
  • 网络educational behavior;education behavior
  1. 学习《家长教育行为规范》提高家庭教育质量

    Learing Educational Behavior Standard of Parents , Improving the Quality of Family Education

  2. 透析教师教育行为后的缄默知识

    Tacit Knowledge Behind Teacher s ' Educational Behavior

  3. 目的通过评价艾滋病预防展览效果,说明健康教育行为干预在预防HIV中的作用。

    Objective To illustrate the role of health education and behavior intervention in HIV prevention by evaluating the effectiveness of AIDS preventive exhibition .

  4. 幼儿学习过程中的教师教育行为研究

    The Study of Teachers ' Behaviors in Children 's Learning Process

  5. 透过其教育行为的背后,挖掘其深层次的教育信念;

    The deep-seated educational faith was abstracted from the father 's educational behavior .

  6. 对教育行为、教育规律进行数量化研究是很有意义的工作。

    To study conduct of education and law of education is a meaty work .

  7. 初中生对教师课堂教育行为的知觉存在着显著的年级差异;

    Students ′ perception of teacher ′ s behavior in classroom shows obvious age traits ;

  8. 我们把高校对学生的管理与教育行为称为管教行为。

    We name the actions which colleges administer and inculcate the students as restraint actions .

  9. 现代化的断裂:城中村家庭教育行为分析&以厦门市为例

    The Breaking Down Of Modernization & An Analysis Of Family Education Pattern In Urban Villages

  10. 教师的教育行为模式直接制约受教育者&幼儿的身心发展。

    The educational behavior model of teachers directly restricts the physical and mental development of educatee-children .

  11. 本文试图指出隐藏在教育行为后的这类缄默知识,并分析它们的负面影响。

    The paper tries to open up some familiar tacit knowledge and analyze its negative influence .

  12. 在生态教育行为方面:小学及学前教育教师的得分较低。

    In ecological education behavior , preschool education teachers and : elementary school have a low score .

  13. 教育行为是教师角色的本质表现。

    The aim of new preschool teachers ' role adaptation is to make this educational behavior more effective .

  14. 随着经济体制转型和社会发展的需要,教育行为模式面临着优化的问题。

    With the transition of economic structure and the development of society , educational behavior model needs optimization .

  15. 本文通过对《家长教育行为规范》的学习,对如何提高家庭教育质量提出了9点看法。

    Through learning the educational behavior standard of parents , this paper raises nine views on family education .

  16. 一个有德性的教师能抵制住各种不良风气的诱惑,保证其教育行为的合道德性和有效性。

    A good teacher with virtue can resist against various unhealthy temptation and guarantee the moral behavior and effectiveness .

  17. 第三部分为基于失学子女的视角研究农户投资正规教育行为。

    The third part is the perspective of the children out of school-based household investment behavior of formal education .

  18. 而不同性别教师的教育行为具有一定的倾向性和稳定性,表现出较为明显的性别特征。

    The educational behaviors of different gender teachers have a certain tendency and stability , which showing gender characteristics obviously .

  19. 地理新课程理念对地理教师教育行为提出的新要求;

    Then it discusses the request of educational behavior of the high school geography teachers , which the neo-curriculum logos demand .

  20. 如果说组织文化是一个组织的灵魂,那么学校的组织文化就是一所学校的灵魂,是隐含于日常教育行为背后更为深刻的东西。

    As we know , organizational culture is the soul of each organization . The school organizational culture conceals in daily educational behavior .

  21. 如果行为者的自身利益需求比较强烈而且同社会目标一致,但目标只是对此不了解,那么教育行为就成了合适的手段。

    Education will be an appropriate tool when individual self-interest is strong and consistent with societal goals but the target merely is uninformed ;

  22. 虽然它表面上并不大张旗鼓地宣传,但其学校德育切实体现于学校教育行为。

    He does not outwardly give wide publicity to the idea but his schools ' conduct of education inwardly reflects its moral education .

  23. 教育行为是来源于人的内在思想,外在的条件只能诱使教育的发生,而不是教育发生的根本原因。

    All education originates from the inner soul of man , all external arrangements or events can only initiate but not cause education .

  24. 主观态度是用以解释和预测各种教育行为的心理学中心概念。

    Subjective attitude is the core psychological conception , which is to be used in making explanation and forecast of various education behaviors .

  25. 因此,认真梳理一下高职教育行为的着眼点,重新回归到发展的正确轨道,对高职教育的可持续发展至关重要。

    Thus , it 's critical for the sustainable development of higher vocational education to confirm its starting point and return to its right track .

  26. 加强对教师问题行为的反向研究有助于防止教师教育行为出现偏差,对提高教育教学质量有着十分重要的意义。

    The opposite research on teachers ' behavior problems will prevent teachers from making educational faults and it is very significant to enhance educational quality .

  27. 此外,如果从审美教育行为主体间的关系看,审美教育实际上同时还涉及到不同行为主体间的沟通、理解与认同等问题。

    Furthermore , if based the relation of different subject , aesthetical education in fact involve the question of communication , comprehension , identity between different subjects .

  28. 研究教育行为、营销行为和法律行为区别的另一种途径同行为者及其目标原先存在的自身利益是否一致有关。

    Another way to consider differences among education , marketing , and law is in relation to the congruence of pre-existing self-interests held by the target and the manager .

  29. 文章主要尝试对这两种倾向的教育行为进行社会学分析,综合这两种倾向,提出自己关于教育行为的社会学的另一种思考。

    The passage aims to analyze the two sociological thinking of educational behavior and synthetizes them , and then the author advances his own another sociological thinking of educational behavior .

  30. 中学生家庭环境是指中学生家庭中父母或年长者具体的教育行为或教育活动之外的,而对个体的成长产生着即时性或延时性影响的各种因素的综合。

    Home Environment for Secondary School Student means parents or other senior family members have a real-time or delayed influence on individuals , which exclude any specific educational actions and activities .