
  • 网络Open Area;open field
  1. 无线传感器网络(WSN,WirelessSensorNetwork)是一个由大量微型传感器节点组成,部署在开放区域内,以自组织方式形成的无线网络。

    Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) is some network that consisting of large number tiny sensor nodes , distributed in the open area and processing cooperatively in ad-hoc manner .

  2. 刚好我们天生自带这种功能,由中耳延伸出的一条直达鼻的咽管道器官(在我们鼻子后面的一块开放区域)称为耳咽管。

    Nature has provided the means for this with a tube that runs from the middle ear to the nasopharynx - the open area behind our noses . It 's called the Eustachian tube .

  3. 知识经济时代的到来和我国正式加入WTO,既给我国沿海开放区域带来了国际化发展的机遇,同时也给该区域的基础研究带来了严峻的挑战。

    The advent of Knowledge Economy Age and our joining into WTO bring Chinese coastal open regions chance of internationalization and flinty challenge to their basic theory research .

  4. Olson的伯格有很多工作时间都不是在他的办公室里度过的,他会去那些由Gensler为他们公司设计的开放区域开会、打电话或与人交谈。

    Olson 's Mr. Berg spends much of his time at work outside his office , in open zones for meetings , calls and conversation designed for his employer by Gensler .

  5. 开放区域的人口分组要素组合预测

    The Population Poly - factor Compounding Projection in the Exoteric Regions

  6. 必须在合适的开放区域进行点火!

    Carry out ignition only in suitable , free areas !

  7. 沿海开放区域高新技术产业发展的综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Evaluations of the Hi & Tech Industry in Coastal Open Regions

  8. 开放区域耕地资源人口容量研究&以沪苏锡常城市连绵区为例

    Population Carrying Capacity of Cultivated Land in Open Region : Case Study of Hu-Su-Xi-Chang Megalopolis

  9. 在森林中有空地(开放区域)时,那儿的土壤就会发生改变。

    You see , where there are gaps , open areas in the forest , the soil there changes .

  10. 这些天来填充自动化软件与垃圾邮件和内容网站所有开放区域,增加数据库的大小。

    These days automated software fills all open areas of web with junk and content spam and increasing your database size .

  11. 就在发展区外,通常会有一片开放区域,给人们放牧或进行集体活动。

    And just outside the developed area , there would usually be an open field of some sort for grazing animals and also group activities .

  12. 最后,为确保沿海开放区域加强基础研究策略的实施而构建一套先进、科学的运行保障机制。

    Last , it composes a suit of advanced and logical run-guarantee system to ensure the implement of the basic theory research strategy in coastal open region .

  13. 百度共投放40辆自动驾驶出租车,测试区域总长度约700公里,是全国开放区域最广、测试里程最长的自动驾驶载人测试。

    With a fleet of 40 vehicles , the service covers the largest total area and the longest road network of about 700 kilometers for an autonomous driving test area in China .

  14. 其中在两间原本是为工厂建设的宿舍,调查组看到一个开放区域内放置了大量床位和柜子,从调查组角度看,这种环境过于缺乏隐私。

    Two of the dormitories , originally built as factories , now contain a large number of beds and lockers in an open space , and from our perspective , felt too impersonal .

  15. 原先的室内装饰物已被一并清除,取而代之的是装有包厢的亮堂开放区域,半层楼上的包厢就能看到。

    That interior is gone , replaced by a light , bright , open space with staggered mezzanines , so it is always possible to glimpse the next level , half a floor above you .

  16. 本文依据人口平衡方程,运用人口分要素组合预测法,阐述了开放区域人口预测的基本方法和步骤,从而为具体的人口预测工作提供思路借鉴。

    According to the population equilibrium equation and utilize the population poly-factor compounding projection , this paper expounds the basic population projection methods and steps in the exoteric regions so as to provide the concrete population forecast practice some instructions .

  17. 事实证明,对于开放性区域来讲,产业集聚与FDI间存在着良性互动,即FDI进入会促进产业集聚的形成,同时产业集聚的发展会吸引更多产业内FDI的入驻,从而加速经济发展。

    Experience has demonstrated that in open regions , there is a positive interaction between industry agglomeration and FDI , FDI will speed up the formation of industry agglomeration , meanwhile the development of industry agglomeration will attract more FDI to this district .

  18. 论1992年我国对外开放的区域特色。

    About the regional feature of the opening-up in our country in1992 .

  19. 位于两个或者更多街道交叉口的一种开放的区域。

    An open area at the meeting of two or more streets .

  20. 开放型区域经济发展理论研究

    A Study on Development Theory of Open Regional Economy

  21. 对外开放与区域经济增长:两个沿海省域的比较

    Opening up and Regional Economic Growth : A Comparative Analysis between Two Coastal Provinces

  22. 统一开放与区域发展

    Unified open in G and regional development

  23. 场馆内的不对公众开放的区域,包含了转播综合区,需凭特定的大会证件进入。

    Non Public Areas , within the Venue , Including the Broadcast Compound , requiring accreditation for access .

  24. 第4章对云南发展开放型区域经济下合作的定义、必要性、现状进行阐述,并运用博弈论方法对合作的风险进行理论上的分析。

    The chapter 4 introduces the definition 、 necessity and current situation of cooperation of Yunnan in the open regional economic .

  25. 通过参观机场对公众开放的区域,对三个机场侯机厅的火灾安全分区进行了评述。

    Fire safety provisions in the terminal buildings of three airports are observed by touring around the areas accessible to the public .

  26. 在单边开放的区域电力市场中,合理的合同电量与竞争电量交易比例是保证电力市场有效运行的一个重要环节。

    In the unilateral-open local electricity market , a rational proportion of contract and competition electricity is an important link to insure electricity market function well .

  27. 其中,阳光广场、方特欢乐大道、渔人码头是全开放式区域,游客可以免费自由参观。

    Among them , the Sunshine Plaza , joy Infante Avenue , Fisherman 's Wharf is an open area , tourists can visit for free free .

  28. 第2章介绍了对开放型区域经济内涵如何界定,并对区域发展开放型经济的必要性进行了阐述。

    The second chapter introduces implications of the open regional economic and how to define the open economic and prove the necessity of developing the open regional economic .

  29. 12月13日,一支由18名登山爱好者,大多为复旦大学学生组成的登山队不慎误闯黄山尚未对外开放的区域而被困。民警张宁海在救援过程中不幸身亡。

    Zhang died while rescuing a team of 18 mountain climbers , most from Fudan University , who strayed into a restricted zone on December 13 at the Huangshan Mountain .

  30. 从区域经济开放、区域社会网络、制度变迁、区位条件等,分析区域宏观背景对流动人口行为变异的作用;

    It analyses the macroscopic background to the function of the floating population behavior variation from district economy opening , the social network , system changing , area a term etc.