
zhōng guó nóng yè kē xué yuàn
  • Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
中国农业科学院[zhōng guó nóng yè kē xué yuàn]
  1. 中国农业科学院(ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalSciences)生物技术研究所所长黄大昉周四对记者说,不能让玉米像大豆那样严重依赖进口,不能重蹈大豆的覆辙。

    The thinking is : ' We cannot have a situation like it was with soybeans , where we now heavily rely on imports , ' Huang Dafang , the director of the Biotechnology Research Institute of Beijing 's influential Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , told reporters Thursday .

  2. 中国农业科学院2008年财务管理工作回顾

    Review financial management of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2008

  3. 地衣芽孢杆菌TS-01由中国农业科学院畜牧研究所分离,经中国科学院微生物研究所鉴定,可以用作饲用益生菌,其有效性已被饲喂实验所证明。

    Bacillus licheniformis TS-01 separated by Institute of Animal Science , China Academy of Agriculture Science and identified by Institute of Microbiology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , can be used as a strain of feed probiotics , whose effectiveness has already been proved by feed experiments .

  4. 中国农业科学院草原研究所

    Grassland Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  5. 中国农业科学院实验室通风系统设计

    Design of Ventilation System in Laboratory for the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences

  6. 中国农业科学院烟草研究所育种组;中国科学院植物研究所五室形态组;

    Institute of Tobacco , Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Botany , Academia Sinica .

  7. 之后,我们协助中国农业科学院茶叶研究所做了两次秋茶试验,采集到了六组数据。

    The test with autumn tea is done twice to get six groups of data .

  8. 中国农业科学院财务局财务专项管理办公室。

    Office of Financial Special Fund , Department of Finance , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences .

  9. 中国农业科学院的一份新闻简报报道,该中心的数据都将在全国范围的农业科学家中间共享。

    All data obtained in the centre will be shared with agricultural scientists nationwide , according to a CAAS newsletter .

  10. 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所成立于1957年。

    Soil and Fertilizer Institute ( SFI ) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science ( CAAS ) was founded in1957 .

  11. 它由中国农业科学院承建,预计2009年开放。

    It will be run by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( CAAS ) and is due to open in2009 .

  12. 今年早些时候,拜耳作物科学和中国农业科学院曾召开了一次战略研讨会,就合作问题进行了先期探讨。

    The MoU was signed in Ghent , Belgium , following a Cooperation Summit of Bayer CropScience and CAAS earlier this year .

  13. 《茶书七种》七卷现存二份抄本,旧抄本藏在南京图书馆,转抄本存于中国农业科学院南京农业大学中国农业遗产研究室。

    It was copied and kept in the Institute of Chinese Agricultural Heritage of Nanjing Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences .

  14. 本试验2005&2006年于中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所和河南农业大学进行。

    The research was carried out from 2005 to 2006 in zhengzhou fruit institute Chinese academy of agriculture sciences and Henna Agriculture University .

  15. 咨询委员会办公室设在中国农业科学院,负责咨询委员会日常工作。

    The administrative office of the sfncc is set up in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and takes charge of the routine work .

  16. 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所承担的科技基础性工作重大专项畜禽种质资源收集、评价、保存工作简介

    Brief Introduction for the Public Basis Program of Collection , Evaluation and Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources Undertaken by Institute of Animal Science of CAAS

  17. 以高精尖技术为基础,中国农业科学院和拜耳将携手启动多个项目,覆盖植物培育,基因及种子生产等领域。

    CAAS and Bayer will initiate joint projects using the latest technologies in the areas of plant breeding , genetics , genomics and seed production .

  18. 金丝桃素新制剂是中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所在国内外首次研制成功并用于防治畜禽疾病的高效兽用抗病毒药物。

    The new preparations of hypericin was developed successfully in LanZhou Institute of Animal and Veterinary Pharmaceutics Science of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the first time .

  19. 以中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所所进行的低空遥感为例,系统描述了低空遥感的技术体系、硬件设备的工作原理和影像处理过程。

    It was described that the technical system , equipment and image processing of low altitude remote sensing based on the example using in Soil and Fertilizer Institute , CAAS .

  20. 中国农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所研究员王立宪乐观地表示,这类技术的成本将会下降。

    Wang Lixian , a research fellow of animal and veterinary science at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , is optimistic that the cost of the technologies will drop .

  21. 通过对网络环境下中国农业科学院图书馆(以下简称中国农科院图书馆)图书采访工作的现状进行了分析,并提出了对今后图书馆采访工作的一些思考。

    Through analysis of the current situation of documentation interview work in CAAS Library under network environment , the paper puts forward some new thoughts on library acquisition work in the future .

  22. 最后以中国农业科学院农业信息研究所为具体应用对象,对科研机构知识管理系统中知识地图如何为知识需求者提供快速简捷的知识获取入口进行了验证。

    As a substantiated application , this paper provides techniques and theories to the Agricultural Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to help set up its own knowledge management system .

  23. 试验于2008年和2009年在中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所作物需水量试验场内的日光温室中进行,采用常见的宽窄行方式种植。

    The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in 2008 and 2009 at the water requirement experimental station of Farmland Irrigation Research Institute . Tomatoes were transplanted in wide-narrow row plantation method .

  24. 中国农业科学院原子能利用研究所为上述应用已成功地合成了多种同位素标记化合物,尤其是农用化学品的标记。

    Many kinds of labelled compound , especially of labelled agro-chemicals have been synthesized in the Institute for Application of Atomic Energy ( IAAE ), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( CAAS ) .

  25. 中国农业科学院的粮食专家张世煌告诉本网站,由于需求限制和水资源约束,今后很难扩大水稻生产面积。

    Zhang Shihuang , a grain expert at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , says that it is hard to expand the size of rice farmland because of water shortages across the nation .

  26. 本试验以茄子(新乡青茄)为试材,于2008年3月~7月在中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所日光温室中进行。

    The experiment was carried out in the farmland of Irrigation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from March to July in 2008 ; Eggplants were cultivated in a small plot respectively .

  27. 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所研究员黄大昉在3月份接受采访时说,发展转基因作物是“如虎添翼”。

    Developing genetically modified crops is ' just like adding wings to a tiger , ' Huang Dafang , a researcher with the Biotechnology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , said during an interview in March .

  28. 上个月,中国农业科学院和其他政府研究机构发布了对气候、土壤条件和种植习惯不同的地区近30年研究的结果,他们称结果具有突破性。

    Last month the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other government research institutes released the findings of nearly three decades of study in areas with different climate , soil conditions and plantation habits . They are hailing the results as a breakthrough .

  29. 经过近两年的国内外调研和精心筹划,国家农业政策开放实验室项目于2003年10月16日在中国农业科学院农业经济研究所正式启动。

    On October 16 , 2003 . The national agriculture policy open laboratory formally startup in the Institute of Agriculture Economics , Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences . The item to be formally established by China Department of Agriculture , Ministry of Finance and World Bank .

  30. 2004年在重复上述田间试验的同时,在中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所采用盆栽试验系统研究了磷、钾用量及其配比对紫花苜蓿草产量、品质、养分吸收及碳氮代谢的影响。

    In 2004 , the above 5 field experiment were continued , and additional three pot experiments were conducted in Beijing to study the influences of P , K fertilizer application and their interactions on yield and quality of alfalfa , on mineral nutrients absorption and related mechanism .