
jí zhòu
  • polar day
极昼 [jí zhòu]
  • [polar day] 极圈以内的地区,每年总有一段时期太阳终日不落

极昼[jí zhòu]
  1. 英国人熬夜看了半个小时后,第二天早上由于极昼而比平常早起床——极昼指北方国家夏季太阳几乎不落山的现象。

    Brits stayed up a half-hour later to watch it , and then they woke up earlier than usual the next morning thanks to summer nights , the phenomenon in which the sun barely sets in northern countries in the summertime .

  2. 夏季极昼时,太阳EUV辐射的电离效应使电离层电离密度比冬季值大许多,而且,日变化的最大值时间也提前了1~2h。

    During the summer polar daylight , the ionized effect of the solar EUV radiation makes the ionospheric electron density much larger and the peak time of the diurnal variation of f oF 2 1-2 hr earlier than that in winter .

  3. 极昼期的实际日照占全年的72.4%,是该地区获取太阳辐射能的主要时段。

    The actual sunshine time was 72.4 % of the total year , and was the main period of time to obtain solar radiation energy .

  4. 他来自挪威北端,成长于夏日的极昼和冬季的极夜。

    Originally desending from the far north of Norway , he grew up with light nights in the summertime , and dark day in the winter .

  5. 在平日较为保守的芬兰人看来,没有什么方式比举办这些新奇有趣的比赛来欢度他们短暂的极昼夏日时光更为美妙了。

    Normally reserved Finns say there is no better way to celebrate the short summer months than with contests that add a jolt of adrenaline and silliness to bright summer nights .

  6. 斯堪的那维亚半岛的仲夏总会引发特殊的情感共鸣,而六月中旬的极昼庆典,则往往在群岛安静的小海湾中举行。

    Midsummer has a special resonance in Scandinavia , and the celebrations of 24 hours of sunlight , which fall in mid-June , traditionally take place in the quiet coves of the archipelago .

  7. 极昼时段,这里二十四小时阳光普照,风景宜人;隆冬时节,整个城市银装素裹,美不胜收。

    The city center almost feels like one massive museum and is equally beautiful under the24-hour light of the " White Nights " period or covered deep in snow in the depths of winter .