
  • 网络educational thought;education thought;Educational Ideology;theory of education
  1. 既充分体现了STS教育思想,也代表了当代理科教育的发展趋势,是一部在国际上非常有影响的化学教材。

    It fully reflects some new educational thought such as STS , and represents the development trend of science education in the modern society . It is a very influential textbook in the world .

  2. 《礼记》教育思想研究

    A study on the educational thought in the book of rites

  3. 转变教育思想观念应对WTO规则

    Conversion of educational concepts to meet the rules of WTO

  4. 1994年联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)在《萨拉曼卡宣言》中提出了全纳教育思想理念,对传统的教育观念产生了巨大的冲击。

    Inclusive education was proposed by UNESCO in 1994 which had a tremendous impact on the traditional concept .

  5. 约翰·杜威(JohnDewey,1859&1952),美国著名的哲学家、教育家,他的美育思想在中国广为人知,杜威儿童美育思想作为诸多教育思想的亮点之一还没有被系统地研究过。

    John Dewey is a famous philosopher and educator in America . His thought on aesthetic education is well-known in China , but the thought on child aesthetic education as one of his bright thoughts has not been systemically studied .

  6. 最后,就RME教育思想和教学模式在高中数学教学中的初步尝试进行叙述和评价。

    And at the end of the paper , it relates and assesses the tentative attempt that to design the teaching by using the idea and model of RME in the mathematics classroom of the senior middle school .

  7. 论传统派与现代派教育思想并存的现实意义

    The Realistic Significance of Coexistence of Traditional and Modern Educational Thoughts

  8. 探究与创新:杜威教育思想的精髓

    Exploration and Innovation : the Soul of Dewey 's Educational Thoughts

  9. 斯宾塞教育思想的产生及其科学教育课程观

    Science Curriculum Sense and the Forming For Education Thought of Spence

  10. 约翰·杜威的实用主义教育思想研究

    The Study on DuGang John Dewey 's Pragmatic Theory of Education

  11. 论西方自然主义教育思想的形成、演变及历史贡献

    On the development and historical contributions of the western natural education

  12. 杜威职业教育思想的现代性分析

    The Analysis on the Modernity of Dewey 's Vocational Education Thoughts

  13. 徐悲鸿的写实主义美术教育思想及其教学体系

    Xu beihong is realism thinking of Art education very teaching system

  14. 孔子道德教育思想与当代公民道德建设

    On Confucian Moral Education Thought and Contemporary Civic Moral Construction

  15. 以终身体育教育思想指导高校体育教学

    Guiding Physical Education in Colleges with the Idea of Lifelong Physical Culture

  16. 儒家教育思想有明显的后现代主义特征。

    The Confucian educational thinking is obviously branded with post-modernism .

  17. 这些建议和措施包括:(1)树立正确的艺术教育思想和认识;(2)建立和完善艺术教育立法和全社会艺术教育体系;

    To establish and improve social system of art education ;

  18. 阿什比技术人文主义教育思想述评

    Review of the Educational Thought of Ashby 's Technological Humanism

  19. 试论人本主义心理学的教育思想及其当代价值

    The Education Thoughts of Humanism Psychology and Their Contemporary Value

  20. 《颜氏家训》中蕴含的语文教育思想探析

    On the Educational thought in Yan 's Surname Parental Precepts

  21. 向警予女子教育思想评析

    Comments on Xiang Jingyu 's Thoughts on Women 's Education

  22. 本文从八个方面介绍了他的教育思想和实践。

    This essay introduces his educational thoughts and practice from eight aspects .

  23. 蔡元培与威廉·洪堡教育思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Cai Yuanpei and Humboldt Educational Thoughts

  24. 论孔子教育思想对语文学习的启示

    Enlightenment of the Educational Theories of Confucius on Chinese Studies

  25. 中国近百年教育思想回眸

    A Review of the Chinese Educational Thought in the Past Hundred Years

  26. 知识经济与加快转变教育思想

    Knowledge Economy and Hastening the Transition of Educational Ideology

  27. 儒家教育思想与中国数学教育传统

    The Confucian Education Thinking and Chinese Mathematical Education tradition

  28. 托马斯·埃利奥特的人文主义绅士教育思想研究

    Thomas Elyot 's Thought of Humanist Education for Noblemen

  29. 更新教育思想观念,扎实推进双语教学改革

    Study on Updating Teaching Ideas to Propel Solidly the Reform of Bilingual Education

  30. 雷圭元图案教育思想初探

    Initial Research on Lei GuiYuan Ideas of Patterns Education