
  • 网络solid mineral resource
  1. 三维地质建模及可视化技术在固体矿产储量估算中的应用

    Application of 3D geological modeling and visualization in solid mineral resource estimation

  2. 展望在固体矿产勘查评价、地质矿产信息系统和计算机绘图与图示技术方面,将有比较迅速的发展。

    It is previewed that there will be rapid development in the aspects of solid mineral resource exploration and evaluation , geology and mineral resource information system . mapmaking and graphics display etc.

  3. 三维GIS技术在固体矿产勘探和开发中的研究与应用

    The research and application of 3D-GIS in solid mineral exploration and mining

  4. 核地球物理学的X射线荧光技术在我国固体矿产资源中的研究与应用

    Investigation and application of X-ray fluorescence technique of nuclear geophysics to the exploration of solid mineral resources in China

  5. 甚低频(VLF)法在固体矿产普查中的应用及效果

    Application and effect of VLF method in prospecting for solid mineral resources

  6. 结合陆地矿产资源定量评价思路提出较系统的深海固体矿产资源定量评价方法,并将该方法应用于CC区锰结核资源。

    The systemic deep ‐ sea mineral resources quantitative assessment methods are proposed based on the thoughts of land solid mineral resources quantitative assessment , and are applied to manganese nodule resources in CC zone .

  7. 试论固体矿产普查勘探阶段合理划分

    On Rational Classification of Reconnaissance Prospecting Stages for Solid Mineral Resources

  8. 3855229乙级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

    Class B : areal geology survey ; solid mineral exploration .

  9. 提高固体矿产钻孔封孔(水泥)质量

    Increasing the quality of liquidation of holes of solid mineral deposits

  10. 关于建立大兴安岭固体矿产资源基地的探讨

    Discussing in founding solid mineral resource base of daxing ' anling region

  11. 新一轮固体矿产资源潜力评价的几个问题

    Some problems concerning the new round of solid mineral resource potential evaluation

  12. 我国现行固体矿产勘查规范体系中存在的主要问题及其解决途径探讨

    Main problems and solving methods of present national solid mineral exploration standards

  13. 深海固体矿产商业化采矿:幻想与现实

    Commercial deep sea mining of solid mineral resources : fantastic or realistic

  14. 固体矿产钻探技术的现状和展望

    Status Quo of and Prospects for Solid Mineral Drilling Techniques

  15. 固体矿产储量误差研究

    On Error of Estimated Ore Reserves for Solid Mineral Resources

  16. 对现行固体矿产地质勘查规范中若干问题的思考

    Some problems on the current solid mineral geological exploration norm

  17. 美国三步式固体矿产资源潜力评价方法评述

    The Discussion of Three-part Form of Non-fuel Mineral Resource Assessment

  18. 中国固体矿产物探的回顾与展望

    The retrospect and Prospect of geophysical exploration for solid

  19. 微生物技术在固体矿产资源开发中的应用

    Application of Microbiological Techniques for Developing of Mineral Resources

  20. 固体矿产地质勘查阶段的划分和经济评价

    The Division of Geological Exploration Stages of Solid Minerals and its Economic Evaluation

  21. 雪冰遥感20年的进展与成果固体矿产地球化学勘查进展与成果

    The advances in geochemical exploration of solid ore resources and the achievements gained

  22. 固体矿产合理勘查开发与矿业可持续发展矿产资源开发与可持续发展

    Reasonable Exploration and Exploitation of Mineral Resources and Sustainable Development of Mining Industry

  23. 固体矿产储量估算系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Solid Minerals Reserve Estimation System

  24. 全国固体矿产资源区划数据库建设

    Database construction for national mineral resources assessment of China

  25. 固体矿产资源/储量分类要素

    Classification criteria of solid mineral resources / reserves

  26. 我国的固体矿产与资源安全的分析

    Security of Solid Mineral and Resources in China

  27. 固体矿产地质项目可行性研究

    The feasibility study of solid minerals geologic items

  28. 俄罗斯大洋固体矿产资源调查研究进展

    Research development of Russian oceanic solid mineral resources

  29. 黑龙江省固体矿产资源评价

    Evaluation of Solid Mineral Resources in Heilongjiang Province

  30. 广西固体矿产钻探工程技术与管理现状及其对策

    Present State and Countermeasures of Drilling Engineering Technique and Management for Solid Minerals in Guangxi