
jiào yù shì yè
  • business of education;cause of education
  1. 我愿把毕生献给教育事业。

    I will devote all my life to the cause of education .

  2. 大家异口同声地称赞她献身教育事业的精神。

    Everybody spoke in praise of her devotion to the cause of education .

  3. 我们的教育事业,正如百花齐放,万马奔腾。

    Our educational work is like a hundred flowers in bloom , like ten thousnd horses galloping ahead .

  4. 他献身于教育事业。

    He dedicated his life to the cause of education .

  5. 他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。

    He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland .

  6. 全社会应当关心和支持教育事业的发展。

    The entire society should show concern for and give support to the development of educational undertakings .

  7. 第十条国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区发展教育事业。

    Article 10 The State , in light of the characteristics and needs of the different minority ethnic groups , provides assistance to the development of educational undertakings in regions inhabited by the minority ethnic groups .

  8. 中国加入WTO,为我国高等教育事业的发展既创造了一个历史性的机遇,又带来了严峻的考验与挑战。

    China entering WTO has created a historic opportunity for higher education . Simultaneously , it brought a stern test and challenge .

  9. 建设高校MIS系统,不仅是时代发展的要求,而且是发展教育事业、提高高校教学管理水平和办学效益的需要。

    Construction of MIS system for colleges and universities is the development of The Times . It is for developing education and to improve college teaching management level and teaching efficiency .

  10. 发展农村教育事业,提高农民文化素质。

    Develop agricultural education affairs and promote peasants ' cultural quality .

  11. 党校教育事业发展的新阶段

    The New Stage Of The Development Of The Party School Education

  12. 科学发展观与毕节试验区教育事业的发展

    Science-based Development Outlook and Development of Education in Bijie Experimental Region

  13. 教师是教育事业的第一要素和核心资源。

    Teacher is the first factor and core resources in education .

  14. 这些现象同样存在我国高等教育事业领域内。

    These phenomena also exist within the field of higher education .

  15. 要优先发展教育事业;

    Priority should be given to the development of education enterprise ;

  16. 国家扶持和发展残疾人教育事业。

    The State supports and develops educational undertakings for the disabled .

  17. 老挝的华文教育事业也迎来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。

    The Chinese education in Laos created a great opportunities andchallenges .

  18. 高校实行学分制是社会经济和教育事业发展的必然趋势

    College Credit System-An Inevitable Trend in the Development of Economy and Education

  19. 论民族地区城镇化建设中教育事业的发展

    On the Development of Education in Urbanization of Ethnic Regions

  20. 西部地区民族教育事业的发展成就综述

    Achievement of Educational Development for National Minorities in West China

  21. 教师队伍的建设工作是目前教育事业的关键所在。

    Teachers in the building work is currently the key education career .

  22. 教育事业单位工资普调辅助管理系统

    Computer Aided Wage Adjusting Management System Educational Institution Assisted examination

  23. 在这一时期,全国教育事业处于瘫痪状态。

    During that period , nationwide educational cause was at a standstill .

  24. 用科学发展观指导学校教育事业健康发展

    Guide School 's Development with Scientific Concept of Development

  25. 完善教育事业中的收费管理体系

    Perfecting the Fee-collecting Management System in the Educational Cause

  26. 在教育事业的发展中,基础教育又是重中之重。

    In the development of education , the most important is basic education .

  27. 中国芭蕾舞教育事业的发展历史及其历史成绩。

    The developing history and achievement of the Chinese ballet education ; 4 .

  28. 发展教育事业,促进我国劳务输出

    Developing Educational Undertaking and Promoting our Labor Service Export

  29. 大力发展农村教育事业,培养新型农民;

    Vigorously develop the rural education enterprise , and train the new peasants ;

  30. 第三,大力发展科学和教育事业;

    Thirdly , we should do our best to develop science and education .