
  • 网络Air respirator;Breathing Apparatus;SCBA;compressed air breathing apparatus;RHZK
  1. 应该熟悉怎样使用正压式空气呼吸器。

    They shall be familiar with usage of the self-contained breathing apparatus .

  2. 包括:防护服、空气呼吸器、耐炎救生绳、防爆灯、太平斧、安全头盔、消防胶靴、安全腰带各一。

    Parts including : Protective Clothing , Breathing Apparatus , Fire Retardant Life-Saving Rope , Exposition Proof Lamp , Axe , Helmet , Fire-fighting boots and Belt .

  3. 保安部(1名)&消防服,消防帽,消防鞋,防火手套,空气呼吸器。

    Security ( 1 staff ) & anti-fire clothing , anti-fire hat , anti-fire shoes , anti-fire gloves and air respirator .

  4. 那些压缩空气呼吸器中的药物是皮质类固醇,它会打开一个人的肺气道并减少粘液,使人更容易呼吸。

    The medicine in those compressed-air inhalers are corticosteroids , which open a person 's airways and decrease mucus so it 's easier to breathe .

  5. 因为空气污染会损害呼吸器性能并且臭氧层破坏会导致皮肤癌,这些是深刻的问题。

    These are serious problems because air pollution can affect our respiratory system and ozone depletion can cause skin cancer on us .