
  • 网络atmospheric composition
  1. 用于FTIR大气成分监测的太阳跟踪系统设计

    Design of sun tracking system for FTIR monitoring of atmospheric composition

  2. 介绍研制的太阳跟踪和傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱技术相结合的大气成分监测系统。

    An atmospheric composition monitoring system , in which the sun-tracking and FTIR spectroscopy are combined , is introduced .

  3. 热动力AIP系统人造大气成分的微机控制

    A Microcomputer-Controlled System for Artificial Atmosphere in Underwater Heat Engines

  4. 化石燃料燃烧已经改变了大气成分。

    Fossil fuel burning has changed the composition of the atmosphere .

  5. 大连地区大气成分信息平台系统设计思路及其实现

    Design and Implementation of Atmospheric Composition Information Platform for Dalian

  6. 论江西省大气成分观测与服务系统建设

    Discussion On Atmospheric Composition Watch And Service System Construction Of Jiangxi Province

  7. 麦克斯韦速率分布对地球大气成分的影响

    The Influence of Maxwellian Speed Distribution on the Gases in the Atmosphere

  8. 中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心成立

    CMA Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service Established

  9. 大气成分观测与服务中心的主要进展

    Advances in Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service

  10. 与这个大气成分的观测图结合起来。

    And this pattern that was now visible in the atmosphere of the entire planet .

  11. 神舟4号大气成分探测的新结果

    New results by SZ-4 atmospheric composition measurement

  12. 本底大气成分监测网

    Background atmosphere composition network

  13. 介绍了大连地区大气成分信息平台系统的设计思路及其功能特点。

    A comprehensive introduction is made to the design and features of the atmospheric composition information platform for Dalian .

  14. 目的通过对大气成分和微气候的分析,对地下工程内的环境质量进行整体评价。

    Objective To Evaluate the environment quality in underground construction site based on the measurement of atmosphere composition and microclimate .

  15. 神舟4号大气成分探测器在磁扰期间测得热层大气成分异常变化的新结果

    New results of abnormal change of the thermosphere atmospheric composition observed by " sz-4 " atmospheric composition detector during geomagnetic disturbances

  16. 当大气成分的变化增大到危及生物的正常生存时,就造成了大气污染。

    When the change in the air substances increases to the level that endangers to living things normal life , the air is then polluted .

  17. 利用自行研制的一台用于探测大气成分的太阳红外光谱仪,在地面连续自动地记录了晴天的太阳红外光谱。

    Infrared solar spectra on clear days were measured automatically by an infrared solar spectrometer ( ISS ) with 0.4 cm - 1 resolution developed by us .

  18. 火星上的温度看起来可能对训练有素的户外勘探者有相当大的诱惑力,但从人类的观点看,大气成分还有许多欠缺。

    Martian temperatures may seem almost inviting to the seasoned outdoors explorer , but the composition of the atmosphere leaves much to be desired from a human perspective .

  19. 首先论述陆地生态系统对全球变化的调节作用,主要包括陆地生态系统对大气成分的调节以及对全球气候的调节;

    First , the adjustment action of terrestrial ecosystem for global change is discussed , mostly included the adjustments of terrestrial ecosystem for atmospheric composition and global climate ;

  20. 模拟计算了各种大气成分的消光特性对激光脉冲眼睛安全系数的影响随高度的变化规律。

    The variation rule of laser pulse eye safety coefficient with altitudes was simulated and calculated with the characteristics of all kinds of atmospheric compositions detected by airborne lidars .

  21. 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪作为一种高分辨率的光学探测仪器,广泛应用于大气成分的监测,对于气象分析、生态环境的保护具有重要作用。

    Fourier transform spectrometer ( FTS ) has been widely used in the atmospheric sounding as a powerful detector , which is important for the meteorological analysis and ecological conservation .

  22. 随着气象部门各种气象观测工具的不断使用,积累了大量的数据,涵盖天气、气候、雷电、农业与生态、大气成分等诸多方面。

    With the continuous usage of weather observation tools in meteorological departments , a large number of data are accumulated , covering weather , climate , lightning , agriculture ecology , atmospheric composition and so on .

  23. 城市人口和能源消耗的增加、土地利用类型和利用方式的改变,人类活动改变了大气成分和地表性质,势必使区域气候变化更加复杂。

    The increase with urban population and energy consumption , the change of utilization land , the change of composition of atmosphere and surface properties caused by human activity is bound to make more complex regional climate change .

  24. 火星内部的深层结构记录着其形成和演化的历史信息,其电离层和大气层包含其大气成分、气候变化和空间环境的重要特征。

    The subsurface and internal structures of Mars have recorded the history of Mars ' formation and evolution . And the ionosphere and atmosphere are significant for deep understanding of Martian atmospheric composition , climate change and space environment .

  25. 差分吸收激光雷达(DIAL)是目前探测大气污染成分最有效的方法之一。

    Differential Absorption Lidar ( DIAL ) for detecting atmospheric pollution is used extensively for its high precision and spatial resolution .

  26. 利用中分辨率红外光谱仪于1999年秋采暖前后在北京进行了为期两个月的CO、水汽等大气微量成分柱总量的测量。

    CO , water vapor and other trace gases have been measured in Beijing during the transition period of heating in the fall of 1999 , using an infrared grating spectrometer of moderate resolution .

  27. 垂直气柱中大气微量成分总含量的反演

    Retrieval of the Column Abundance of Atmospheric Trace Gas

  28. 甘肃河西地区大气沙尘成分及影响分析甘肃走廊,河西走廊

    Analysis of Atmospheric Dust Composition and Its Influence in Hexi Corridor , Gansu

  29. 模式的建立为今后进一步研究大气微量成分的全球循环过程及其长期变化提供了有效的手段。

    The development of this model provides a useful tool to study the global cycle and long-term change of atmospheric trace gases later .

  30. 气候变化可能归因于自然的内部过程或外部强迫,或者归因于持续的人为变化如大气的成分或土地利用的变化。

    Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings , or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use .