
  • 网络university and college
  1. 分为大学和学院两个系统;多样化的联合办学模式;

    Two systems of the university and college and many modes of running school ;

  2. 美国和加拿大的大学和学院开放卫星课程,在教育城市(EducationCity,)的国家中,卡塔尔。

    Universities and colleges from the United States and Canada have been opening satellite campuses , in the country at Education City , Qatar .

  3. 对《泰晤士名校指南》(timesgooduniversityguide)中113所大学和学院的排名进行分析后发现,在排名前20的高校,毕业生的简历作假率为14%。

    Analysis by rankings , which are taken from the times good university guide of 113 universities and colleges , finds a discrepancy rate of 14 per cent for graduates from the top 20 .

  4. Lore在去年11月推出它的首版,在那个学年里,600所大学和学院里都至少有一间使用Lore的班级。

    In the academic year after launching its first version last November , Lore was used in at least one class in 600 universities and colleges .

  5. ENEM国家高考在巴西是同类考试中最重要的,因为它已经被当做联邦大学和学院的准入考试。

    The ENEM is the most important exam of its kind in Brazil , since it has been used as an admission test for enrollment in federal universities and educational institutes .

  6. 越来越多的大学和学院已经建成。

    More and more universities and institutions have been built up .

  7. 社会实践是越来越普遍在大学和学院。

    Social Practice has been more and more popular in universities and colleges .

  8. 亚洲基督教大学和学院协会

    Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia

  9. 拥有国际学位证书就有机会进入各个大学和学院。

    The International Baccalaureate gives access to the entrance examinations to all faculties and colleges .

  10. 但这些都是一些顶尖的“自由艺术”大学和学院。

    These are some of the top strata " liberal arts " universities and colleges .

  11. 与大学和学院相比,专科院校更注重培养学生的操作技能。

    Compared with universities and colleges , academies pay more attention to foster students'operation skills .

  12. 我们的报告会让你了解这个国家的一部分大学和学院。

    Our reports will take you inside some of the nation 's colleges and universities .

  13. 亚美尼亚具有广泛的大学和学院的网络体系,所有这些学校都能提供研究生课程。

    Armenia has an extensive network of universities and institutes , all of which offer graduate programs .

  14. 对于大学和学院的停车管理办公室来说,对自行车承担起看管责任是件很普遍的事。

    It is not unusual for college and university parking offices to have some responsibility for bicycles .

  15. 许多大学和学院里,联谊会、女生联谊会和各种学生俱乐部也提供住所。

    At many colleges and universities , fraternities , sororities , and various student clubs provide student housing .

  16. 大学和学院面临在战后接收更多的学生的形势,从而开始了高速发展的计划。

    Colleges and universities expected many more students after the war , and began plans for rapid expansion .

  17. 南京是港都,以及主要的工业和交通中心,设有数十所大学和学院。

    It is a port city and a major industrial and communications centre with a university and several colleges .

  18. 英国大学和学院招生服务中心使用名为“抓取复制”的程序来检查个人陈述的相似之处,发现可疑之处会提醒学校。

    Ucas uses a program called Copycatch to identify similarities in statements and notifies the universities if it picks up anything suspicious .

  19. 北京有许多大学和学院,比如北京大学,清华大学和人民大学。

    There are many universities and colleges in Beijing , for example , Peking University , Tsinghua University and People 's University .

  20. 美国的大学和学院在建筑学、环境设计、规划和城市等专业的学习课程存在巨大的多样性。

    There is an enormous diversity of American college and university courses in architecture and in environmental design , planning and urban studies .

  21. 新生周,顾名思义,就是指英国的大学和学院开学前的第一个星期。

    Freshers Week is the term that UK universities and colleges give to the period immediately before the beginning of a new academic year .

  22. 合格科研机构包括大学和学院、研究所、各国环境部和其他政府机构、图书馆和非政府组织。

    Eligible institutions include universities and colleges , research institutes , ministries of the environment and other government agencies , libraries , and non-governmental organisations .

  23. 他们同样也对一些大学和学院展开了调查,因为这些学校没能保证他们的学生达到移民局规定的语言水平标准。

    They 've also investigated a number of colleges and universities for their failure to ensure that their students meet the criteria set out in immigration rules .

  24. 到最后也有空位的话,大学和学院都会允许人们免费参加旁听课,即使是收费也会很低。

    Many colleges and universities allow people to audit classes for free , or for a very reduced price , if they have seats available at the last minute .

  25. 除了这些还有私人学校,包括私立大学和学院。

    There used to be a state school , but it 's gone independent . In addition , there are also private schools , including private universities and colleges .

  26. 你认为在美国的大学和学院里,最受国际生欢迎的学科是什么呢?

    This is the VOA Special English Education Report . What do you think is the most popular subject of study for international students at colleges and universities in the United States ?

  27. 5月,在当地大学和学院中只有44%的高年级学生找到了一份工作或有继续深造的机会&比上年下降了2%。

    In May , only 44 percent of senior students at local universities and colleges had found a job or signed up for more studies - down 2 percent from the previous year .

  28. 英国大学和学院招生服务中心学生体验负责人斯图亚特-巴尔内夫斯说:“入学个人陈述这三个词语会让学生心生恐慌”,但有些办法能让这件事儿更简单。

    As Stuart Balnaves , head of learner experience at Ucas , puts it : " Those three words - Ucas personal statement - can stike fear into students " hearts , " but there are ways to make the process easier .

  29. 在某种程度上,英语甚至比以前更为重要,因为考试只能作为参考依据。而每个大学和学院甚至每个专业,都可以根据不同的评价体系,对学生的英语能力作出不同的要求。

    In a way , English is even more important than before since the test would only serve as reference , while every college and university , even every major , can have different requirements of a students English skills under a diverse evaluation system .

  30. 通过对大学和学院、学术竞争和创新知识关系的论述,指出研究型学院的本质特征为创新知识,创新知识的主体性、能动性和目的性是区分研究型学院与非研究型学院的根本标志;

    Through universities and colleges , academic competition and innovation knowledge relations with that the essence of the research college for innovation knowledge , The main innovation of knowledge , dynamism and purpose is to distinguish between research college and the general fundamental radical symbol .