
  • 网络solar masses
  1. 因此,正如菲尼解释的那样,除非双黑洞周围有数亿太阳质量的气体,“没有令人信服的办法来让它们的距离缩小”到PG1302-102的两个黑洞那么近的地步。

    So , as Dr. Phinney explained , unless hundreds of millions of solar masses of gas accompany the black holes , " there are not very convincing ways of getting them to smaller separations " like the black holes in PG 1302-102 .

  2. ULASJ1120+0641拥有20亿倍的太阳质量,对于天文学家来说,它的发现是个“重磅”惊喜。这不仅仅是因为它的大小,还因为它的年代。

    At two billion solar masses , ULAS J1120 + 0641 was a huge surprise for astronomers - not necessarily due to its magnitude , but due to its age .

  3. 这颗最新发现的小黑洞IGR仅是太阳质量的三倍。

    The new kid , IGR , is only about three times as massive as the Sun .

  4. 太阳质量损失包括光子辐射和太阳风造成的质量损失。

    The mass-loss includes the light radiation and solar wind .

  5. 太阳质量的黑洞的史瓦西半径约为3公里。

    The Schwarzschild radius of a solar mass black hole is about3km .

  6. 太阳质量损失对行星轨道的影响

    The influence of solar mass-loss on planetary orbits

  7. 太阳质量变化对小行星轨道根数的影响

    The influence of the variation of solar mass on the orbital elements of asteroids

  8. 在这个星系的中心,有一个相当于65亿倍太阳质量的黑洞。

    And at its heart , there 's a six-and-a-half-billion - solar-mass black hole .

  9. 1.2太阳质量的模型恒星在赫-罗图上的演化程

    The evolutionary track in the H-R diagram of model stars of 1.2 solar mass

  10. 脉冲星与太阳质量相近,但仅有约10公里的直径。

    Pulasars have a mass similar to the sun , but a diameter of about10km .

  11. 太阳质量损失包括太阳因光于辐射和太阳风流失两方面产生的质量损失。

    The solar mass-loss is due to the photon radiation or nuclear buring and solar wind .

  12. 从分子云的观测上,天文学家推估出典型的金斯质量数值约为一个太阳质量左右。

    From observations of molecular clouds , astronomers estimate a typical Jeans value of roughly one solar mass .

  13. 所以,太阳质量的变化在行星退行中影响甚微可忽略不计。

    Therefore , the mass of the sun changes in the planet have little effect in the regression is negligible .

  14. 天文学家试图去推测是太阳质量是多少才能产生需要的发光度来解释这两个星球上的液体水。

    Astronomers tried to estimate what solar mass could produce the required luminosity to explain liquid water on these planets .

  15. 这个新的黑洞,是太阳质量的几十亿倍,并且开始吞噬附近所有的一切。

    The new black hole , which weighs as much as billions of suns , begins devouring everything in its vicinity .

  16. 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。

    Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star , it must be a black hole .

  17. 高斯常数是基于太阳质量的,因此,天文单位与太阳的质量是密不可分的了。

    The Gaussian constant is based on solar mass , so the Au was inextricably tied to the mass of the sun .

  18. 在此之前微小记录的保持者大约是太阳质量的14倍,用我们的标准来衡量的话已经相当之大了。

    The previous record holder for smallness was still around 14 times the mass of the Sun , which is quite large for our standards .

  19. 那些多星体的重量级高达几百万乃至几十亿倍的太阳质量,但是它们的起源仍然是个谜。

    These astral heavyweights top out at several million to several billion times the mass of the Sun , but their origin remains a mystery .

  20. 它的残留物又小、密度又高,是太阳质量的近1.5倍,成了直径10英里的物体。

    This stellar corpse is tiny and dense , squeezing about 1.5 times the mass of the Sun into an object a mere 10 miles across .

  21. 除了仍未能观测到的微型黑洞,物理学家已经确认大量数倍太阳质量黑洞存在的迹象。

    Apart from the as-yet-unobserved microscopic variety , physicists have spotted numerous telltale signs of black holes that weigh several times the mass of the sun .

  22. 他们还考虑到如果年轻时期的太阳质量更大,那么这两个行星会比目前靠太阳更近。

    They also took into account that with a more massive young Sun , the planets would be closer to the Sun than they are today .

  23. 利用变质量天体力学方法研究了太阳质量变化对小行星轨道根数的影响。

    The influence of the variation of solar mass on the orbital elements of Asteroids is studied by using the method of Celestial Mechanics with variable mass .

  24. 显然在它们的核燃料耗尽之前,大部分的巨星会丢失足够多的物质,使其质量降至1.4个太阳质量的临界质量之下。

    Apparently most massive stars manage to lose sufficient material that their masses drop below the critical value of 1.4 M ⊙ before they exhaust their nuclear fuel .

  25. 将作者在变质量天体力学所得理论结果应用于太阳质量损失对流星群轨道根数变化的长期效应上。

    The secular influence of solar mass-loss on the orbital elements of meteor steams is examined by using the method of celestial mechanics of variable mass in this paper .

  26. 对于这些中子星的,质量测量,你看到脉冲,所有的都很接近于。,1。4倍的太阳质量,对此有个很好的解释。

    All the mass measurements that have been done to date of these neutron stars where you see the pulsations * all of them are very close to1.4 solar mass .

  27. 相比之下,于2015年9月14日首次探测到的引力波,是由两个29倍及36倍太阳质量的黑洞合并形成的。

    In contrast , LIGO 's historic first detection on Sept. 14 , 2015 resulted from a merger of two black holes 36 and 29 times the mass of the sun .

  28. 太阳质量和质子质量的几何平均数是50千克,和在座的每个人的体重是一个数量级。

    The geometric mean of the mass of a proton and the mass of the sun is 50 kilograms , within a factor of two of the mass of each person here .

  29. 如果质密物体的质量,大于,太阳质量的三倍,毫无疑问我们就认为,它是个黑洞,从那时起,很多黑洞。

    And clearly , if the mass of that compact object is way larger than three solar masses , then there is no doubt in our minds that this is a black hole .

  30. 法雷尔说:根据其辐射强度,研究小组保守地估计,该黑洞的质量是太阳质量的500倍。法雷尔现在供职于英国的莱斯特大学。

    Based on its radiation intensity , the team conservatively estimates its mass at500 times that of the sun , says Farrell , now at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom .