
  • 网络Taiyuan University of science and technology;tyust.edu.cn
  1. 太原科技大学数字图书馆网络安全及解决方法

    The Network Security and Resolving Methods Based on Digital Library of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology

  2. 对高等院校建筑规划设计的认识和探讨&以太原科技大学晋城校区规划设计为例

    The Recognition and Exploration of the Architecture Planning and Design of Colleges and Universities & Taking the Planning and Design of the Jincheng Campus of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology as the Example

  3. 高校篮球考试课学生心理障碍的调查分析与对策&以太原科技大学为例

    Investigation and Analysis on College Students ' Psychological Blocks in Basketball Test

  4. 笔者选取了太原科技大学大一非英语专业的两个平行班的学生作为研究对象,将其分别定位为普通班和实验班,开展了为期一学期的研究。

    The researcher has chosen non-English majors from two freshmen classes in Taiyuan University of Science & Technology , one as Control Class , and the other one as Experimental Class .