
  • 网络Space weather forecast;Space Weather Prediction
  1. 近年来,开展了空间天气预报的研究工作及相应的国际合作。

    Research on space weather forecasting and related international cooperation have also been carried out in recent years .

  2. 这些结果可以为我们进一步开展三维磁层顶结构研究和磁层顶位形的空间天气预报提供一定的基础。

    These results provide some basis for further study of three-dimensional magnetopause structure and the forecasting of magnetopause shape for space weather .

  3. 物理设计的主要研究内容包括:分析目前国内国际空间天气预报的发展现状及开展空间天气预报的必要性和重要性;

    The main research contents of the physical design include : presenting the domestic and international status of space weather and expanding on the need and the importance about the space weather forecast ;

  4. 国内外空间天气短期预报和警报及其现状

    Alert and Short-term Prediction of Solar Activity Weather

  5. 空间灾害性天气的预报是日地物理学界及高科技领域的热门话题。

    The prediction of disastrous space weather is a hot topic among solar-terrestrial physics and high technological fields .

  6. 太阳XEUV成像望远镜用来监测和预报影响空间天气变化的太阳活动,专门服务于空间天气预报研究。

    The Solar X-EUV imaging telescope will be used to monitor and predict the solar activities which result in the variations of space weather . It is dedicated to the space weather forecast research .

  7. 它的建立和发展涉及空间天气监测,空间天气变化规律研究,空间天气预报,空间天气服务以及空间天气的技术支撑系统。解决这些问题的关键是空间天气研究应成为一种国家行为。

    Its establishment and development concern the five fundamental factors : monitoring , researching , forecasting , serving and technological support system of space weather .