
  • 网络Geology in China;The Geology of China;chinese geology
  1. 中国地质科学今后一个时期的发展趋势和重点

    Development Trend and Priorities of Geology in China in the Next Decade

  2. 中国地质事业初期若干史实考

    Textual Research on the Early History of Chinese Geology

  3. 中国地质科学院(ChineseAcademyofGeologicalSciences)地球环境科学研究中心的林景星表示,即便如此,那次调查也表明污染情况“比预期更加糟糕”。

    Even so , it showed pollution was " worse than expected , " said Lin Jingxing of the Research Center of Earth Environmental Sciences , part of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences .

  4. 湖北省水土保持遥感监测信息系统建设项目是由湖北省水保处规划,由中国地质大学3S集成技术实验室承建。

    The Dynamic Monitoring Information System for Hubei Water and Soil Conservation based on Remote Sensing Technique is designed by Hubei Water Conservation Department , and developed by the 3S Techniques Lab.

  5. 中国地质工程公司副总经理,赴巴基斯坦CRBC项目部经理;

    Executive Deputy General Manager , China Geo-engineering Corporation , and Project Manager , CRBC project in Pakistan ;

  6. 创建中国地质调查局技术标准体系的几点建议

    Suggestions for a Technical Standard System in China 's Geological Survey

  7. 对中国地质大学2002.6大学英语模拟四级考试及作用的评估

    An Evaluation of 2002.6 Simulated CET-4 and Its Effect in CUG

  8. 中国地质灾害减灾战略初步研究

    Initial study on the hazard-relief strategy of geological hazard in China

  9. 中国地质统计学(空间信息统计学)发展的回顾与前景

    Review and Prospect of geostatistics ( spatial-informationstatistics ) developmant in China

  10. 试解中国地质百慕大之谜

    Attempt to Explain the Enigma of " Chinese Geological Bermuda "

  11. 中国地质博物馆抗震鉴定与加固设计

    Seismic Appraiser and Retrofitting Design for The Geological Museum of China

  12. 中国地质灾害的成生和活动特点

    The formation and activity features of geological hazard in China

  13. 中国地质环境的基本特征及其对人类工程活动的制约

    Characteristics of geological environments in China and their restraints to engineering activities

  14. 第30届国际地质大会胜利闭幕&中国地质科学院为大会做出了贡献

    The 30 th IGC Has Come to a Successful Close in Beijing

  15. 这是中国地质地貌景观的一种新类型。

    This is a new type of landscape in China .

  16. 中国地质博物馆现状及其在地质事业中的作用评述

    Present status of Chinese Geological Museum and its role in geological cause

  17. 中国地质大学海洋科学与工程系(湖北武汉);

    Department of Geology and Geophysics , Texas A & M University ;

  18. 中国地质灾害综合灾度计算及分区

    Calculation of comprehensive damage degree and zoning of geological hazard in China

  19. 我是中国地质大学的一名学生。

    I 'm a student of Geoscience University of China .

  20. 中国地质调查局安全生产管理平台方案探讨

    Brief introduction on safety management software design of China geological survey bureau

  21. 中国地质灾害时空分布特征与形成条件

    Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and forming conditions of Chinese geological disasters

  22. 中国地质科学院建院30周年庆祝大会在北京召开

    Celebration meeting for 30th anniversary of CAGS held in Beijing

  23. 中国地质灾害早期预警体系建设与展望

    Geological hazard early-warning system of China : construction and prospects

  24. 中国地质大学研究生教育的历史演进

    Research on the Evolution of Graduate Education in China University of Geosciences

  25. 中国地质公园文化资源特征及建设与发展构想

    Cultural Characteristics of Geological Parks in China and Its Construction and Development

  26. 中国地质科学院对5.12汶川地震的快速反应与调查研究

    CAGS Quick Response to and Geoscientific Survey on May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake

  27. 中国地质大学研究生院·北京;

    Graduate School , China University of Geosciences , Beijing ;

  28. 30年来的中国地质高校学报

    Academic Journals of Geological Institutions in China . A Thirty Year Perspective

  29. 承德矿样品存放在中国地质博物馆。

    The type material has been deposited at the Geological Museum of China .

  30. 中国地质灾害减灾回顾与展望&从国际减灾十年到国际减灾战略

    A Review and Vision of Geological Hazards in China