
  • SkyPark;The Hanging Gardens
  1. 狄安娜神殿和巴比伦空中花园名列古代世界七大奇观之中。

    The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the seven wonders of the world in ancient times .

  2. 是啊。巴比伦的空中花园也是很特别的。

    That 's right . The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are special , too .

  3. 受到纽约市HighLine空中花园的启发,迈克尔&12539;格斯特纳(MichaelGerstner)在其位于翠贝卡街区的顶层公寓的屋顶打造了一处茂密的草坪景观。

    Michael Gerstner created a dense meadow-scape on the roof of his Tribeca penthouse , inspired by New York City 's High Line elevated park .

  4. 受到纽约市HighLine空中花园的启发,迈克尔・格斯特纳(MichaelGerstner)在其位于翠贝卡街区的顶层公寓的屋顶打造了一处茂密的草坪景观。

    Michael Gerstner created a dense meadow-scape on the roof of his Tribeca penthouse , inspired by New York City 's High Line elevated park . '

  5. 第三,研究了DT花园在核心产品、形式产品和外延产品三个层次上的有关定位,并且在形式产品定位中提出了空中花园的方案,解决了客观不利因素对DT花园的影响。

    The third point is that the positioning of core product , actual product and augment product of DT garden has been studied . And we put forward the project of air garden to solve the disadvantage of DT garden .

  6. 最后抵达屋顶上的空中花园,

    and finally on the roof , the sky park ,

  7. 现代住宅空中花园杂谈

    Talking of the Air Garden in the Modern Department

  8. 设有空中花园的高层住宅建筑自然通风的研究

    Natural ventilation of highrise residential buildings with sky garden

  9. 空中花园&城市高层集合住宅庭院空间探讨

    Midair garden To discuss the courtyard space of city high layer concentrated residence

  10. 生态屋顶&当代的空中花园

    Ecological Roof & Present " Air Garden "

  11. 据说,尼布甲尼撒为取悦其王妃而建造了空中花园。

    It is said that the Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife .

  12. 甚至那些对空中花园进行过详细描述的历史学家们也从没有亲眼目睹过它们。

    Even the historians who give detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw them .

  13. 空中花园,都市农夫的绿色梦

    A Green Dream in the City

  14. ,这是大多数人想象中的巴比伦空中花园。

    This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people 's minds .

  15. 他的建筑包括空中花园,作为替代方案,未来的栖息地充气塑料模块。

    His constructions consist of airborne gardens and inflatable plastic modules as alternative , futuristic habitats .

  16. 第一大开心的空中花园。

    The Number One happy sky-garden .

  17. 巴比伦空中花园

    The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

  18. 人们相信传说中的空中花园是由尼布甲尼撒二世(公元前604年-562年)建造的。

    Nebuchadnezzar II ( 604 - 562 BC ) is credited for building the legendary Hanging Gardens .

  19. 人们相信传说中的空中花园是由尼布甲尼撒二世(公元前604年~562年)建造的。

    Nebuchadnezzar II [ 6 ] ( 604-562 BC ) is credited for building the legendary Hanging Gardens .

  20. 在美索不达米亚,则有世界七大奇迹之一的巴比伦空中花园。

    In Mesopotamia , the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the World .

  21. 摘要:室内空中花园与传统的园林项目相比有更多的装修、装置元素在其中。

    Abstract : the indoor sky garden contains more decoration and equipment elements compared to the traditional landscape .

  22. 位于大佛寺附近,是一座巴比伦空中花园式建筑,外形独特。

    Large Buddhist temple located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a type of construction , unique appearance .

  23. 深圳红树西岸工程地下室顶板空中花园设计为种植及蓄水屋面。

    The top plate of basement of Shenzhen West Red-tree Project was designed as a planted and impounded roof .

  24. 直到二十世纪,围绕着空中花园的一些不解之迷才被揭示出来。

    It wasn 't until the twentieth century that some of the mysteries surrounding the Hanging Gardens were revealed .

  25. 高层建筑空中花园使用后评价研究&以长沙市亚大时代大厦为例

    On Post - occupancy Evaluation of Hanging Gardens in High-rise Buildings & Taking Yada Office Building as a Case

  26. 目前的研究集中在某个建筑方面很少有多空中花园的整体理论做系统的研究。

    The current study focused on a few architectural theory of how to do the whole sky garden system .

  27. 空中花园的规划设计,使屋顶的自然生态环境与城市的总体生态环境融为一体。

    Roof garden design , the roof of the natural ecological environment and urban integration of the overall ecological environment .

  28. 这座新官邸中还设有直升机降落场、健身俱乐部、空中花园和6层停车场。

    His new pad will also include a helipad , health club , hanging gardens and six floors of car parking .

  29. 第四部分:从墙面绿化和空中花园两方面研究立体绿化对建筑外观的影响。归纳了墙面绿化和空中花园的不同形式,分别研究其功能、形态、和对建筑外观的影响。

    Part IV : Study the tri-dimensional greenness from the wall surface greenness and the hanging garden two aspects to the set housing shape influence ;

  30. 项目特设3000平米欧式风情空中花园,打造高品质园林景观写字楼,引领阳光商务新潮流。

    A sky garden of European style covering3000sqm is specially designed to make a high quality gardening office building , which leads new tide of sunshiny commerce .