
  • 网络Open Publishing
  1. 主要包括:公共获取政策、学术机构开放获取政策、开放出版政策以及其他推动开放获取的政策措施。

    Mainly including : Public access policy , academic institutional open access policy , open publishing policy , and other open access policies .

  2. 一种全新的学术出版模式:开放存取出版模式探析

    A New Scholarly Publishing Model : Open Access Publishing Model

  3. 开放存取出版&网络时代学术出版的创新

    Open Access Publishing & Innovation of Scholarly Publishing in the Network Age

  4. 学术期刊的开放存取出版研究

    A Study on Open Access Publishing of Academic Journals

  5. 开放获取出版:概念、模式、影响与前景

    Open access publishing : the concept , models , effect and the prospect

  6. 开放获取出版模式研究

    A Study on Open Access Publishing Model

  7. 我国学术期刊开放存取出版模式及策略研究

    On the Publishing Model and the Strategy of the Academic Open Access Journals in China

  8. 第五,博客的知识共享。博客本身就是属于一种内容开放的出版形式,包括作者层面、内容层面、读者三个层面的开源运动。

    Fifthly , blog 's open content itself is a form of publication , including the author level , content level .

  9. 分析了开放存取出版的四种形式:重点分析了开放存取期刊,自我存档的特定主题知识库和学术机构的学术仓库。

    Thirdly it analyzes the four forms of open access : it focuses on the open-access journals , self-saving subject-specific repositories and institutional repositories .

  10. 然后从图书馆为解决学术交流危机所采取的应对之策及其局限性这一角度,分析了开放存取出版产生的现实原因;

    Then , by studying how the libraries take measures to resolve the crisis of scholarly communication , the paper analyzes its practical reasons .

  11. 开放获取出版是一种新兴的网络出版形式。它有自存储和开放获取期刊两种运行模式。

    Open access publishing is a burgeoning network publishing form , which includes two operating models , that is , self-archiving and open access journals .

  12. 现在,越来越多的国家、社会组织及科学家支持开放获取出版。开放获取出版具有广阔的发展前景。

    At present , more and more countries , social organizations and scientists support open access publishing , and it will have a broad prospect .

  13. 文章论述了开放获取出版模式的意义和特点,对中国出版界推动和实施开放获取出版提出了政策建议。

    This paper discusses the implications and characteristics of open access publishing , and some recommendations on open access policies related to the promotion and implementation in Chinese publishing community are outlined .

  14. 一是论述中国城镇化研究的主要成果,包括了建国以来特别是改革开放后出版的著作、发表的文章以及整理的资料,还有召开关于城镇化的会议等。

    Firstly , expound the Main achievement of studying in China 's urbanization , including the materials of the work , article and arrangement published published since the foundation of the state especially after reform and opening-up , hold the meeting about the urbanization and etc.

  15. 从开放存取出版的发展背景分析围绕开放存取出版的利益之争,包括当前学术出版的特点和市场情况,出版商与图书馆的矛盾,科学工作者和学术团体对开放存取出版的态度。

    Secondly it analyzes the profit dispute surrounding the open access from the background of open access development , which includes nowadays features of STM publishing and the market condition , the conflict between publishers and libraries , the attitudes of scientific researchers and institutions to the open access .

  16. 开放存取期刊出版的发展现状及其影响分析

    Analysis of OA Journals ' Development and Its Influence

  17. 远程开放式网络出版系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of long-distance opening network press system

  18. 开放式地图出版数据模型的研究

    A Study on Open Map Publishing Data Model

  19. 开放存取期刊出版模式涉及政策、经费、质量控制、版权等核心问题。

    The publishing model involves the core issue of funding , quality control , intellectual property .

  20. 开放存取期刊出版并不是一个独立的系统,它关系着整个学术交流系统的方方面面。

    The publishing of Open Access Journals is not only an independent system , also it is related to all aspects of communication .

  21. 学术交流系统中的各关系利益方,包括科研人员、传统出版机构、图书馆、科研资助机构,目前都已经受到了正在蓬勃发展的开放存取期刊出版的影响。

    The booming Open Access Journals have already affected the relations stakeholders of exchange system , including researchers , traditional publishers , libraries research funding agencies .

  22. 此外,在开放获取的出版模式下,研究者需要付费投稿或发表论文,从而“带来了一层妨碍知识交流的新屏障”。

    The society also says that publishing models in which researchers pay to submit or publish papers " introduce a new disincentive to the exchange of knowledge " .

  23. 以自主开发的基于B/S模式的远程开放式网络出版系统为例,详细论述了平台的构建与实现,以及它的现实意义。

    Taken the network press system developed independently as example , a realizing long-distance opening network press system is introduced , which based on the B / S model .

  24. 本论文以改革开放以来陆续出版的主要供教学参改用的新闻理论专著为研究对象,系统梳理了当代新闻思想观念发展史。

    This thesis has the journalism theoretical treatises , pressing after Reforming and Opening policy mainly for education as object of study which card the developing history of journalism ideology .

  25. 本文在分析目前各类地图出版系统的基础上,指出了它们所采用的数据模型存在的局限性,提出了开放式地图出版数据模型的研究论题。

    In this dissertation , various map publishing systems are analyzed , some shortcomings of their data models are indicated . and the topic which is the open map publishing data model is advanced .

  26. 面对日益开放的中国出版市场,我国的出版集团如何生存发展,无疑是各界人士都非常关心的问题。

    In face of the publish market of China that is opened day by day , it is undoubtedly one of the important question cared by the people from all walks of life that the survival and development of Chinese publishing groups .

  27. 介绍了开放期刊及其出版模式,提示了世界范围内开放期刊的分布情况,以帮助科研人员了解目前开放访问期刊的现状及发展势态,为他们提供获取开放访问期刊的途径。

    This paper has introduced the OA periodical and its publish mode , discovered the distribution of the OA periodicals all over the world , in order to let researchers know the current situation and development of OA periodical , provided the way to obtain OA periodicals .

  28. 开放存取期刊的出版模式及其获取途径

    On the Journals Publishing Modes and Their Access Under the Open Access Environment

  29. 最后从科学工作者对开放存取的态度分析了开放存取出版的存在基础。

    Lastly , the paper analyzes the exist , base of open access publishing from the attitudes of scientific researchers to the open access .

  30. 阐述了信息自由的概念以及开放获取的背景及定义,分析了开放存取出版模式的优势,论述了在网络条件下开放获取对信息自由的推动。

    This thesis brings forward the right attribute and capacity structure of information access right bough re-analysis of Peters reasoning process of information access freedom .