
jí qū
  • polar regions
极区 [jí qū]
  • [polar regions] 邻近地理极的区域,没有公认的明确区界

极区[jí qū]
  1. 极区航行天文定位的方法利用GPS船位解算天文航海的有关问题

    Celestial Navigation in Polar Regions The new method for calculating the problems of celestial navigation with GPS receiver and its position

  2. 极区大气臭氧变化对中国气候影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Effects of Ozone Variation over Polar Regions on Climate of China

  3. 极区F层不规则结构的分形模型

    A fractal model of ionospheric irregularities of F-layer in polar area

  4. 极区夏季中间层半日潮汐的VHF雷达观测

    VHF radar observation of the semidiurnal tide in the summer POLAR MESOSPHERE

  5. 极区中层惯性重力波临界层的VHF雷达观测

    VHF radar observations of inertial gravity wave critical layers in the POLAR MESOSPHERE

  6. 我国北极黄河站全天空极光观测显示了北极极区电离层对磁层顶磁重联有很好的响应,并且发现极光增亮的区域与行星际磁场(IMF)时钟角有很强的依赖关系。

    The optical aurora measurements showed that the observational ionospheric region was good response to the magnetopause reconnections . The regions of the aurora brightening were much dependent on the IMF clock angle .

  7. 本文模拟的结果对于进一步研究南北极生物圈氨的挥发过程和MBP及其对极区苔原生态系统氮磷地球化学循环的影响具有重要意义。

    The results of this study are of great significance to further study the process of ammonia volatilization and MBP production , as well nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycle of Antarctic tundra ecosystems .

  8. 利用TOMS资料分析了南北极区大气臭氧总量的多年(1979~1992)趋势变化、年际变化、季节变化及周期性变化特征。

    In the context of the TOMS data , investigated are atmospherical total ozone secular trends ( 1979 ~ 1992 ), interannual changes as well as seasonal and periodic variations over Arctic and Antarctic .

  9. 地磁场作用使70km以上的电导率呈各向异性,但计算表明,这对极区对流电场向下映射的影响不大。

    Although because of the existence of the geomagnetic field , the electric conductivity is anisotropic above 70 km , the calculation shows that the effect is not important for the downward mapping .

  10. 在尘埃等离子体中传播时重力波可被电子密度垂直分层的结构反射而导致波能量的集中,它产生的湍动所导致的空间电子密度的不均匀性分布是极区上空PMSEs的可能机制。

    When the gravity waves propagate in the dust plasma with stratified electron density , it can be reflected and lead to energy focusing which may cause turbulence . The irregularity of the electron created by the turbulence could be the mechanism of PMSEs above the polar region .

  11. 南银极区星系与类星体候选者的相关性研究

    Correlation Studies Between Galaxies and Quasar Candidates in Southern Galactic Pole

  12. 极区夏季中层对雷达波的反射特性研究

    Study on Reflection to Radar Wave Through the Polar Summer Mesosphere

  13. 属于或关于赤道地区特有的条件的。因而水会倾向于由极区往赤道地区移动。

    Water tends to move from the poles toward the equator .

  14. 极区中层夏季回波火箭探空观测的个例分析电气联动火情探测器

    One Analysis on the Rocket Detection of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes

  15. 在地球极区无奇异的再入飞行器质心运动方程

    Singularity Free Equations of Re-entry Vehicle Translational Motion in Polar Regions

  16. 高纬极区电离层非相干散射功率谱的模拟

    A Computation of Incoherent Scatter Spectra in the High-latitude Auroral Ionosphere

  17. 极区中层顶区域重力波谱的季节变化

    Seasonal Variation of Gravity Wave Spectrum Near the Polar Mesopause

  18. 极区温室气体浓度和排放与气候变化

    Concentrations and Emissions of Greenhouse Gases and Climatic Change in Polar Region

  19. 极区夏季中间层潮汐和平均风的短期变化特征

    Short-term variability of tides and mean wind in the summer polar mesosphere

  20. 不同上边界条件下的极区电离层数值模拟

    The Influence of Upper Boundary Conditions on the Polar Ionosphere

  21. 太阳极区低日冕重离子的回旋波加热机制

    Ion-cyclotron-resonance heating mechanism of the hely ions in lower solar polar corona

  22. 第五届国际离岸力学及极区工程会议

    The Fifth International Conference on offshore dynamics and engineering for polar zone

  23. 极区中层顶区域尘埃等离子体参数的研究

    Study on Dusty Plasma Parameters in the Polar Mesopause

  24. 太阳耀斑与粒子沉降对极区低电离层的影响

    Influences of solar flare bursts and partical precipitations on the polar lower ionosphere

  25. 高纬极区电离层离子速度分布函数的多项式解

    The polynomial solutions of the ion velocity distributions in the high-latitude auroral ionosphere

  26. 极光粒子沉降研究:谱形式及其在极区大气中的传输

    Auroral particle precipitation and its spectra transport in the atmosphere in Antarctic region

  27. 甚低频横跨极区传播相位的观测与研究

    Observation and study on phase of very low frequency propagation over polar area

  28. 极区电子沉降对电离层影响的模拟研究

    Simulation study on the influences of the precipitating electrons on the polar ionosphere

  29. 极区低温海洋细菌及其产酶情况的初步研究

    Study on marine bacteria from polar region in low temperatures and theirs producing enzymes

  30. 极区高空物理现象之观测具有悠久历史。

    The observation of phenomena in the polar upper atmosphere has a long history .