
  • 网络Geoengineering;geo-engineering;Geo Engineering
  1. 即便运用地球工程学,仍然需要大幅减排,索尔特教授警告称:地球工程学界的所有人士都会认同这一点。两方面的努力必须步调一致,否则,日益增加的排放量将抵消改天换地带来的裨益。

    Employing geo-engineering would not remove the need for deep emissions cuts , Prof Salter warned : No one in geo-engineering would argue that . The two must be pursued in tandem , or rising emissions would counteract the benefits of the earth-altering projects .

  2. 运用地球工程学的大部分建议可归为三类。

    Most suggestions for geo-engineering fall into one of three categories .

  3. 一队英国学者打算实地操作试验,利用人造火山解决全球升温,这是世界地球工程学界的第一次尝试。

    In a largely theoretical field known as geo-engineering , a team of British academics is about to announce a world-first with plans to field test an artificial volcano as a solution to global warming .

  4. 地球化学工程学&为环境治理服务的地球化学新分支

    Geochemical engineering & A new branch of geochemistry for environmental improvement

  5. 地球化学工程学&21世纪的环保产业

    Geochemical engineering : an environmental protection industry in 21 century

  6. 应用地球化学工程学修复水、气、土壤污染的研究进展

    Study advancing of using geochemical engineering to remedy water , air and soil pollution

  7. 地球化学工程学是一门新兴学科。它的基本特点是:以系统论为指导,把环境问题及其治理与保护放在天然地球化学系统中来考虑;

    Being a new branch of sciences , geochemical engineering has the following basic characteristics : with the systematology as the guidance , the environmental problem and its harnessing and protection are considered in the natural geochemical system ;

  8. 本文简要介绍了地球化学工程学的基本概念、主要环境技术及尺度,综述了地球化学工程学在水、大气、土壤污染修复中的研究进展。

    This paper introduces the conception , environmental technology and scale of geochemical engineering simply . At the same time , the authors review the study advancing of using geochemical engineering to restore water , air , and soil pollution .

  9. 爆破震动对边坡稳定性的影响是极其复杂的岩体工程地质力学问题,涉及工程地质、岩石动力学、地震学、地球物理学、地震工程学、工程地震学等相关学科。

    The influence of blasting vibration to the stability of the slope is a extremely complicated question of project geological mechanics of the rock which involves the relevant disciplines such as project geology , rock dynamics , seismology , geophysics , earthquake engineering , project seismology etc.

  10. 忘记给地球降温的深奥“地球工程学”提案吧。

    Forget about esoteric " geo-engineering " proposals to cool the earth .