
  • 网络education engineering;educational engineering;continue education;Newspaper In Education
  1. 高校信息素质教育工程建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Information Literacy Education Engineering in University

  2. 全面推进加快实施现代远程教育工程

    Completely Forwarding Ahead , Quickening Practice of Modern Distance Education Engineering

  3. MPA教育工程化初探

    On the educational engineering for MPA in China

  4. 为了纪念母亲,Gardner把捐款给教育工程。

    He has donated money to educational projects in memory of his mother .

  5. NIE工程,即报纸教育工程,这一工程由美国发起之后,在世界各国得到迅速发展。

    The project of NIE is called newspaper education for short , sponsored by USA , and it is developed rapidly in the world .

  6. 我国全面启动社区教育工程的必要性与可行性

    The Necessity and Feasibility of Developing Community Education in Our Country

  7. 钱学森论思维科学与教育工程

    QIAN Xue-sheng 's Comment on Science of Thought and Educational Project

  8. 目标教育工程:高校教育管理中的激励措施

    Project of Aim-oriented Education : Encouraging Measures in Higher Education Management

  9. 国外高等工程教育工程实践训练的启示

    The Enlightenment of Foreign Engineering Practical Training in Higher Engineering Education

  10. 对高职高专院校实施全面素质教育工程的思考

    Reflections on the implementation of overall quality-oriented education project at vocational colleges

  11. 抓机遇促发展积极推进现代远程教育工程

    Seize the Opportunity to Develop the Modern Tele Education Project

  12. 实施远程教育工程,推动开放教育发展

    Implement Distance Learning Project , Promote Open Education Development

  13. 中小学教师继续教育工程的系统优化

    System Optimization of Continuing Education Programmes for Teachers of Primary and Middle Schools

  14. 实施社区教育工程,构建社区高级职业教育的培训体系;

    To excute the education project and construct the senior vocational training system ;

  15. 论农村中小学现代远程教育工程的先进性

    Discussion on progressiveness of modern distance-education project in rural primary and junior school

  16. 对农村中小学现代远程教育工程存在问题的分析

    Outstanding Issues in Modern Distance Education Project in Rural Primary and Middle Schools

  17. «实践剧场-教育工程11月份的精彩活动!

    The Theatre Practice Education Project-Exciting Programmes in Nov !

  18. 医院文化与医德工程在职医德教育工程的难点及对策

    Hospital Culture and Medical Moral Engineering Difficulties and Countermeasures in Medical Moral Education Engineering

  19. 中国电信远程教育工程设计浅探

    The Design of the China Distance Education Project

  20. 在职医德教育工程的难点及对策基础课教学与医德教育

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in Medical Moral Education Engineering Basic Teaching and Medical Moral Education

  21. 中外高等工程教育工程训练模式的比较及启示

    Comparison and Enlightenment : Chinese and Foreign Engineering Training Patterns in Higher Engineering Education

  22. 计算机教育工程训练体系与运行模式研究

    A Study on the Practical Training System and Operation Modes in Computer Science Teaching

  23. 职工素质教育工程对教师自身素质的影响力

    Influence of Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital Workers and Staff Members to Teachers

  24. 经济增长方式与继续教育工程

    Economic Growth Mode and Continuous Education Project

  25. 推进首都职工素质教育工程长效机制的建设

    Promoting the Lasting Effect System of Quality-oriented Education Project of Capital Workers and Staff Members

  26. 素质教育工程通用能力培训实施状况的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration of the Implementation of Training on Common Ability of Quality-oriented Education Project

  27. 高校文化素质教育工程十年建设回顾

    Reviewing the Construction of the Project of Cultural Quality Education in the Universities for Ten Years

  28. 对首都职工素质教育工程通用能力培训的思考

    Consideration of Training on Common Ability of Quality-oriented Education Project of Capital Workers and Staff Members

  29. 首都职工素质教育工程开创职工教育新模式

    Quality-oriented Education Project of Capital Workers and Staff Members Creates the New Mode of Training to Workers

  30. 现代远程教育工程的各试点院校纷纷开展网上教学,网上教学实践得到了飞速的发展。

    The colleges of experimental unit in Poject of Modern Distance Education develop the online instruction one aft.