的太阳耀斑、行星际闪烁(IPS)、太阳风及K-日冕资料,对二维太阳风速度结构进行了综合研究。

    The two-dimensional structure of solar wind speed with Carrington latitudes and longitudes is studied based on the analyses of the observations of flares , interplanetary scintillations .

  24. 周二时候NASA一处空间观测台发现异常太阳耀斑,相关官员表示这可能对接下来几天的卫星通讯产生影响。

    An unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory on Tuesday could cause some disruptions to satellite communications and power on Earth over the next day or so , officials said .

  25. 外班克斯列岛灯塔协会(该协会曾请求联邦政府拨款整修一度年久失修的Bodie灯塔)会长BettPadgett提醒人们太阳耀斑会让卫星暂时失灵。

    Bett Padgett , who heads the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society , which petitioned the federal government for funds to restore Bodie Island 's once-crumbling lighthouse , warns of solar flares knocking out satellites .

  26. 太阳耀斑与三维非线性无力磁场结构

    Solar flares and 3 D nonlinear force free magnetic field structures

  27. 本文综述了太阳耀斑的观测性质。

    In this paper we describe observational properties of solar flares .

  28. 磁重联在太阳耀斑过程中扮演着重要角色。

    Magnetic reconnection process play an important role in solar flares .

  29. 太阳耀斑与黑子群面积的关系

    Relations between the solar flares and the areas of sunspot groups

  30. 高能电子对太阳耀斑辐射的作用

    The role of energetic electrons in the radiation of solar flares